chapter fifty-two

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Brooke's POV

I wanted to be mad at Cole so bad for ignoring me but the moment I caught him staring at me across the cafeteria while I waited with Zane and Eli washed all the anger away. His mouth was literally hanging open when I met his stare before Rebecca closed it making me laugh at him. Since she wasn't beating him with a cafeteria tray I assumed he had a good reason for not being here this morning. As we joined them at the table I asked Cole where he was and he told us about his shitty morning. I was about to tell him karma was a bitch when he pulled out a box of donuts for me.

"Ooo donuts!" I exclaimed, forgetting I was supposed to be slightly upset with his still unknown silence from yesterday. As I opened the box I noticed he had written something on the inside of the lid, "aw Cole!"

"Well?" he asked, looking at me with hope in his eyes as I tried to look like I may say no.

"What is it?" Zane said, spinning the box around to face him so he could read it, "Donut let me down. Go to prom with me? What is this mushy shit Matthews!"

"Shut up asshole," Rebecca said, slapping Zane across Eli who was smiling but knew better than to laugh in fear of his girlfriend, "Well Brooke answer the poor guy, jeez."

"I guess I could," I said laughing as relief flashed across Cole's face like he seriously thought I would tell him no before laughing as I snatched the box back from Zane, "give me my donuts back Zane."

"Come on Brooke," Zane said, giving me his best puppy dog face, "I don't have a prom date can I atleast have a donut?"

"Fine," I laughed taking a donut then sliding them to the middle of the table for everyone, "don't think you're skipping prom tho. You're going even if we have to walk as a trio."

"The best part of prom is a threesome," Zane winked at me making Cole choke on his donut, "ever been to Paris Brooke?"

"No I haven't," I laughed. Knowing this had to be some sex thing to make Cole uncomfortable, I leaned forward resting my chin on my hand, "please tell me more."

"Well it's when two guys-," Zane started to say before Cole covered my ears, little did he know I could read lips and I now knew all I needed to know about Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

"That's disgusting Zane," I heard Rebecca say as Cole finally moved his hands, "besides I'm sure you can find a date by then."

"Eh I'll probably just walk with my girl and her loser boyfriend," Zane laughed as Cole launched a napkin at him, "Brooke will always be my girl first Matthews, don't ever forget that."

"Like you'd ever let me forget," Cole said rolling his eyes and wrapping his arm around me, "luckily tho she only kisses me now. Speaking of girls who kiss you , has anyone seen Maci?"

"Not since Brooke burned her at the stake," Eli said with a laugh, "that was fucking brutal."

"It's not my fault she chose the wrong time to fuck around," I said shrugging my shoulders as the bell rang and we all got up to head to class and Cole grabbed my bag.

"The whipped pack mule returns!" Zane exclaimed before running ahead out of Cole's reach.

"I will not miss carrying this heavy thing around campus," Cole laughed as he held the door for me and I walked under his arm, "I will miss staring at that ass at lunch tho."

"I'm sure you'll see plenty of it," I winked at him as he took my hand, "that is if you're planning to go?"

"About that," he said looking down at me and biting his lip, "we should talk after school."

"Oh," I sighed, dropping my gaze to the floor where my heart had just landed with my stomach, "okay."

"It's not what you're thinking BG," he said tilting my chin up and kissing me, "I love you and I'll see you after school."

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