chapter sixteen

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"I don't know," I stammered as Cole stood in front of me.

The only thing he had on was his swim shorts and a tshirt with the sides cut out. I could see the bulge in his shorts more now that he was right in front of me. He didn't try to hide it. I brought my gaze up to meet his emerald eyes as he cupped my face in his hand sending goosebumps all over my body.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do," he smiled, "but I'm going to kiss-"

I cut him off as I pulled his face to mine to kiss him. At first he kissed back slowly but soon his kiss turned hungry. He kissed with passion as he moved his hands down my sides, the only thing keeping his skin from mine was a thin hotel towel. With his hands on my hips he guided me back against the wall being careful to not break our kiss. My hands went around his neck and he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt his bulge against me as I bit his lip.

"Fuck," he hissed moving his kisses down to my neck as his hands gripped my bare thighs.

The twist of the handle on the door that separated our room and Zane's broke Cole's assault of kisses right at the top of the towel that was still barely covering my chest. He gently dropped me back onto my feet as Zane opened the door.

"Are you guys rea-" Zane said but stopped when he caught sight of Cole shielding my towel wrapped body with his, "oh fuck man my bad!"

"I was just getting my swimsuit," I forced a laugh, grabbed the bag and slid back into the bathroom.

"Dude. Why didn't you lock the door?" I heard Zane ask Cole.

"I wasn't expecting anything to happen but then she came out in nothing but that towel," Cole trailed off, sounding slightly out of breath.

I pulled on my bottoms first, noticing the little ties down the side showed off way more skin than I expected. Then I tied my top on and looked in the mirror. I had told Rebecca we could make this one work but looking at my chest spilling out now I wasn't so sure. The top pushed my already large boobs up and together making them front and center wrapped in the hot red top. Oh well this was supposed to be a fun trip not a trip for me to be so concerned over how I looked. I checked my makeup again to make sure my bruise was still covered then slid the door open to walk out and go to the pool.

"I'm ready," I said as I walked back in the room where Zane and Cole were standing.

"Jesus," Zane said, turning to face Cole instead of me.

"Christ," Cole finished Zane's sentence while taking in my outfit.

"Do you like it?" I giggled, knowing the effect I had on them at this moment.

"I fucking love it," Cole said taking his shirt off and handing it to me, "but you may want to put this over it before Zane looses his mind and I have to kick his ass."

"Like you could ever," Zane said turning back around now that I had a shirt on, "fuck Brooke. You have to warn a man before walking out like that!"

"It's nothing you haven't seen before," I laughed and pushed his shoulder as I went over and bent down to dig in my bag leaving my ass fully exposed.

"I'm gonna go grab my phone," Zane said scurrying into his room.

"You are a dangerous woman," Cole said, coming up behind me and lightly brushing his hand across my hip.

"I thought Zane's eyes were going to pop out of his head," I laughed, turning to face Cole who was the one biting his lip this time.

"I thought I may have to smack him," Cole said with a smirk on his face.

"He was just looking," I laughed, "I mean it is hard not to, right?"

"You got that right," Cole said, stepping back and running his hand through his hair, "we should head to the pool."

"Should we grab Zane?" I asked as Cole took my hand to lead me out the door.

"I'm sure he will catch up," Cole smirked like he knew something I didn't as we headed to the elevator.

I looked at Cole as we waited for the doors to open. He was shirtless exposing his still slightly tan from summer skin and his tattoo across his ribs I had never noticed before. The door dinged and two girls with wet hair and swimsuits stepped off the elevator and stared at Cole. He either didn't see them or ignored them as he stepped in the elevator and pulled me inside with him holding me against his chest. The girls glared at me as they turned to scurry off but ran directly into Zane.

"Oh fuck," Zane fumbled picking up the girls phones they had dropped and handing them back with his playboy smile, "my bad ladies. How was the pool?"

"We were actually talking about going back down," the blonde one giggled, "I'm Thea and this is Mandi."

"Nice to meet you gorgeous ladies," Zane turned up the charm, smiling at the girls, "I'll be there if y'all decide to come back down."

"Okay," Thea giggled as she and Mandi continued down the hall turning to check out Zane's ass.

"You just can't help yourself can you?" Cole teased Zane as he finally stepped in the elevator and the doors closed.

"Bro. Did you SEE them?" Zane asked, "I couldn't just not talk to them."

"I actually wasn't looking," Cole shrugged.

"Damn," Zane sighed, putting his hand on Cole's shoulder, "Pussy whipped already."

"Fuck off," Cole laughed, jokingly pushing Zane off him.

"I mean I don't blame you man," Zane said pretending to check me out, "I only caught a glimpse but I would be whipped too."

"Shut up," I laughed, slapping Zane on the arm, "You didn't see shit!"

"Whatever lets you sleep at night," Zane winked as the doors opened and he darted down the hall before Cole could grab him.

"Hes never going to let that go is he?" I laughed looking up at Cole's smiling face.

"Never," He kissed me and we followed the path Zane had taken to the pool.

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