chapter twenty-three

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I woke up to a light knock on our shared door with Zane. Cole's arm was draped over me and my head was on his bare chest. Last night was a bit fuzzy after everyone left our room and Cole locked all the doors.

I remembered his lips against mine as I took his shirt off and he pinned me to the bed kissing a trail down my neck stopping at the collar of my shirt. His hands had traveled down my sides and up under my shirt pulling it over my head and dropping it with his on the floor. He paused, kneeling between my thighs, taking in my bare chest for the first time. Fuck you're beautiful, he had whispered before bringing his face back to mine and kissing me with lips tainted with a fiery passion. He kissed down to my chest pausing to take my breasts in his hands and gently running his thumbs over my hard nipples, teasing me. I moaned as he took my nipple in his mouth and used his tongue to trace circles around it moving his hand down my side to my thigh putting his finger on the band of my black lace panties. He brought his face back to mine and looked in my eyes as he followed my panty line down between my thighs, Do you know how much I want you, he said, holding my gaze. Take me, I begged my heart racing. Not here, Not like this, he smiled climbing off of me. He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over my head then slid his jeans off to make himself more comfortable as his bulge pushed against his boxers and I bit my lip. He laid down and pulled me to his chest where I could hear his heart beating as fast as mine. As I drifted off to sleep I swore I heard him whisper, I love you.

I heard the light knock again but a little more urgent this time as I gently rolled away from Cole to answer the door.

"Oh thank God," Zane rushed into our room, "I broke my rule Brooke."

"Which one?" I asked while still waking up as I remembered Mandi had gone to Zane's room last night, "Oh Zane, you didn't."

"I did," he said pacing around my room, "it's everywhere. I didn't mean to. It just happened. Fuck."

"Where is Mandi?" I asked slightly panicked, if he was like this what was she like.

"In the shower," he said, running his hand through his wet hair.

"Go strip the bed," I told him as I went to his bathroom where Mandi was in the shower. I paused to knock on the door, "Mandi, can I come in?"

"Yes," she said, unlocking the door and letting me slide in, "I figured he would come get you."

"I could go and send Rebecca," I offered as she poked her head out of the shower and smiled at me, "or I can just listen?"

"It was amazing Brooke," she laughed, "I don't know if it was the alcohol or if it was really good but I don't regret it!"

"It looks like a murder scene out there," I laughed sitting on the toilet when she finished showering, "I guess I know what to expect now at least."

"Is ZAne freaking out?" Mandi giggled, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel, "I didn't mean to run into the shower but it was so gross everywhere."

"Oh he's losing his absolute shit," I laughed noticing the hickeys on her neck and hand prints on her thighs, "Fuck girl what did y'all do?"

"Oh damn," she said, catching a glimpse of herself in the foggy mirror, "I guess we went a little harder than I thought."

"I would say so," I said as we laughed together, "I'm going to check on Zane, he has a strict no virgin rule and you just broke that."

"Go," she laughed, pushing me out of the small bathroom, "I'm more than fine."

As I walked back into my room Zane was still pacing the floor and Cole had woken up and was sitting on our bed in his jeans with his curly hair brushing against his tan broad shoulders. He caught me staring and winked.

"Is she okay," Zane panicked, grabbing me by the shoulders, "I'm so sorry!"

"Zane chill," I laughed, grabbing his face between my hands, "she is absolutely fine. She said she had a great night."

"What?" Zane looked confused, "but she ran off to the shower as soon as she woke up."

"I would have ran to the shower too," I couldn't believe he was this dense, "it's embarrassing and looks like a murder scene! But she's not mad or hurt, I promise."

"Okay," he relaxed, pulling me into a hug and bending down to rest his head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked, patting his head.

"I'm good," he sighed standing back up, "I was worried I hurt her. She ran to the bathroom so fast. I was sure I fucked up."

"Did I just hear Zane say he was worried?" Eli said walking into the room, "Or am I still high?"

"He slept with the virgin," Cole smirked as he came over to the group and put his hand on Zane's shoulder.

"Oh fuck Brooke how did you end up with Zane?" Eli joked earning him a punch on the arm, "Ouch, you gotta find another way to get that rage out girl."

"She's fine," Zane said, grabbing water from the fridge, "she's just in the shower."

"Did you atleast wrap it, man?" Cole said, making Zane choke on his water and take off running to his room to look around for the evidence.

"Why did Zane just take out of here like his ass was on fire?" Rebecca asked, wrapping her arms around Eli's waist.

"He's trying to make sure he wrapped it before making a murder scene with Mandi," Eli laughed.

"Oh shit," Rebecca gasped, standing up and looking toward Zane's room, "is she okay?"

"She's fine," I laughed at how we were all so concerned about Mandi even though we had just met her yesterday, "she should be coming in here soon."

"Guys!" Zane yelled from the other room, "I can't fucking find it!"

"Got dammit Zane Alexander Taylor!" I yelled as we all went to try and find the little piece of rubber that would save everyone a bit of sanity.

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