chapter thirty-seven

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Brooke's POV

The look on Cole's face after he realized Riley was Henley was terrifying. There was no doubt in my mind that if Henley wasn't locked in jail tonight Cole would already be on his way to kill him. Kurt had a similar look on his face when I had skipped school to tell him while nursing a hangover from hell. Kurt took me to have an exam done at a hospital two hours away so no one would find out unless I wanted to press charges. I went to file the charges but the district attorney at the time told me that it would ruin my reputation and cause a great deal of emotional stress on my family to air these accusations publicly so I chose not to file. I put as much space between Henley and myself as possible even though it meant quitting football. Kurt said I could change my mind if I ever felt I should but I had settled for putting it in my past; until tonight. Henley took so much from me and I'll be damned if I was going to let him take anything else.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I said looking at the stone sculpture that was Cole's face in this moment , "I wanted to but-"

"It's okay baby," He said as the stone cracked and he kissed my forehead, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. If I would have known.."

"If you would have known you would be in prison and I wouldn't know what it's truly like to be loved," I finished his sentence as I sat on my knees infront of him catching his eyes with mine.

"I love you, Brooke," he said holding my hands in his, "I promise I will be here for you."

"I love you too," I smiled at him then laughed as I added on, "Loser."

Cole gently pulled my face to his and lightly pressed his lips to mine with the sweetest kiss that made my heart race instantly. Too soon he pulled away and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest. I rested my forehead on his as I rested my arms on his broad shoulders and began to run my fingers through his curls. As he leaned back against the headboard half sitting with me on top of him.

"I still think you're a dangerous woman," he laughed as he rested his hands on my thighs and kissed my nose.

"And just what makes you think that?" I giggled as I swayed my hips. No matter how much I pushed his buttons I knew I was safe with him, he was not Henley.

"Oh I think you know exactly how," he sighed as he leaned his head back still drawing shapes on my thighs.

"And just how would that be Co-" I was cut off by Atlas' barking in the living room.

"I thought he was trained to not bark?" Cole said as I jumped off his lap and headed for the bedroom door.

"He is unless there's something wrong," I said, grabbing the door knob as Cole grabbed me and pulled me behind him.

"If his bark means trouble then maybe you shouldn't go running out the door half cocked ready to throw down without thinking about who or what may be there," Cole hissed in the dimly lit hallway as we made our way to the stairs in front of the door where Atlas was.

"Brooke? Cole?" I heard Kurt whisper from the living room across the hall from the door, "Have y'all been inside the whole time?"

"Yes," I said standing behind Cole as I reached down under the barstool and unstrapped the handgun that was hidden there.

"What the fuck?" Cole hissed as i quietly racked the gun and slipped around him as we heard glass shatter followed by a car alarm.

"I'm letting Atlas out," Kurt said as I turned to cover the back door while he opened the front letting Atlas shoot out like the skillfully trained police fur missile he was.

"I'm calling the police department," Kella said from the top of the stairs as I noticed Kacen with his AR poking between the banisters, no doubt scanning the yard.

Just then we heard a shriek as Atlas had found who he was looking for. Kurt took off with me on his heels as Kacen found his way down the stairs and Cole stayed with Kella watching the door.

"Get your fucking dog!" I heard a familiar voice yelling, "hes fucking biting me!"

"Let me see your hands!" Kurt yelled at the guy as we shined flashlights on him.

"Just get your fucking dog man!" the guy yelled again putting his face down and his hands on his head.

"Atlas sisto," Kurt said to Atlas and he released the guys leg and sat with his tongue hanging out of his mouth like he didn't just chase a grown man two blocks and scale a 6ft fence.

For the second time tonight I was surround by police cars as Kurt's old partner, before Atlas, Drew came over to arrest the guy on the ground. When he finally got to his feet I saw his face- it was Sammy.

"What the actual fuck Sammy?" I said out loud, my rage building, Eli was right I needed to find some outlet for my temper before I lose it.

"Henley made me!" Sammy shouted as we all looked at him confused, "fuck the miranda rights. Henley said I needed to intimidate you out of talking or he would take me down with him. I know what he has on me and I don't want to go to prison."

"Sammy stop talking," I growled at him, Henley was in enough trouble, there was no reason for Sammy to go with him.

"Can I talk with just her please?" Sammy asked Drew who looked at me. I nodded as Drew leaned him against the police car and walked over to talk to Kurt and give Atlas a pet.

"Talk," I hissed glaring at Sammy, "and don't think about running. I may have quit the team but I can still take you down."

"I know about everything," Sammy started spilling his guts in a rush of word vomit, "I know what Henley did to you. I know when it happened and where. I know its why you quit the team your junior year and why you went out of your way to avoid him like the plague."

"He bragged to you?" I growled at him balling my fists, "that mother fucker."

"No and yes," he said looking nervously down at him feet.

"Keep talking or I'm walking away," I threatened.

"I was there that night," he whispered looking up at me, "Henley had me record the whole thing."

"You fucking what!" I yelled as I slapped him in the face before I could stop myself.

"I deserved that," he said as Kurt came up behind me and held my arms down so I couldn't swing again, "I still have it but its a child pornography charge at this point. I don't want that on my record."

"Tell me where," I said as tears or rage stung my eyes, "I'm trying to help you. I won't ask again, Sammy."

"I don't have it," he said as he began to cry, "Juan was supposed to slip it into your boyfriend's car tonight after the fight when the cops showed up so when they searched his car and found it he would take the hit."

"Tell no one about it Sammy," I said in a low threatening tone, "forget it ever existed. YOu tell the cops what you will about Henley but nothing about the tape or I will make sure to ruin not only your reputation in this town but your chances of football after college as well. Do I make myself clear?"

Sammy nodded as Kurt let me back to the house with Atlas at my side. As we entered the driveway I seen what the sound of glass was. My back glass was busted all over the ground and my car had a new coat of bright pink spray paint underlined with key marks. Both of my mirrors were snapped off and 'slut' was painted across my hood.

"If I let you go are you going to hit anyone?" Kurt asked in a serious but light tone.

"No," I said taking a deep breath, "but I am going to make Henley regret what he did."

"That's my girl," Kurt laughed as he let me go and went to hug Kella who was giving a report to some cop whose name I forgot with Cole beside her. Tomorrow I would be facing Henley for the first time since it happened but this time I would have the upper hand. 

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