chapter forty-eight

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Cole's POV

"Well that was an interesting turn of events," Eli said, finishing his beer and adding it to the growing tower between him and Zane.

"Not gonna lie I almost felt bad for Juan for like half a second," Zane said, lighting a joint to pass around the circle, "but then I remembered he's a back stabbing little bitch who still needs his ass beat."

"I second that," Eli said as Rebecca blew smoke in his face, "but there is something more important for tonight. Cole is finally amongst the adults!"

"Hell yeah!" Zane exclaimed and threw a beer to me as Rebecca passed the joint, "let's get this party started!"

"Eli if you will hand me that please," Brooke said as she stood up taking a megaphone Eli had under his chair, "attention all you free loading beer suckers! Now that everyone has a nice buzz going it is time for tonight's main events!"

Brooke smiled mischievously at me as everyone came outside and gathered around our group to hear what she had to say. Rebecca smirked as she stood beside her and Eli and Zane stood on either side of me. I had a feeling this was going to be worse than the pool noodle beating I had received this morning from my sisters. I noticed Evan and Kelly walking outside with a keg as Brooke was hoisted onto Kacen's shoulders, who had appeared out of nowhere, so she could talk to the crowd without the megaphone.

"Tonight is Cole Matthews' eighteenth birthday and we are here to get fucked up!" Brooke yelled gaining a 'hell yeah' from the crowd, "the birthday boy here holds the record for the longest keg stand but I'm sure many of you are willing to challenge that, so there will be a keg stand challenge happening! Evan has also suggested a body shots challenge on the deck and by the fence there will be a wet t-shirt contest!"

"Is the birthday boy judging the t-shirt contest?" a tall blonde asked as she winked at me.

"That's a great question! Raise your hand if you want to be a judge," Brooke laughed as every guy's hand went up as well as a few girls, "okay then! You tall guy with the beard, pretty girl with the purple hair, short dude with the plaid board shorts and Zane the host of this amazing party will be the judges with Cole being the tiebreaker judge! White t-shirts can be found on the judges table for those wanting to participate. Any other questions?"

"Will you be in the wet tshirt contest?" Beard guy asked Brooke as I shot him a glare.

"Maybe but for now let's drink!" she giggled checking to see if I was behind her before falling backwards off of Kacen's shoulders and into my arms where she wrapped her arms around me and pressed her mouth to mine before smiling at me, "hey loser, are you ready to lose your keg stand title?"

"I would gladly lose anything to you," I whispered in her ear before standing her on her feet.

"Anything you say?" she said, raising her eyebrow as she bit her plump lip and looked down at the zipper of my jeans, "I'll keep that in mind later."

"Anything baby," I laughed as she took my hand, "so are you going to be part of this t-shirt contest?"

"Only if you promise to warm me up after," she winked, pulling me to the deck for the body shots contest, "but first I have some body shot for you."

"Fuck yeah," I laughed as the thought of her in a soaking white shirt caused me to tug on the front of my jeans. She winked as she walked on the deck with some other girls leaving me with Eli, Zane and everyone else who was looking to take some shots before doing keg stands.

"Okay everyone here's how this is going to work," Rebecca said, taking charge of the contest, "there will be five rounds and the winner of each round will compete for the shots champion. The first one to finish all four shots off their girl without spilling wins their round! To keep things fair everyone will be drawing numbers out of this hat for which girl they will be assigned to so step up and grab a number as our girls get comfortable and ready!"

"I got number four," Zane said as I unfolded my number finding number four scrawled on it in Brooke's handwriting, " Fuck yeah man! I'll be seeing you in the finals!"

"Okay everyone before we get this started we will be blindfolding our girls to keep everything as fair as possible!" Rebecca said as she walked around and tied on blind folds before pouring shots into the glasses that were balanced in the girls mouth and boobs, on their belly and between their thighs, "first round is vodka, so if you like vodka step up and hand me your number."

Four guys including Evan stepped up and handed Rebecca numbers as she let them on the deck to go to the girls they would be taking shots off. Evan laughed as he walked to the fourth spot where Brooke was laying and said something about a slutty virgin making her shoot him a bird. I guess it was better him than some guy I didn't know but I still felt a flicker of resentment as Rebecca blew her whistle and he quickly downed all the shots off her beautiful curvy body to win his round. Eli went next, kissing Rebecca before going to stand in the number four spot. I'm sure she played a part in him getting that number so she didn't have to fight anyone. Zane was part of the third group, finishing all his shots before anyone else had cleared two, leaving me in the forth group to do the same. Brooke smiled around the shot glass in her mouth as I stepped up to her. I laughed at the thought of her knowing who I was without being able to see me. I stood waiting for the whistle as I took in her curves and lightly tanned skin before taking all the shots and quickly kissing her soft lips.

"Don't you know you're not supposed to kiss the shot girls," Zane joked as I joined them in the winners circle to wait on the last group to finish.

"Trust me she's fine with it," I laughed, shoving his shoulder as Kelly appeared.

"Dude, you didn't even give a brother a chance!" he said, slapping my shoulder.

"Sorry man," I shrugged as I noticed the expression on Zane's face shift as a different girl called the last group up since Rebecca had to run inside, I'm assuming to the bathroom, since she had been doing a shot for every round.

"What the fuck is he doing here," he growled as I turned around to see what was happening on the deck.

"Oh hell no," I said as we tried to push our way to the deck, not making it in time before the girl blew the whistle and everyone took their shots, "I'm going to kill him."

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