chapter forty-seven

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Brooke's POV

As I turned down Zane's direway I noticed cars lining both sides of the road all the way to the house. What was supposed to be a small surprise party had turned into a rager at this point. I parked outside of the garage behind Cole's freshly washed Pathfinder, blocking him in, and headed inside. Upon opening the front door the smell of alcohol hit me almost as fast as the thump of the music blaring from the stereo beside the TV. I was making my way through the crowd of dancing bodies when I ran into Evan who was coming out of the kitchen.

"Oh shit my bad," he said before realizing who I was, "hey Brooke! I was wondering where you were. Damn you look good."

"Thanks Evan," I laughed as he handed me a questionable cup of liquid, "what's this?"

"I call it the Slutty Virgin," he laughed as I tried a sip of it, "it's UV Blue, Mt. Dew, straight Vodka and lemonade."

"Jesus Evan," I said, trying not to spit the concoction back into the cup, "Are you sure it's not straight vodka?"

"Say what you will but I know it's going to get me lucky tonight," he laughed as he went to join some game being played in the living room, "Oh and Cole is outside with Zane!"

I laughed to myself as I carried my cup to the back door to go outside. I looked out the window and saw Rebecca sitting on Eli's lap as usual but then I caught sight of Maci Kurtheart. She had her hands on Cole's thighs and her basically exposed ass in Zane's face. I felt the rage build as I twisted the door knob and walked onto the back deck locking eyes with Rebecca who said something to the whore who was about to get her ass beat. Maci snapped at Rebecca who smirked looking at me and leaned back against Eli who had also realized I was witnessing all of this. My attention switched back to Cole as he turned his head away from the skank who was all but riding him at this point and held my glare. Bringing my almost full cup to my lips I took a deep breath and downed it before tossing it to the ground and heading over to finally put this bitch in her place.

Cole's POV

I had no clue what was in the cup Brooke just threw back then tossed aside like it was nothing but I knew the look on her face. She was beyond pissed and Maci was about to find out why Rebecca had been so adamant she leave. She still wasn't aware death was near as she tried to bury her face against my neck.

"Hey Kumwhore," Brooke's voice was even and full of rage as she closed the space between the porch and us, "what in the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Well if it isn't the little slut herself," Maci said standing up then sitting on my lap as I raised my hands trying to show I had no interest in her at all.

"Excuse me bitch," Brooke said glaring at her, "the only slut I see at this moment is you sitting on my boyfriend's lap."

"I told you if you didn't start putting out to him he would get bored and I would have to satisfy him," she taunted Brooke, who to my surprise hadn't punched her in the face yet.

"The only thing you satisfy is the stockholders of Plan B with how much you spend on them," Brooke spat back as she crossed her arms over her chest as if she was holding herself back from throwing Maci to the ground by her hair.

"Atleast when I choose to fuck men I don't turn around and yell rape," Maci said standing up and getting closer to Brooke as everyone in the yard fell silent, "Juan told me all about your little ploy and even showed me the video. You're even worse than me, you whore."

Brooke's POV

Being raised in a church my mom had always taught me to turn the other cheek. She said if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. Just walk away, was a phrase she had said many times but at this moment I had run out of cheeks to turn and nice things to say. I wasn't going to out Maci's business to everyone but if she wanted to play the low ball I could go lower. It was one thing for her to call me a slut as she usually did, but to know Juan had shown her the video then to say I was accusing him to save face was a whole different thing altogether. Momma may have taught me to take the high road but tonight I wanted to dance with the Devil. What made this tango even better was I had just noticed Juan walk through the gate behind Maci and into the back yard.

"Just tell me one thing Maci, since you seem to think you know everything there is to know," I said, dropping my arms to my sides and stepping to meet Maci, "How did Juan feel when you told him you aborted his baby so you could keep your precious car?"

The once raging party had come to a screeching halt as everyone turned their attention to us. Maci was staring at me like I shot her dog while Juan was frozen by the fence in a state of shock.

"You should be about what? Seven months along?" I said as I saw the rage building in her eyes, she had never cared about anyone but herself and I was using that to my advantage, "something is telling me you never told Juan tho. I mean you didn't want to be tied down and to you that's all a baby would have been. Mommy and daddy said they would sell your car for something more child friendly and you just couldn't have that. To you having sex, partying and drinking were the important things and you weren't going to let a child ruin that. I mean you couldn't let one failed Plan B ruin all the fun in your life could you Maci."

"You bitch," Maci seethed curling her hands into fists, "I didn't want to have a kid, much less one with Juan. He would've wanted me to keep it and be a family after graduation. He would've wanted to move in together at college and I couldn't do that. I want to live my life not be tied down to some dumb jock with no plans besides playing football and secretly smoking pot! Of course when my parents offered me the abortion or the car I chose the car. Who the fuck wouldn't! I want to party and have sex and drink until I pass out and not be tied to a guy I only fuck when it's convenient for me because it feel good and he buys me shit."

"Oh so when Juan was telling us yall were a thing he was just keeping face right? Because to you he isn't even interested in you beyond sex?" I said sarcastically as I locked eyes with Juan who looked like he had just had all the air knocked out of him, "I should've known that when I caught you fucking Zane Tuesday then seen you pull up to pick Juan up at the gas station two hours later. I wondered Maci, did you spend the night fucking him and telling him how much he meant to you while you had just finished with Zane or did you tell him he was just another booty call? I mean we could ask him. He's right behind you."

"Very funny Brooke," Maci said, still glaring at me, "I'm not going to turn around because I know he isn't there. He's at home waiting for me to get off work."

"If that's what you want to think," I laughed as I walked past her to sit on Cole's lap as he wrapped his arm around me and I kissed him in a very possessive way before looking back at her, "Cole is mine. Don't forget that or the next time I will be sure to knock it into that stupid little airhead of yours."

"Whatever bitch," she said as she hurried toward the back door flipping me off on the way.

I turned to look at the spot where I had last seen Juan standing against the fence but he was gone now. Part of me felt bad for him, finding out she had been pregnant with his child then aborted it so it wouldn't affect her lifestyle and that she was just using him for sex and gifts, it had to hurt. But on the other hand he had left me on Tuesday and told me I deserved it so maybe this was karma. Karma was a bitch and tonight I had made her mine.

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