chapter thirty-nine

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Cole's POV

I woke up to the sound of voices down the hall in the kitchen and the smell of bacon frying. I looked beside me hoping to see Brooke's beautiful face surrounded by her messy morning hair but all I found was an empty bed. Had I dreamed everything about last night? I rolled over , got up and grabbed my pants off the floor to put on when I noticed some black fabric in a heap on the floor. I picked them up before realizing they were Brooke's panties. A knock on the door startled me and I quickly shoved them into the back pocket of my jeans.

"Hey man," Kacen said as he came into the room holding clothes in his hands, "my mom thought you may want a change of clothes since yours are a bit bloody."

"I um," I laughed looking down at my jeans and the shirt in my hands both with streaks of reddish brown from the blood that gushed out of Henley's face and my knuckles, "that would be great."

"No problem," he laughed, sitting the pile of clothes on the bed, "I wasn't sure what you would like so I just grabbed some of everything."

"You're dad will get all this back to you when they arrest me right?" I asked not wanting any of his nice clothes to get lost.

"Don't worry about it," he laughed as he turned to walk out the door, "the bathroom is across the hall and dad made breakfast so get a move on."

"Okay Brooke," I mocked him for sounding like his cousin as he walked out of the room toward the kitchen flipping me a bird over his shoulder.

I went over to the pile of clothes that Kacen had left on the bed and began sorting through them. Luckily for me we were about the same size and build so it would all fit. I found dark wash jeans that were a little tight but not uncomfortable and a white t-shirt to wear under a black button down. I was heading to the bathroom to shower and change when a bright pink shirt caught my eye. Saving the t-shirt and button down for later I grabbed the bright pink monstrosity just so I could see the look on Brooke's face.

"Well that's one way to make an impression on the DA," Kella laughed as I walked in the kitchen behind Brooke who, upon turning to see me, choked on her coffee, almost spitting it on Kacen.

"Oh my god Cole," she finally said with her eyes wide, "that's quite a shirt."

"I thought it may be time to switch it up a bit," I tried to sound serious, "Do you like it babe?"

"I sure do hun," Kurt joked walking in the kitchen making Kacen spew his orange juice, "now go change then eat."

"Yes sir," I laughed, going to change clothes then eat before there was nothing but jail food to be had.

"What happens if Henley drops the charges?" Brooke was asking Kurt as I walked back in the kitchen and made a plate.

"Well then it's up to the evidence and DA," Kurt began to say as I sat beside Brook noticing her newly found clothes, "Cole swung first but he did it because he was protecting you. He's also a minor so I would like to think, if Henley drops the charges, the DA would like to make this all go away as soon as possible."

I could tell Brooke had a million thoughts running through her head as she got up to get more coffee but the only thought that was on my mind was her ass. She had on tight black leggings with a band t-shirt, that I'm sure she stole from Kacen. Her shirt was tied up just above the band of the pants hugging her curves and showing just a peek of her soft skin. Just thinking about her skin on mine and how good she tasted last night was enough to make me hard. I tried to discreetly pull my pants down a bit under the table but she caught me and smiled a mischievous smile only making it worse.

"I like this new look Cole," Brooke said as she came back to the table, "button downs look good on you."

"Thank Kacen," I said before shoving more food in my mouth so we wouldn't be late, "they're his clothes."

"Maybe he should take you shopping," she said, raising an eyebrow and looking at her cousin, "actually we could all go! I still have to get a prom and graduation dress. Whether I go or not my parents will want pictures."

"You're going," I said, I didn't want her to miss senior prom because of me, "you can go with Zane."

"Or you could quit talking like you're already locked up and we could go," she shot back with a slight tone and glare.

"Either way," Kurt said looking between us, "we gotta get a move on. Hurry it up and get in the car. It's already 7:30."

We cleaned up our plates and headed towards the cars outside. Brookes SUV was still covered by a tarp and Kella would be waiting for the insurance adjuster and tow truck that we're scheduled to asses the damage. I walked Brooke to Kacen's car but before opening the door for her I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her forehead.

"I love you BG," I said looking into her bright green eyes.

"I love you loser," she said before standing on her tiptoes to pull me down to her level for a kiss.

I sighed as she broke our kiss and got into the car. She smiled at me through the window as I headed to Kurt's SUV and hopped inside. Kurt opened the back door for Atlas to jump in then climbed in the drivers seat and dropped the cage allowing Atlas to put his head on my shoulder. I gave him pets as we started our silent drive to the police department. I had just gained so much but now I would be loosing it all.

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