chapter thirty-one

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Cole's POV

I didn't want to let Brooke go even if she was going to be with Office Reagan the whole time. I wanted to keep her in my arms where I could protect her, like I should have tonight. She shouldn't have been here by herself, even though she has a hundred times. She shouldn't have been attacked like that but it wasn't her fault. I knew when I seen her tonight for the first time she had stepped out of her comfort zone just to wear that dress. She was absolutely stunning but now she would probably never want to dress like that again. Those creeps had ruined my night but more importantly they made Brooke feel uncomfortable. I knew she was scared but too brave to show it so she hid it under a facade of bravado. She wore it well though, like that damn dress.

"Hello?" my dads voice came across the phone. He sounded like he hadn't been to bed yet which was a good sign since I was having to call him.

"Hey dad," I sighed trying to think of the best way to explain the situation, "listen I'm here withthe cops and they're needing your permission to question me-"

"What the fuck?" he said, sounding both upset and confused, "what did you do Cole?"

"I was on the phone with Brooke when she stopped at the gas station and this group of guys were trying to force themselves on her and I drove down here with Zane and Eli and-"

"You beat the shit out of some assholes because they were tryna fuck the girl you've been pussy whipped for," he cut me off again already knowing where this was headed.

"Yeah," I sighed, running my hand through my hair before I remembered it was covered in that guy, Henley's blood, "so can you give them permission over the phone or did you want to come down here?"

"Well fuck son its damn near 10," he said as I heard the lighter flick, "Your mommas in bed and I aint coming down to see the cops high as a kite so best just take them the phone. You're grown anyways."

"Thanks old man," I said walking over to where Sheriff Justin was talking with Eli and Zane, "Sheriff I have my dad on the phone."

"Good evening Mr. Matthews this is Sheriff Justin," he said as I handed him my phone on speaker so we could all hear, "I have your son Colton here. He was involved in an altercation with some other young men tonight. Do I have your permission to question him with you on the line?"

"Seeing as I'm not driving out there at this time a night," dad said with a chuckle, "yeah you do."

"Thank you Mr. Matthews," the Sheriff said sitting my phone on the hood of his police cruiser to pick up he pen and notepad, "now Colton, Zane and Eli have told me their sides of what happened tonight so let's hear yours."

"Well earlier tonight the three of us had gotten off of work at Ally's so we headed over to Zane's house as we usually do. Brooke was having dinner with her family and was going to come join us after but decided to come here for drinks first," I began to explain my night from the beginning excluding how shit faced Zane was, "he was on the phone with me when she arrived and she forgot to hang up. She was walking inside when she was stopped by the one guy, Henley, who made verbal advances on her followed by physical advances from both him and his friends."

"And you heard all of this over the phone?" Sheriff asked as I paused to take a breather before I slammed my fists into the police cruiser like it was that blonde pricks face again.

"Yes all of it," I replied trying to keep my calm, "she asked them to move and stop multiple times but they didn't. Luckily we got here before they were able to do anything more to her than they did."

"Tell me what happened when you got here," he said in a monotone voice.

"When we got here we had just heard our old friend Juan tell Brooke she deserved for this to happen to her," the thought of Juan walking away as she pleaded for help made me sick to my stomach and I clinched my fist, "Henley was forcefully restraining Brooke while he rubbed against her and bit her neck. I threw him to the ground and the tall one tried to hit me in the face and the other tried to tackle me. Zane and Eli took care of them while Henley stood and punched me in the jaw, said more disgusting things about Brooke and I hit him, sending him to the ground. Then you guys showed up."

"Okay you've all mentioned a friend of yours named Juan," he stated looking athe the three of us, "however all we have here is Henley, Sammy and Weston. Do any of you know where he may have went?"

"Last I seen him," Zane answered before I could go off about how Juan wasn't a friend of mine especially after this bullshit, "he was acting very suspicious around Cole's car."

"Okay does anyone know his last name or his address?" Justin asked waiting to write down as much as he could about the traitor.

"Ramirez," I heard Brooke say as she reappeared between me and Zane, "he lives out on the ridge by his dads sawmill, Ramirez and Sons lumber."

"Okay thank you," he said looking around to find the other three officers including Kurt who was, as promised, right behind me and Brooke, "if everyone could just hang out here while we talk about what's going to happen. Does anyone need medical attention or are you all still declining?"

"We're good," Eli said letting Kurt and Sheriff Justin walk off to join the other two cops, "you look like shit Cole."

"You're one to talk man," I laughed as he shot me a bird.

"You all look like hell," Brooke said running her thumb across what I'm sure would be a bruise on my jaw, "I'm sorry this happened."

"It's okay baby," I smiled at her wrapping her small hand in mine and pulling her close to me, "I'm just glad we got here."

"I'll tell you one thing," Zane chimed in about to make some stupid joke I'm sure, "I've never sobered up so fast in my life!"

We all laughed as we waited to hear what would be happening to us. I had a sinking feeling something was off but I couldn't be worried in front of Brooke. She already blamed herself for causing this to happen when it wasn't her fault those pricks are pigs. If I ended up in cuffs it would make everything ten times worse on her and I wouldn't be there to tell her it would be okay. I knew Zane would be there if I couldn't, they had been friends longer than any of us and he probably knew her the best.

"Brooke, listen," I said tilting her chin up so I could look into her beautiful eyes, "if anything happens to me you have to promise to go with Zane okay? Promise you won't cause a mess and you'll just go with him. "

"But," she started to say as I cut off her complaining with a kiss.

"But nothing," I said breaking our kiss and holding her against me as Kurt and Sheriff Justin headed back to us with grim faces. I already knew what was coming but, since it was for her, it would be worth it.

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