chapter six

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"Hey BG," he smiled, his eyes meeting mine.

"Hey Cole," I felt the blush spread across my face but I was hoping it had become too dark outside for him to see it.

"It's Cole Matthews!" Shelby exclaimed and walked over to Cole to hug him.

I couldn't help but feel uneasy with how casual she made it seem. Had she fucked him before too? It seemed no one was safe from her with her long copper hair that fell on pale skin sprinkled with freckles and short but average build. I must have been wearing my thoughts on my face because Cole shifted uncomfortably as he only allowed her a simple side hug. Jasie appeared still noticeably upset with Shelby's actions with Devan.

"Do you have to get on every man?" Jasie spat at Shelby, "He obviously isn't here for you."

It was strange to see Jasie half taking my side. Usually we didn't get along at all. Last year this guy who was supposed to be on a date with her tried to kiss me when she went to the bathroom. I told her right away but she accused me of being a whore in front of everyone, yet again. I chose to be petty in that moment and kissed him right in front of her. You said I was a whore so why not act like it for once, I had spat at her. She was too stunned to speak as I walked away leaving them standing there to sort things out. Nothing ever came of it and we never heard from or seen the guy again.

"Maybe he doesn't know who he is here for yet," Shelby antagonized, flipping her long red hair behind her shoulder.

"I'm actually here for Brooke," Cole said, moving closer to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Okay so I'm going to the restroom and concession stand," Kaitlyn said, trying to defuse the situation before it could get worse and linking arms with Jasie.

"Me too," said Kaylee, grabbing Shelby's hand to drag her along with them.

"Well that was interesting," Cole stated, running his hand through his short curly hair as the girls disappeared into the low lights on the building that held the bathroom.

"You don't say," I laughed, pulling blankets out of my trunk to lay on the ground.

"I don't think I've ever seen those two mad at eachother." Cole was puzzled.

"Shelby had sex with Devan who Jasie has been, uh, entertaining," I explained.

"And they say guys are bad," he joked, grabbing one side of the big comforter I had begun to spread out.

"I mean Devan and Jasie weren't together, she actually made it very clear, to us at least, that she was done with him on multiple occasions," I started talking trying to get my mind off Cole's new tighter jeans I couldn't help but notice how they hung on his hips just under his white outlast shirt.

"See something you like, BG?" Cole busted me staring at him.

"I - uh - I've never seen you wear that shirt before," I stammered.

"Oh yeah it's new, I thought I would switch it up from the black," He gave me his signature half smile and raised one eyebrow, "What do you think? Too weird?"

"No!" I all but yelled, "I mean I think it looks good"

He closed the space between us and hooked his finger under my chin as I tried to look down away from his eyes. He had to know the effect he had on me. Even in the dark I could see his eyes glitter as he tilted my face up toward him. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as he bent and put his lips by my ear.

"We don't have an audience now do we BG?" his breath felt warm on my neck and caused me to break out in goosebumps.

I shook my head as he brushed his lips against my cheek and stood back up. Smiling at me he let my chin go and ran his hands down my arms taking my hands that hung limply at my sides.

"We should probably finish getting blankets set out before the movie starts," he smiled and picked up the blanket I had dropped during his sneak attack.

"Colton!" a female voice yelled nearby. I looked around waiting for Ashtyn the howler monkey to appear and ruin my night. She did appear but with two other girls who seemed familiar.

"Just had to bring the trash with you didn't you Brooklyn?" Cole sighed.

"I told her not to bring it with us," the younger girl with the fuzzy hair said.

"She's my friend," the middle girl, Brooklyn, said, "We were coming to get money for the concession and she didn't want to stay with Hinson and Kayden."

"You're not supposed to be hanging out with guys Brooklyn," Cole said dryly, still ignoring Ashtyn who had stopped staring at him to focus a glare on me.

"I'll make sure she doesn't do anything stupid," the one whose name I couldn't remember promised her brother, "can we have some money Bubby please?"

"Yeah, it's in the car," he said, leaving us to walk to his car.

"Hi! I'm Ellie," the fuzzy haired girl said, hugging me then motioning to her sister, "this is Brooklyn."

"Hello," Brooklyn smiled, "I like your name."

"I like yours too," I laughed, attempting to match the light mood they were trying to set despite the death glare I was receiving from the pouting child.

"I see everyone has met," Cole said, handing Ellie money, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce you."

"You talk about her enough we basically already knew her," Ellie laughed then turning to me, "I swear he doesn't shut up about you!"

"Ellanore!" Cole hissed, his cheeks blushing this time.

"What? You don't," she fired back.

"Can we go? I'm hungry and need another drink," the howler monkey finally spoke, shaking her half full cup for emphasis.

"Brooklyn, Ellie don't be stupid," Cole said seriously, "Call me if you need something and do not leave with anyone. Understand?"

"We will be fine," Brooklyn said, brushing off her brother's warning.

"I'll make sure she doesn't do anything stupid Bubby," Ellie smiled and hugged her brother. I could tell she was Cole's favorite whether he would admit it or not.

"Okay go on," Cole said, detaching Ellie as my group made it back to the car with food for all of us and Kaylee handed me back my debit card.

"Hey bitch catch this," was all I heard Ashtyn say as I felt her cold drink hit me in the face and cover my shirt in UV Blue vodka.

I was stunned for two reasons. One where did a freshman get a cup of vodka and two why the hell did she throw it at me? I didn't have time to process this before I instinctively reached out to grab Cole who looked like he was ready to smack Ashtyn into next week, if she were a guy there was no doubt in my mind he would have. Lucky for me, Kaylee, Shelby, Jasie and Kaitlyn stepped between Ashtyn and I. I couldn't fight her, she was a minor and I had just turned 18, but everyone else was still underage.

"I suggest you walk away," Shelby spat at Ashtyn.

"She may be an adult but we're not quite there yet," Jasie said, "and I've been looking for a hoe to slap tonight."

I knew they wouldn't actually hit her but they made themselves seem like enough of a threat Ashtyn decided to walk away with a little help from Brooklyn. Ellie tagging along to back Brooklyn up if need be, I'm sure.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry," Cole apologized, grabbing a beach towel I had in my trunk and wiping my face.

"I'm fine," I said, assessing my vodka soaked clothes.

"Here, wear this," Cole said, taking off his shirt and giving it to me.

"Ooo Cole, I thought we had to pay for a Magic Mike show!" Shelby teased. And we laughed, easing the tension.

"Thank you," I smiled at Cole trying again not to stare at his now shirtless chest.

"I'm sure I have something else to wear in the car," he said, running his hand through his hair exposing the muscles on his now bare arms, "and that will be $10 Shelby!"

"In your dreams!" she yelled at him.

"There's only room for one girl in my dreams," he winked at me, turning to go to his car, "and it's not you Little Red."

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