chapter forty

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Brooke's POV

"I don't know what you're thinking," Kacen said as we headed to the police station, "but you're worrying me a bit."

"I'm thinking I need to talk to Henley alone," I said watching Kacen face as he raised a shocked eyebrow, "first I need to get something out of Cole's car tho."

"So you need me to run a distraction or?" Kacen laughed always ready to back up my antics, "I can fake a good heart attack or flirt with the guard Alex."

"Alex is cute," I laughed noticing how Kacen smirked when I said his name, "wait is that who you've been talking to!"

"Maybe," Kace blushed reaching to turn up the radio as I laughed and turned to look out the window.

The sunrise this morning had now been covered up by clouds as it began to rain turning the already depressing unknown into a dreary daydream. Rain either brought with it a cleansing for a fresh start or the dismal prelude to darkness. I knew what I had to do to try and save Cole. He was my breath of fresh air, my reason to breathe but I still had the hand of fear wrapped around my throat pulling my back down. Whether I liked it or not it was time to face my demons head on.

"So what's the plan?" Kacen asked untrusting my thoughts.

"Let's go see your boo thing," I teased getting out of his car and making a dash to the door through the rain with Kace on my heels.

"He's so hot in uniform," Kacen said spotting Alex through the door before opening it and ushering me in.

"Hey Kacen!" Alex greeted him as we walked to his desk, "you must be Brooke."

"That would be me," I smiled shaking his hand, "I was actually wondering if I would be able to get something out of a car y'all have impounded?"

"And what would you need to be getting?" Alex asked raising his eyebrow. I usually had no problem getting what I wanted from guys with just a smile but being he had an obvious thing for my cousin was making this difficult.

"My school work for class later this afternoon," I lied hoping Coke had a notebook in the car I could pass off as my own, "I really don't want to fail."

"Hmmm and who's the owner of this car?" He asked looking at me with his eyebrow still raised in a perfect arch, "is it your boyfriend Coles car?"

"Yes," I smiled at him and Kacen laughed, "please Alex?"

"It's not even locked up," he laughed point to the front lot we had come from, "Drew drove it in last night and parked it out front. Do you have a key?"

"Yes actually I do," I said pulling my keys out and finding the one for the Nissian, "thank you!"

"Don't thank me I didn't do shit," Alex laughed turning his attention to Kacen.

I headed back outside where the rain had slacked up to a light drizzle and searched the parking lot for Cole's car. Finding it parked against the impound fence I headed over and opened the drivers door with my key. Juan didn't have long to put anything in here so I started by searching the door pocket then the center console before I thought to look up at the visor. Tucked in the CD holder was a small SD card out of a camera. I took my bag off my shoulder and pulled out my camera popping in the small card and hitting play on the video. You're going to take this like the dirty slut you are, Henleys words rushed out of the small camera speaker making my blood boil. Sammy wasn't lying. The whole thing had been recorded and now I could use it against him. His ego had finally caught up to him. He tore away a part of me and it was finally my turn to light the match and watch his world burn.

"Brooke?" I heard Zane call out as I looked up to see him and Eli getting out of his truck.

"Hey guys," I said putting the SD card in it case then in my bra for safe keeping, "did you call the lawyer?"

"Of course I did!" Zane said pulling me into a hug, "gotta make sure my boy is represented by the best!"

"Thank you," I smiled at him, "hopefully this all goes away today before it gets much worse."

"What do you mean?" Eli asked as I closed the car door and we headed into the station again

"I'll tell you later," I said as I walked through the door and turned the corner to go to Sheriff Justin's office, "I'll catch back up with y'all in a few."

"Come in Brooke," Justin said when I knocked on his open door, "what can I do for you?"

"I need to speak to Henley Stanton please," I said as Justin looked at me concerned, "in private."

"After what he did last night," Justin said looking at me confused now, "you want to talk to him alone?"

"Yes sir if you'll let me," I said holding my breath.

"Okay fine but," he paused mid sentence standing up and grabbing his keys, "whatever he says I can't hold against him."

"I doubt he will be saying much," I said sourly following him to an interrogation room.

"Wait in here and I'll bring him down," he said leaving then returning with Henley in cuffs and an orange jumpsuit, "cuffs off or on?"

"Off," I said as Henley realized who was waiting for him in the room, "hello Henley."

"Couldn't stay away could you sweetcheeks," Henley said as Justin undid his cuffs and pushed him down into the seat across the table from mine.

"Touch her again," Justin warned him, "and she will probably beat your ass."

"Go away pig," Henley said earning him a glare from Justin, "my favorite little slut and I need some alone time."

"Thank you Justin," I said as he walked out closing the door behind him, "we're gonna have a nice little chat Henley. You're going to sit there and listen because I'm only going to make my offer once."

"Blah blah blah Brookey," Henley said leaning across the table that was separating us, "why don't you stop talking and come kiss me like you really want to."

"I don't want to touch you Henley," I said coldly leaning forward to the edge of the table and meeting his eyes with a glare, "what the actual fuck makes you think I would want to kiss you?"

"You use to love to kiss me," he smirked reaching out to touch my face, "use to beg me with those pouty lips of yours and those bedroom eyes. What happened to you Brookey bear?"

"You know exactly what happened," I hissed at him standing up from the table to stand against the wall with my arms crossed away from him.

"I gave you what you wanted," he said getting up to come stand in front of me with one arm resting over my head, "you just kept teasing me until I finally took what was mine."

"Except it wasn't yours to take," I said as he leaned his face closer to mine.

"I take what I want," he growled inches from my face, "I could take you right now and no one would know or give a fuck."

"That's what you thought that night too," I said emotionless, "that no one would know except you and Sammy of course."

"Sammy doesn't know shit," he smirked his hot breath hitting my neck, "whatever bullshit he may have told you was a lie."

"You only wish that was true," I said as he reached up to touch my arm but suddenly stopped.

"What did he say?" He growled his cocky demeanor deteriorating.

"More like what did he show me," I said reaching my hand up and patting his face, "someone's ego got too big and they just had to have it all on camera."

"That was supposed to have been destroyed," he said glaring at me, "you're lying. It was erased after I showed them I won the bet."

"Ah yes the bet," I said trying to stay calm as I moved my hand to his chest, "tell me Henley, what did you get out of the bet again?"

"I got to fuck the virgin and $500," he gloated resting his free hand on my waist and moving close to whisper in my ear, "taking you was worth more than the cash tho. To hear you beg me to stop yet feel so wet and inviting. I couldn't stop and you knew it. Just like you know now."

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