chapter fifty-seven

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Brooke's POV

"I swear I'm going to cut this mess off of you don't quit looking down at that phone," my aunt Rachel said yanking on my hair to make me look up so she could finishing pinning my curls, praying they wouldn't fall until after pictures, "that should just about do it."

"I love it!" I exclaimed, catching a quick glimpse before she spun me around to start in on my makeup, "thanks for always doing my hair and makeup Rach."

"You're lucky I love you," she smiled, opening her giant makeup case to find the perfect shade to match my sun kissed tan, "now who did you say this boy was you're going to prom with?"

"Well there's two," I laughed as she raised her eyebrow at me, "there's Zane, who you already know because he's been hanging around forever and mom doesn't stop talking about him. Then there's Cole Matthews who is my boyfriend."

"Since when are you old enough to date missy," she laughed, finally picking the perfect shade and starting in on my face, "this Cole wouldn't happen to be Paul and Tanya's boy would it?"

"I've never met his parents," I admitted sheepishly. Who dates someone without at least knowing their parents' names? Me I guess, "his middle name is Paul tho so I'm sure it probably is. Why?"

"Oh no reason," she said with a smile like she was remembering something, "I use to hang out with Paul before he met Tanya. He was very attractive back then."

"Ew Rach," I laughed, wrinkling my nose and earning me a thwack from the makeup brush, "are you telling me you had sex with my boyfriends dads?"

"No we never had sex," she said with a distasteful tone, "maybe some hot make out sessions but no sex. We were just young single friends."

"Mhmm," I said, raising my disapproving eyebrow this time, "I know what that means."

"Oh hush," she said, handing me my mascara and a small mirror. We had made an agreement many years and pageants ago that I get to do my own mascara and she does everything else since she is a beautician, "now go get your dress so we can get it on before your dates get here. Maybe since there's two of them you'll actually make it to prom this year."

"I told you I got food poisoning last year," I laughed as I left to go to my closet and get my dress thinking about last year's prom.


"I can't believe you lied to get us out of prom," Zane laughed as he took off his vest and began to unbutton his shirt, "I'm not mad tho. Looks like Cole got the party started."

"Yeah he got something started," I muttered unbuckling my heels and tossing them beside Zane's bed, "Maci is such a whore."

"Somebody is jealous," Zane teased in a sing-song tone, "you want to be the one in Cole's lap Brooke?"

"No," I lied struggling to reach the zipper on the back of my dress before Zane grabbed it from my fingers and unzipped it in a smooth motion, "thanks."

"If you don't want Cole then prove it," Zane taunted as he tossed his button down on the bed, "go kiss some guy tonight and make him jealous."

"You think that will make him jealous," I laughed turning to face Zane as I looked for a tshirt to throw on, "he doesn't like me like that but I may just make out with someone anyways."

"Oh yeah like who?" Zane asked as he took off his dress pants and tossed them on his pile of discarded clothes before grabbing a t-shirt off his desk chair, "you're too much of a chicken to make a move on anyone."

"What makes you so sure," I said as I moved closer to him, "I could make any move I wanted."

"I'll believe it when I-" he started to say before I dropped my dress and pushed my bare chest against his and brought his lips down to mine.

His hands dropped the t-shirt he was going to give me as he placed them on my hips moving them down until he grabbed my ass, exposed by the thong I had on. In one motion he picked me up and spun to pin me against the wall without breaking our kiss. He pressed against me as he ran his tongue against my bottom lip then began to hungrily kiss my neck. My hands found their way into his dark hair and pushed his face lower until he took my nipple in his warm mouth making a soft moan escape my lips. My eyes caught his as he smirked up at me before I felt his hand move from my hip to under my thigh finally resting against the thin fabric of my barely there underwear. I pulled his mouth back to mine, biting his lip when he slid his finger under my panties instantly finding my sweet spot. A soft moan escaped my lips as his tongue danced with mine in rhythm with his fingers moving in and out of me getting me closer and closer to the euphoric release. My legs tightened around him as he brought me to my climax and my acrylic nails dug into his shoulders making him groan against my teeth biting his bottom lip. Too soon a knock on the door broke us apart followed by a familiar voice.

"Hey man," Cole said from the other side of the unlocked door as Zane let me slide to the floor grabbing my dress and tossing it to me as I darted into his walk-in closet right before Cole turned to knob to walk in, "have you seen Brooke?"

"Yeah she was changing in the closet," I heard Zane say as I slung on a pair of my shorts I had left here and one of Zane's football shirts before running my fingers through my hair to calm it back into place.

"Are you at least half dressed?" I yelled through the door, waiting for a reply before turning the knob to walk out and pretend I had been waiting in the closet for Zane to change the whole time, "oh hey Cole!"

"Hey Loser," he smiled at me, completely oblivious to the fact his best friend just had me pinned to the wall he was leaning against, "Rebecca just got here and was looking for you."

"Oh shit! I have her change of clothes," I lied as I headed out the door leaving both of the guys there, "thanks Cole!"


I laughed at the memory wondering if Zane ever told Cole but knowing deep down it was still our dirty little secret. One of a few secrets I would be taking to the grave. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I grabbed my new prom dress in its bag and ran back to my bathroom where aunt Rachel was waiting. She hung up my dress and unzipped the bag as I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Zane.

Just picked up Cole. He's so fucking nervous to meet your mom, his message ended with a crying emoji face making me laugh at the thought of a nervous Cole. I told my aunt I had to grab my shoes as I ran back to my room to call Cole and send him a teasing picture to calm his nerves.

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