chapter four

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We all walked down the hall in a group. Rebecca and Eli holding hands while Zane made gagging noises like the child he was. Juan and Cole linked their arms through mine as if they were escorting me to my locker. Our other friends Evan and Kelly appeared laughing and joining in on the chaos linking the arms with Zane. I would miss this when we graduated in two months. Would we all still find time to hang out? Would I still be close enough to come home on the weekends from college? I just got my acceptance letters from three different colleges but hadn't made my final decision yet. One was the local community college an hour away, my dad had taught class there amongst his other jobs, the second was the University of Arkansas, and the third was Tulane in New Orleans. I could go an hour away or I could go ten hours away depending on what I wanted. I had also got accepted into Liberty University and St. Louis School of Pharmacy after they sent me request to apply but nether of them had been on my lists. Who knew picking where to go to college could be so stressful. For now I just wanted to focus on spending time with my friends and living out these last couple of months doing Senior Night and Prom then worrying about Class Day and Graduation in May.

"Why do you look so stressed BG?" Cole asked as our party stopped its walk of chaos and everyone split off into their classes for the period.

"It's nothing," I smiled looking up at him.

"Liar," he said putting his arm around me and giving me a hug.

I inhaled his scent of CJ Black cologne from Rue 21 with a touch of pot smoke laced in. It was so funny when I found out he smoked. After meeting him for the first time and noticing his, what I called at the time, stoner outfit with the DC shoes, baggy pants and Outlast shirt, I asked Zane about him. Zane said they smoked occasionally on the weekends but not a lot and never in public. I asked what it was like and Zane laughed at me and said I would be too stuck up to even try. Try me I told him but even now four years later, I hadn't tried it. Maybe I'll try it in college this fall. 

"Thanks," I said giving Cole my best smile and taking my bag from him.

"Anytime loser," he smiled leaning down and brushing his lips against the top of my nose. Then turning before I could say or do anything and walking off to his class, still no books in his hands.

"We need all senior basketball players and cheerleaders to the gym please," the school secretary came over the loud speaker, "and all band members to the band room,"

Great it's time for the pep rally and to reveal that I'm the mascot. Another bittersweet memory to add to the books.

"Let's go Grayson!" Hadley, my cousin and the point guard for the basketball team grabbed my arm dragging me into the chain of ball players going down the hall.

She didn't know I was the mascot but I was still an honorary member of the basketball team nonetheless so away I went to the gymnasium with the girls I had played ball with since seventh grade. They all went into the locker room to change into their uniforms as I ran to the cheer room to grab my mascot uniform and bring it back to change. It was the last time so I figured I could let them know. As I walked in and sat the mascot head down on the bench my team looked at me and we all shared a good laugh.

"I should've known!" Hadley exclaimed, "After seeing the mascot mocking that stupid football coach last season and then our coach at the homecoming game. There's only one person who could get away with that B.S. Grayson!"

"Guilty as charged," I smiled as I pulled the giant onesie on over my track shorts and tank top, "Could you zip me?"

"How many people actually know?" Hadley asked, zipping the fuzzy monstrosity.

"My sister and Zane," I said tying my converse, "and Cole"

"Ole Cole," Hadley smiled like she knew something.

"What?" I questioned her.

"Oh nothing. I've always liked Cole," she said smiling at me with that 'I know something' grin on her face.

"Hadley-" I was cut off by coach walking in to give us a speech on how much he would miss us and how great this year has been.

After coaches speech we heard the loud roar of every student on cumulus piling into the gym. It was almost time to finally let everyone know who has been hiding, more like suffocating, under this mascot head. We all lined up at the door one hand on the girl infront of your shoulder and waited to hear the music play as we ran out to face the sea of students one last time.

"Here they are! Your 2015 senior basketball players and cheerleaders! Oh and mascot!" Mrs. Vahn the geometry teacher who doubled as the senior night and homecoming coordinator as well as the volleyball coach announced.

I couldn't see much out of my mascot head but I was thankful it dulled some of the noise from the roaring students. We all lined up shoulder to shoulder down the middle of the court with me in the middle and waved to our chaotic fans that were packed in the crowd like sardines. Tonight at the game Senior Night would be done formally with our parents as escorts but for now it was all about getting everyone excited to come out and support the game. Getting everyone pumped up just happened to be my specialty as the mascot and we had a plan to do just that.

"Who's ready for a dunk contest!" I heard coach ask as the basketball players lined up at half court and made failed attempts at dunking the ball.

I did what I did best and ran beside each one, falling on the floor in dispair at the close dunks and chest bumping with the few who did make it. Then after the last one made it and we chest bumped at half court I seen them put the little trampoline out cuing me that it was my turn. Danny, a senior on the guys team, threw me a ball and laughed as I took off for the goal, hitting the trampoline and dunking the ball for an amazing yearbook picture. I dropped down for the net as the teams surround me and the students went wild. It was time. I took the head off finally revealing the identity of the mascot and everyone went ballistic. I could only focus on one face in the sea of people tho. The face with my favorite green eyes, Cole

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