chapter thirty-two

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Brooke's POV

You have to promise to go with Zane. Cole had said before he kissed me. His kiss was sweet and slow but it was tainted with sadness. He kissed me like this may be the last time. Like he was going away from me. I hadn't even had him a week and he was leaving. If I would have just gone to Zane's none of this would have happened. I would be cuddled up in the guest room with Cole listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair falling asleep not here feeling him slip away. He broke our kiss and looked into my eyes one last time as he held me close to his chest where I could hear his heartbeat as it sped up with the approach of Kurt and Justin.

"Mr. Matthews," Justin started to speak as Kurt looked at me with concerned eyes, "you will have to come with us tonight. We will be contacting your parents and in the morning the district attorney will be speaking with you."

I felt the tears begin to escape my eyes as Cole looked down at me and kissed my forehead before going to place his hands on the hood of Justin's SUV. I felt Zane reach out and take my wrist gently tugging me back like I may try to jump on Justin as he began to read Cole his rights as Kurt patted him down emptying his pockets.

"It's going to be okay Brooke," Zane said quietly turning me to face him as he wiped the tears off my cheeks, "Cole's a big boy and I'll have the best attorney waiting outside that jail before sun up I promise."

"Okay," I gave him my best fake smile, "did they arrest Henley too?"

"Looks like they might be," Eli said looking in the direction of where I had last seen the guys with the other two cops, "I mean he's not in cuffs yet but they're talking to him about something."

"Hey Justin," I said turning quickly to face Justin who had just sat Cole in the back of his car, "are you arresting Henley?"

"I was actually coming to talk to you about that," he replied walking back to where I stood in front of Zane, "do you want to formally press charges on Henley? I'm not sure it will go anywhere because its your word against theirs but I will take him in if you want to press them. I have to take Cole because he did start the altercation between the two of them."

"Wait so Cole shows up and saves his girlfriend from that narcissistic asshat-" Zane started to go off but I cut him off.

"He held my arms so I couldn't move while he bit my neck and rubbed himself against me and you want to say it's going to be my word against his? He physically assaulted me in the middle of a parking lot while I was simply trying to go into a store," I could feel my temper flaring as my voice got higher and I took off Kurt's jacket to show Henley's hand prints on my arms, "that bastard would have forced me into his truck had Cole not shown up. All three of them were saying terrible things and the most you can give me is maybe something could possibly be done. Look at my arms! Does this look like proof enough for you? Is his handprints pressed into my skin not enough for you? Are these bite marks not enough proof of what he did?"

"That's not what I'm trying to say Brooke," Justin began to say as the realization hit me. That fucking bastard.

"What did he say I came on to them? That I wanted him to hold me and mark me? That I was dressed like I wanted his hands on me and his thing rubbed against me?" I yelled, not caring that anyone could hear me at this point. I felt Zane reach out to me but I brushed his hand off closing the small space that was left between myself and Justin almost getting in his face, "you know damn well what he did was wrong. I don't give a fuck what lie they are trying to spin you go arrest that piece of shit right fucking now Justin. I want him under your gotdamn jail tonight."

"Kurt please go place Mr. Stanton under arrest for sexual assault, battery and harassment," Justin said to Kurt who looked proud that I had stood up for myself.

"Yessir," Kurt said as he turned to do his job. I hoped he put those cuffs on extra tight.

"As for the three of you," Justin looked at us, "I need you to be at the jail at 8 in the morning to provide written statements then you will be free to go to school. If you plan to get an attorney for Mr. Matthews and they can be there as well, that would be what is best. Brooke I will need to take pictures of your marks right away to use as evidence-"

"That whore said what!" Henley yelled at Kurt, interrupting Justin, "she's just a desperate slut. Look at how she's dressed! She wanted me to fuck her! Brooke you fucking cunt, I'll get you for this little stunt stupid bitch."

"Stop resisting me," I heard Kurt say as Henley thrashed around while he was yelling, "I will tase you if you don't put your hands behind your back right now."

"Fuck you pig!" Henley yelled as he tried to headbutt Kurt who immediately twisted his arm and forced him down onto the grass as the other two officers ran to assist him.

"As I was saying I'm going to take pictures of all your marks okay?" Justin said going to his front seat and pulling out a camera, "then I want the three of you to get out of here before I release the other two."

"Sir what are you doing with Cole's car?" Zane asked as Justin snapped pictures of my arms and neck where the bite marks were.

"It will be towed down to the jail and processed as will Mr. Stanton's truck," Justin answered as he finished taking pictures and measuring everything, "Is there anything in the car you boys may need to get since you rode here with him?"

"I left my phone," Eli said immediately.

"Let's go get it then," Justin said as he escorted us to Cole's Pathfinder, "could there possibly be anything in this vehicle that is incriminating in any way to any of your knowledge?"

"No sir," Zane answered, "Cole is a great guy and doesn't cause any problems."

"Okay then grab your things and be on your way," Justin said as Eli grabbed his phone and cigarette case out of the backseat, " I will see you all in the morning."

We all headed to my car as I slid into the driver's seat to head to Zane's house for the night. I knew I probably wouldn't be sleeping tonight knowing Cole would be spending the night in a cold jail cell. I wish I would have told him 'I love you' when we were on the phone but I had wanted to wait until I could see his face. His beautiful face that now had a bruise from the same hands that were on my arms. Henley Stanton was not going to be getting off easy this time.

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