chapter forty-one

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Cole's POV

Upon pulling up to the jail Kurt jumped out and got Atlas from the back as I came around the car to follow them inside. It had started to rain on our way over setting the omniscient tone for the  day. I noticed Kacen talking to one of the cops at the desk as we walked in the big glass doors. The guy Kacen was talking with turned red as Kacen laughed almost like they were flirting.

"Where's Brooke Kace?" Kurt asked his son.

"She said she needed to talk to Sheriff Justin," Zane said coming around the corner with Eli as Kacen shrugged, "we were going with her but she said it was private."

"Why would she want-" Kurt's words trailed off as some sort of realization came to him, "I'm going to talk to Justin. Y'all boys just wait here."

"That was weird," Zane said as we watched Kurt and Atlas disappear around the corner, "anyways how was jail? Cold and lonesome like Brooke was worried about or did someone make you their bitch."

"Kurt actually took me to his house last night," I laughed with them.

"Oh so you're the dog cops bitch now," Eli said making everyone including, Kacen and the other cop, burst out in laughter.

"No actually he's my bitch," Kacen said walking over and putting his arm around my shoulders, "he's even in my pants right now."

"Man does Brooke know you've switched teams!" Zane joked.

"Yeah man, I mean Kacen here, is her cousin after all," I retorted, putting my arm around Kacens waist, "gotta keep it in the family!"

Zane and Eli busted out laughing at my remark as the phone at the cops desk began to ring and he answered it. After the boys were done laughing they shook hands and introduced themselves. I wondered about telling them about Sammy last night but decided I would keep that to myself for now. The cop at the desk hung up the phone and looked at all of us.

"Kace," he said in a stern voice, "your dad would like you to bring Cole to Justin's office."

"Okay" Kacen said looking puzzled as we started walking the same way we had watched Kurt go, "I'm ready for all of this to be done and I'm sure you are too."

"It just happened last night," I said confused.

"She didn't tell you?" He asked, looking puzzled while we walked down the silent hallway passing what I assumed were interrogation rooms.

"About Riley being Henley and all that sick bastard did," I said dryly trying to remind myself to stay calm, "she told me last night before Sammy destroyed her car."

"I'm glad she's moving this fall," he said as we got to Justin's office, "she could use a fresh start away from here. Hell y'all finally getting together is about the only good thing that's happened to her in the last two years."

"Thanks man," I said as Kurt opened the door and ushered us in then stood against it blocking the exit.

"Okay so before y'all got here," Justin began to say as Kurt glared at him, "Brooke asked to have a private talk with Henley-"

"And you let her?" I said slightly raising my voice before getting my anger in check, "I mean why would you allow that?"

"She was adamant she needed to speak with him," he said standing up from his chair, "they are in a recorded room and I have been watching and listening ready to send someone in immediately at any sign of distress."

"You don't know half of what he's done to her," this time it was Kacen who was losing his cool, "and you're just letting them be alone? Like he didn't try to do it all again last night?"

"Again?" Justin said looking at Kacen confused, "what do you mean again?"

The room was so silent the clock ticking on the wall sounded like a giant stepping across a hardwood floor as we all exchanged glances and glares. Kurt nodded at Kacen and I giving the approval to tell Justin the shitty truth about Henley just as he turned the volume back on to the room they were in.

Ah yes the bet, Brookes voice filled the room, tell me Henley, what did you get out of the bet again?

I got to fuck the virgin and $500, Henleys voice came across the speaker before he got so quite we could barely hear him finish saying, taking you was worth more than the cash tho. To hear you beg me to stop yet feel so wet and inviting. I couldn't stop and you knew it. Just like you know now.

I turned quickly and headed to bolt out the door. I didn't care if Kurt was blocking the door I needed to get to her now. What was he talking about, some sick bet he won? And how did he prove he won it? Kurt grabbed my shoulders and I tried to get past him and pushed me back towards a chair.

"Sit down son," he said in the stern father like tone he used with Brooke when she got upset, "as much as I don't like it we both know Brooke wouldn't have went in there without a plan."

I knew what he was saying was the truth. No matter how much I wanted to stand up and push him out of my way I knew I wouldn't. Kurt's hands relaxed against my shoulders but didn't move as Justin turned the computer monitor so we could all see what was happening in the small room. I lurched forward making Kurt clamp back down on my shoulders when I caught sight of the screen. Brooke was against a wall with Henley standing over her, his face was against her neck and she had a scowl on her beautiful face as he moved his hand up her waist.

"Fucking stop him!" I all but yelled looking at Justin who looked worried I may actually come out of Kurt's steel grip and hit him.

"I can't," he said positioning himself so the desk was between us like it would offer some protection, "I gave her my word I wouldn't interfere unless she gave a signal or got violent."

"I can't watch this," I said letting my face fall into my hands as I propped my elbows on my knees, "I need to get her away from that narcissistic bastard."

"You know that would puss her off," Kacen said trying to reason with me, "we just have to trust her and wait. She can handle herself."

"And the second she needs us," Kurt said still behind me, "we will bust in there and drop him."

"Fine," I said defeated, "but if any of this goes sideways I will kill him."

"Not if I get to him first," Kacen smirked as Justin turned the volume back up so we could hear them talking again as we all stared at the screen in silence.

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