chapter twenty-seven

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As we pulled up I parked the car near the back so I could see into the employee parking and find Cole's Black Pathfinder. I smiled as I noticed him and Zane standing beside it illuminated by the glow coming off the pendulum lights that were strung from the side of the restaurant out over the closed outside dining area in front of my car. Shelby followed my gaze and smiled as she gathered everyone and they headed around the building disappearing inside the front door. The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering as I stepped out of my car and headed to where the boys were standing, carefully balancing myself on my heels in the loose gravel. As I walked closer to them, trying to stay in the shadows so Zane who was facing my directions wouldn't see me so I could surprise Cole, a familiar messy head of hair popped out of the Pathfinders backseat stopping me in my tracks. The girl with the sex hair was Maci Kurtheart, one of the biggest self-proclaimed whores in our entire town, who was adjusting her too short skirt and trying to put her fake boobs back into her push up bra. When she noticed me she reached out and grabbed Cole's crotch making him stumble back into his car as I felt my face turn bright red under my flawless makeup. I audibly gasped, causing Zane to look up and meet my eyes as I turned to walk away hearing Maci giggle.

"Brooke, wait," I heard Cole say as the gravel crunched with the sound of his footsteps coming toward me, "it's not what it looks like."

"Okay then explain," I snarled as I spun around to face him, refusing to cry and mess up all the work my sister had put into my face, "because it looks like you were busy getting off with Maci Kumwhore before I got here."

"I came out to my car to change for the night  and found Zane with Maci in my backseat," he said reaching out and taking my balled up fists in his hand unfolding them against his chest, "I would never do that to you Brooke. You mean too much to me to just throw it all away for some slut who doesn't know if she'd rather fuck girls or guys."

"Why is Zane fucking Maci? He was just with Mandi," I asked Cole still holding his eyes with my glare.

"I was just asking him that when Maci grabbed me," he shuttered at the thought of her grabbing him again, "I'm assuming it's because he's a man whore."

"That would be me," Zane staggered up behind Cole, resting his hand and head on Cole's shoulder, "Zane the man whore. Atleast that's what Mandi said today when I asked her if she wanted to go out with me. She said I was a man whore and we could be friends and have benefits but she couldn't date someone like me."

"Is he..?" I started to ask as Zane enveloped me in a sloppy hug that smelled of Jack Daniels.

"Very much so," Cole said, "his dad left me off early so I could take him home but before I could get off he was already fucking Maci in my back seat."

"Oh Zane," I said patting his head, "it's okay. Why don't you go home and get some sleep?"

"I don't wanna go home," Zane said sounding like a toddler, "I want to sleep here."

"Zane you only knew her for two days man," Cole said trying to comfort his friend, "you can still see her."

"What's the point?" He said still laying on me with his arms around my waist, "she's says I'm nothing but a whore so I don't have a shot with her. The only girl I considered dating shoots me down."

"Zane it's going to be okay," I say pushing him up to look at his face and giggle, I knew I seen him actually start to like her in the short amount of time they were together, "now you're ruining my dress."

"Fuck I'm sorry," he stood and fell back into Cole who caught him, "take me home man. Then get back here and hold onto this beautiful woman who has no fucking clue how amazing she really is."

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