chapter five

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The game that night went off without a hitch. Both our senior high teams won their games to end the last home game on a high note and I got to do my final dance as the mascot which involved me sliding across the floor and taking the head off as a finale. Even with all the excitement from last night I was still more nervous for tonight and my "date" with Cole. As if he knew I was thinking about him my phone dinged

Hey loser, he said

Hey yourself, I replied too quick

You still coming tonight?


If you don't my sisters will be disappointed. They're looking forward to meeting you and seeing that Tommy guy on the movie.

It's Tobias lol and yes I'm coming loser, I wouldn't miss it!

Hell yes! Are you bringing the leeches?

Unfortunately, I'm sorry!

It's no problem BG! We will just bring blankets and sit outside.

Sounds great! See you soon!

See ya

What did he mean by his sisters wanted to meet me? Had he been talking about me to his family? Even though we have been friends for quite some time I had never met his sisters or parents. I know the older of the two was a freshman so she had to know me from at least the pep rally yesterday and the ones before that. The youngest I didn't know about. She was either in 6th or 7th grade but I couldn't remember which. All I knew is I had to find something to wear and do something with my hair.

"Kaylee!" I shouted waiting to see where my sister would emerge from.

"What?" She replied, popping her head up from the couch.

"Help me find clothes for tonight?" I all but begged. She was the better dressed of the two of us and dreamed of being a fashion designer.

"Go do something with your hair first," she said giving me a disgusted look.

My hair was unruly. It was somewhere between curly and wavy and loved to frizz up any chance it got unless I straightened it. I pulled my phone out to check the weather to make sure it wasn't planning to rain before brushing my hair and coaxing it to lay flat against my head. My hair had once been long and dark until one of my mom's friends found out her granddaughter had cancer and was losing all of her hair to chemo. When I found out I cut my hair off and had it sent to make a special wig just for her so my hair hung just below my shoulders when straightened.

"Brooke!" I heard Kaylee yell from my room.

"What?" I replied walking in and finding her laying different outfits out on my bed.

"You have no cute clothes," she sighed throwing yet another black tank top on the bed.

"I'm not a cheerleader. I don't try to dress cute everyday to impress boys," I laughed.

"Do you want my help or not?" She asked raising her eyebrow and giving me a stink face.

"Yes please," I said running my finger through my hair nervously waiting to see what she would come up with.

"Okay," she smiled and began to hand me clothes, "wear these jeans with this black tank top and either the hot pink flannel with the heart cut out or the cut off sweat shirt with the lace top. Everything else you have I think we've all seen a million times."

I settled for the black cropped sweat shirt with the lace top and 'Love' scrolled across the bust in a rainbow print with birds flying everywhere. Kaylee was right I needed to go buy more clothes. Maybe we could go during spring break so I could find a prom dress too. Mom asked if I was going to be buying a dress or just using one of my pageant dresses but my stepdad said I had to get a new one since it was my last prom.

After getting dressed and corralling everyone into my car we finally sat off to the drive in.

"Why are we going to see this movie again?" Jasie asked.

"Yeah," Kaitlyn agreed, " You don't even like Divergent. You said it was trash when I had you read the books."

"I bet it's about a guy," Shelby butted in, "Probably Zane or Juan."

"Oh. My. God. Is it Zane Brooke?" Jasie gasped.

"No," I rolled my eyes at their dramatics, "Zane and I are just really good friends. Nothing more."

"Mhmm," Shelby said sarcastically, "Zane and I were 'just good friends' once too"

"Shelby!" Kaylee yelled, "that's just nasty!"

"You say nasty, I say fun," Shelby retorted. Zane and her had random flings now and then over the last couple years. They had never dated tho.

"It's not like he's any worse than Devan," Kaitlyn said, taking a jab at Jasie.

"I told you Devan and I are done. Over. Finished." Jasie stressed.

"You say that but the pictures you were sending a receiving last night say otherwise," Kaitlyn fired back.

"Okay so maybe we've been talking," Jasie admitted, "but just talking!"

"First comes the talking then he's got your legs in the air again and next thing you know you're knocked up and he's gone with the girl he keeps telling you not to worry about," Shelby stated in a matter of fact way.

"Are you speaking from some dark experience we don't know about Shelby?" I asked, somewhat concerned since she hasn't held a relationship in a while.

"No, just telling her what's going to happen because Devan is a whore and he can't keep it in his pants," Shelby said.

"Oh my god. Shelby you're doing it with him!" Kaylee yelled.

"I can't believe you!" Jasie snapped at Shelby, "we're suppose to be best friends!"

"We are best friends," Shelby explained, "the guy you keep entertaining just happens to be single and good in bed."

I could not get out of my own car fast enough. Luckily we were at the window to pay and I could make my escape soon. I paid as Shelby and Jasie glared at each other silently,  wondering who would hit the other first. I got the car parked and made my escape to the safety of the outdoors, Kaitlyn and Kaylee followed leaving Shelby and Jasie to hash things out amongst themselves.

"Well that was interesting," I said opening the trunk to get blankets out.

"Not as interesting as who's meeting you here," Kaitlyn snickered.

As she said that a black Nissian Pathfinder parked beside us and out stepped Cole.

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