chapter fifty

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Brooke's POV

We spent the rest of the night after the party cleaning up then everyone passed out in various spots around the living room and bedrooms. Evan and Kelly took up most of the sofa while Cole had passed out on the chair and Eli and Rebecca were in the guest room leaving Zane his room and me my own room. I wondered if it would be like this when we all moved in the fall, if we all moved that was. The next day brought more questions than answers when I woke up and found Cole had managed to slip his Pathfinder past my new Jeep and leave without waking anyone up. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I pulled it out hoping to see a text from Cole but only finding a cryptic message from my mom saying to get home and packed so we could be at the airport by five. I guess she had planned a trip since tomorrow was the start of spring break and forgot to tell me about it sooner. Either way I jumped in my Jeep and headed home ready to go wherever the wind took us this time.

Cole's POV

I felt like a jerk for blowing Brooke off while we were picking up last night but this entire week had just been one shit show after the next. In one week I had got the girl I had wanted, been arrested, almost went to jail, lost one of my best friends, not to mention the fact that the girl kept putting herself in less than desirable situations because of me. I needed a breather from everything to get my head straight and sort everything out. Luck was finally on my side for once when I woke up earlier than everyone else and was able to leave the house unnoticed. I was slowed down by the monstrous Jeep blocking me in but I had been in enough tight spots with the Pathfinder I was able to slip her out without too much of a fuss. I slid my phone out to text Brooke as I hit the highway toward my parents but it was dead and my charger was gone so she would have to wait. Tomorrow was the start of spring break which gave me almost a whole week to get away from this town and all of its drama and figure out what was next. I didn't have work until Thursday night so this town could stay in the rearview it was quickly disappearing into until then.

Brooke's POV

I got home and ran into my bathroom to shower before anyone caught the scent of the pot smoke that had settled into my clothes and hair. I had just stepped into the shower when I heard someone trying to pick the door lock and failing. I sighed as I jumped out and popped the lock then scrambled back into the shower before Shelby burst through the door and ripped the curtain open.

"Fuck!" I hissed as the cold air hit my exposed body, "what the hell Shelby?"

"Don't you what the hell Shelby me," she hissed as she pulled something up on her phone before shoving it in my face, "I didn't know you were a fucking MMA fighter!"

"I um," I stammered trying to find the words as I clearly saw myself on the screen getting tackled by Juan then I sent him flying over the railing, "in the words of Shaggy it wasn't me?"

"Bullshit," she glared at me the looked down at my side where a light bruise was forming where Juans shoulder had caught my ribs, "that'll be fun to explain to your mom. First the black eye last week and now the bruised side. What has got into you Brooke?"

"I don't know," I said as I gave up trying to make her go away and began to shampoo my hair, "one moment I'm hanging out with my friends and Cole and I are finally becoming something then my entire past shows up to bust down my door and one of my closest friends decided to turn on me when I need him the most. Honestly it's been a shit week and I'm glad we're going wherever so I can get a breather."

"We're going on a cruise to the Bahamas," she said, climbing up to sit on the sink, "me, you, mom and Rob are going. Kaylee is staying with your aunt since she is still on probation and they're going to the beach. Jasie is going to her moms and Kaitlyn's family is going to visit her grandma in Oklahoma. As for you and Cole, I'm sure it will be fine. Like has he said anything?"

"No," I sighed, finishing up my shower, "last night he said he was ready to get out of this town and away from all of this. So whatever that means."

"Sounds like he's ready to move to Fayetteville this fall ," she smiled and threw my towel at me as I stepped out of the shower, "are you still planning on Fay-town or are you coming to Tech?"

"Heck no Tech no," I laughed wrapping my towel around me and heading to my room to get dressed as I noticed my bag already packed on my bed, "damn Shelb are you ready to go too?"

"Everyone was gone so I figured I would pack you clothes that will actually look good on the beach," she laughed and swatted my hand as I tried to unzip the bag, "no ma'am you'll just have to trust me."

"Fine," I said knowing there was probably more scandalous clothing than appropriate clothing in the bag, "I'll get dressed then we can go to the airport I guess?"

"Yeah your mom sent you the tickets and she said she will meet us there," Shelby said as I threw on comfy clothes for flying and we grabbed our bags and headed out the door.

Cole's POV

Mom planned a surprise trip to the Bahamas! Just got my phone charged and got on a plane so I'll text when I can :) I read Brooke's message three times before it finally clicked in my brain she was not only going out of town but on her way out of the country for spring break.

"What's up son?" my dad asked, sitting at the table in his usual spot beside me at the head of the table, "you look like shit man."

"I feel like it too," I said as I finished rolling a joint and handed it to him to light. I didn't usually smoke apart from when I was drinking with Zane or the occasional one with dad but today I needed to chill while I figured out where I wanted to go.

"Problems with that girl?" he said flicking the lighter then passing it to me, "or problems with the mexican friend of yours? Jose or whatever?"

"A bit of both I guess," I said I I exhaled the smoke and watched it tumble toward the ceiling, "Brooke is amazing. She's smart and funny and a good person and even though she has money she isn't stuck up about it. She has been my best friend since ninth grade and knows more about me than I do sometimes."

"I feel a but coming," he said as I paused to take another hit.

"But I feel like I can't be what she needs in her future, ya know?" I explained, hoping saying it outloud may help my brain process everything better, "I don't think I can be the right guy for her. I love this girl. I would do anything for her but I don't know if I would be selfish to hold on to her when she has such big dreams. I don't want to hold her back."

"Well one things for sure, she does make you make some dumb as fuck calls.," he laughed, relighting the joint I forgot to pass back, "but she's good for you. Honestly son, without her I'm not sure you would have made it past tenth grade. You're smart and all if you apply yourself and she figured that out then held you to it. She's the yin to your yang somehow. Hell, I've never even met the girl and I already like her because she's got you thinking about the big life things, not wasting your time and bullshitting like your dumbfuck cousins. What I'm trying to say is don't be stupid and call it quits before you have the chance to see what you have."

"Thanks old man," I laughed, running my hand through my hair and grabbing my phone, keys and a duffle of clothes, "I'm going up to Fayetteville to pops house for the week and maybe do some apartment and job hunting for this Fall but I'll be back Thursday."

"I figured as much," he laughed as I turned to head out the door, "hey son. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks dad," I said, pulling the door closed as I headed to my car to see what future plans I could make for the girl that drove me crazy.

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