chapter twenty-one

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Without waiting to hear what Thea had to say I attempted to head inside to my and Cole's room but my legs felt like they weren't my own as I giggled pushing myself off the car for the second time. Cole laughed as he picked me up and I wrapped myself around him like a koala nuzzling into his neck leaving a trail of tiny kisses from his ear to his collarbone and back up.

"Keep doing that Brooke and we're going to take over Zane's room for the night," He whispered in my ear, "then you won't get to play truth or dare."

"But I want to play," I whimpered, this time gently biting right below his ear making him draw in a sharp breath.

"Brooke." He warned again, tensing as I wrapped my fingers in his curls and brought my mouth to his. Luckily it was just us in the elevator.

"Yes baby," I giggled against his warm lips as he let me slide down enough that I could feel him between my legs.

"You have to stop or I'm not going to," he tried to sound serious but I could hear the want in his voice.

"Who said I want you to stop," I smiled at him then bit my lip as I moved one hand slowly down his chest resting it right at the top of his pants where our bodies met, "I want you."

"I want you too," he smiled at me opening the door to our room and sitting on the bed with me still in his lap, "but not until you're sober and can say that."

Just when I thought he couldn't get any more attractive he said something like that. He wanted me but he also respected me enough to wait until I could make the decision soberly. I knew I would still want him when I was sober. I've always wanted him. Since the first time I looked in his emerald eyes he took a part of me, whether he knew it or not, I became his years ago.

"Brooke?" Cole's concerned voice broke my thoughts and brought me back to the now green eyed man from the green eyed boy in my memory, "are you okay? I know sometimes getting high can make you uh feel more."

"I'm good," I giggled, kissed his nose and rolled on to the bed beside him, "thank you for carrying me. My legs felt so weird."

"I figured that would happen," he laughed, laying back on his side facing me and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "you had alot for it to be your first time smoking but you took it better than most people do."

"Fuck yeah she did!" Zane said as he popped a bag of popcorn in our microwave, gaining him a finger from Cole who sat up beside me, "rude man you knew we were coming in this time."

"And we have a game to play," Rebecca laughed, appearing with a bottle of water for me, "drink this before they break out the Jack."

"Thanks," I smiled at her, not realizing how dry my mouth was, "why is my mouth so dry?"

"That would be the weed my new delinquent friend," Eli laughed plopping down beside Cole with a bag of cheddar Lay's chips and Chips Ahoy! Cookies he layed on my stomach, "also here's the cookies I promised."

"Fucking cookies!," I yelled sitting up, "And they're the chewy kind!"

"Yeah Cole was strict on getting the chewy ones for you," Zane said with an eye roll, "Pussy whipped."

"Can you be pussy whipped if you haven't gotten any pussy?" Eli asked, earning him a warning glare from Rebecca, "I mean they haven't done it so can he?"

"Call it what you will, assholes," Cole laughed and pointed at Zane, "you're just jealous."

"Nah man," Zane waived his hand at him, "she's a little too pure for me. She may be hot and a tease from hell but I don't do virgins."

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