chapter forty-five

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Cole's POV

"Shh you'll wake him up," I heard my mom whisper as I was still laying in bed, "Ellie I swear.."

"You're gonna wake him talking so loud!" Ellie snapped back at her.

"Y'all both hush," my dad interjected, "now as soon as Lynne gets her ass in here we get him."

I had no idea what they were up to but it couldn't end well if both my parents were involved. Last year for Ellie's birthday I smashed a cupcake in her face because our dad dared me and on Lynn's birthday I packed her present with glitter confetti so I knew I had something coming this year. I could quit pretending to be asleep but that would ruin everyone's fun so I held as still as I could and waited.

"I'm here," Lynn said as I braced for revenge,  "this is going to be awesome!"

"Okay on three," mom started counting, "one, two, THREE!"

As she said, someone blew an air horn, making me jump face first into a pie bowl of whipped cream as everyone laughed and sprayed me with silly string.

"Y'all got me," I laughed with them wiping the whipped cream off my eyes so I could see, "but I think you missed a spot Ellie!"

"Cole no!" She screamed, turning to run from me as I reached out and smeared the whipped cream on her face.

"I gotcha sis," I laughed then turned to my mom, "Aw mom you wanna hug?"

"Colton Paul I swear," she laughed trying to back away as I reached out and pulled her into a hug getting the mess everywhere since she was obviously the mastermind.

"So besides making a mess," dad said looking at mom, "did you have anything else planned?"

"Of course! It's my baby boy's 18th birthday!" She said in her mushy mom tone, "he's all grown up!"

"He's not too old for birthday spanking!" Lynn giggled as I felt something hit me, "one!"

"Lynn cut it out," I laughed trying to avoid getting hit again and failing.

"Two! Three!," she yelled as Ellie joined in hitting me with another pool noodle, "Twelve! Fourteen!"

"Okay! Okay!" I laughed as they finished their assault, "So food?"

"Pizza?" Ellie looked at me.

"Is there any other option," I laughed, getting up to shower and get ready for the day as I searched for my phone.

Good morning :) Brooke had texted me early this morning replying to a message I don't remember sending.

I decided to call her before heading out with my family for birthday pizza but to my surprise she didn't answer. I was pretty sure she was car searching before coming to hang out at Zane's tonight for the bonfire. Originally we had planned the bonfire as a party for my and Brooke's birthdays but after everything that had happened this week we decided it would be nice to just chill and drink. I typed Brooke a quick message as I jumped in the shower before my dad called for us to get in the truck so we could leave. I couldn't wait to see her tonight.

Brooke's POV

Hey BG  I hope you're having a great day car shopping :) I can't wait to see you tonight at Zane's. I smiled as I read the text from Cole before shoving my phone into my pocket and hopping out of Rob's truck at the car dealership.

"Well," Rob said, coming to my side of the truck, "would you like to go run free while I find some salesman I may actually like?"

"Of course," I laughed, heading off towards the row of trucks on the opposite side of the lot from the cars as he went in search of some poor sales guy to eat for breakfast. Rob didn't play when it came to wheeling and dealing so I was happy when he had said he would be taking me car shopping.

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