Dungeon Chapter 45 - To Obtain Sunlight

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...the steep path to the surface. The building trembled. Cries bounded off the walls. Clattering of chains, blades, and armor came like the steady beating of a war drum.

In the midst of all this noise in the once silent halls continued the steady flight of the mounted riders. Iron shod hooves clambered with increasing difficulty up the sloop. Epona heaved to keep up the pace as she carried two riders. Link did his best to keep the attacks from reaching her, wishing he could reward the horse better from her hard dash.

Only two wide circles around the prison remained until they returned to the ground level of the prison. Oddly enough though, Link couldn't see any light coming into the building. Surely it wasn't night time. They had been in here for so long, it had to be at least daytime again. Perhaps though that was Link's desire to see the sun more than anything else.

The answer to the darkness came moments later. A deafening thunder clap rung the building like a bell. Stone trembled and fell in waves of sand and grit. Rain could be heard pounding outside the building. Zeal's storm had arrived.

"The monster is trying to block out the sun so we can't purge the place!" Parijan called above the clamor.

Link raised his ocarina back to his lips, hoping that another blast of the Sun Song might helped them. Endeavor called back to him, "There is no use. Zeal's magic is stronger and deeper over this place while it is held by darkness. We must gain the upper level if we wish to stop the storm."

Dabir bellowed to Alex as the spirit hovered beside them. "Alex! Activate the sentries for me!"

The ghost nodded before vanishing off into the distance. Link tugged another mask off as he asked, "What are the sentries?"

"They're golems set up around the temple to defend it," Dabir answered. "Normally, only one needs to be used and a spirit can possess it, but at a time like this, I think we could use a little more help."

"Those statues are older than Hyrule!" Endeavor shouted. "There is no guarantee they will answer to you after so long."

Dabir didn't respond and Link felt a little nervous about the silence. These golems had been deactivated for centuries, and by the way Endeavor put it, they might be able to think to some capacity on their own. Depending on how this turned out, the riders may have an even larger army chasing after them than before.

The building shuddered again from a thunder clap, and then shook from within the walls. Dust and sand fell loose from its ancient resting places. There was a surge of glow and Link felt a buzz in the air as something mechanical hummed to life.

Alex hovered back up to them looking pleased with herself. "They're awake!"

Dabir nodded his thanks, though the anxious feeling still lingered over them as their waited to see the status of the sentries. A massive, brightly painted robot hovered up on the slope beside them. Blue electric energy suspended the massive gloves beside its body up. It watched them for a moment, before swinging around and hitting a wave of nearing wizzrobes.

A breathe was released collectively. Many more of the large robots hovered up, communicating between each other and taking out the core of the army pursuing them. The others helped the best they could, though their efforts seemed minuscule next to their stone guardians.

Their progress was allowed to slow. Epona's sides didn't heave as hard with the two riders and pace. Soon the golems had blocked off the road and area around the riders, creating a shield around the riders.

With the pressure of the chase gone, they slowed and dismounted again. Link kept a stream of water coming from the Sage's Rod, cooling off the horses as best they could. They walked the rest of the way, feeling heavily saddle sore.

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