chapter two

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I watched the clock impatiently waiting for this period to end and release me from my duty as a student teacher aid. I couldn't get a note to go to a different class for the period so I sat grading papers for some freshman science class. The kids in this class were sophomores, like my younger sister Kaylee, and were mostly boys. I knew from the moment I stepped in this room two months ago I knew I would be spending my hour being stared at by their hormonally charged eyes. It didn't bother me that they were staring but it bothered the teacher who had talked to me about being a distraction, thus the reason I usually tried to find another class to go hide out in. That and the fact that my usual class to go hide out in was in the gym and I could sneak glances at Cole who had study hall with the basketball coach before lunch.

"Happy Birthday Brooke!" One of my sister's friends appeared, breaking my thoughts on Cole and making me slightly jump.

"Thank you," I smiled at her and the little group of cheerleaders that were with her.

"Will you be the mascot at the game tonight?" one of the other girls asked.

"Me the mascot?" I laughed, knowing full well I am the best mascot to walk these halls since my injury that keeps me from actually playing basketball.

"Oh come on!" a different girl said, "We know it's you!"

"A mascot never reveals their identity until they're ready to pass the torch on," I smiled at them. No one had passed it to me, there hadn't even been a mascot in almost four years before I asked the cheer coach about it, but I was setting up rules for the future mascots to live by to try and keep it alive.

"Tonight is Senior Night AND the last home game," the girl countered, "if yo- the mascot doesn't reveal her identity at the pep rally then we will never know!"

"I guess you will just have to wait for the pep rally then," I laughed as the dismissal bell rang and everyone flooded into the halls.

I gathered the papers I had graded and carried them to Mrs. Sharon who was sitting at her desk.

"Will you be revealing your status as the mascot tonight?" She asked not looking up from her grade book.

"I have to to be a part of Senior Night but I will not be telling anyone of my replacement." I replied.

"It has been so nice to see everyone be so excited and drawn in to support the sports teams more with a mascot to lead them." Mrs. Sharon said looking up at me, "You have made a big impact whether you realize it or not."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smiled back at her, "I just hope someone keeps it alive after I graduate."

"They will. Now go on to lunch. I know you've been trying to get out of here to see that boy that has been walking you to class." She smiled at me and I felt my face turn bright red again as I all but ran out of her door and straight into Cole.

"Hey loser," Cole laughed, "where's the fire?"

I looked up at him, for once having no sarcastic remark to fire back at him, as he slid my bag off my shoulder and put it on his. He has taken to stealing my bag lately for some reason. I wonder what his girlfriend would think of that.

"Are you coming to the game tonight?" I asked not knowing what else to say and trying to take my thoughts off whatever her name was.

"Like I would miss the chance to see you finally reveal your secret identity as the most kick ass mascot," he laughed as we started walking to the cafeteria.

"Shh!" I laughed, "You'll ruin the surprise!"

"I actually had another surprise in mind," he said smirking, "Would you like to go-"

"There you are!" an annoying voice shrieked from behind us.

I felt Cole's demeanor shift as he tensed beside me turning around to face the owner of the most annoying sound I had the displeasure of hearing all day.

"Ashtyn," he glumly said, "you aren't supposed to be here today."

"I just got here," she said, pushing between us and taking his hand.

"Oh yay," Cole said to the annoying child that was now between us as he took his hand back from her.

"Didn't you miss me?" Ashtyn whimpered, making the ugliest attempt at a puppy dog face I had ever seen.

"No," Cole said with an edge to his voice, "I told you almost two weeks ago we are done."

"But Coley!" she pouted and I mentally threw up at the disgusting pet name, "I told you I didn't mean to kiss Hinson!"

"Kiss him?" Cole questioned tightening his hold on my backpack strap. I wasn't sure Ashtyn had noted it was mine, "This is about more than you kissing him Ashtyn. You know what you did and you know I want nothing to do with you. I haven't for a while now."

Ashtyn looked like he had just kicked her dog as another guy wandered out from the cafeteria toward us.

"Ash are you coming to lunch or not?" the guy said.

All of the color drained from her face as the guy, who I assumed to be the Hinton that Cole mentioned, put his arm around Ashtyn's waist and looked at Cole. I stood frozen in place waiting to see if Cole was going to swing on Hinton or vice versa when Cole broke their stare and moved closer to me.

"Good luck with her man," Cole chuckled, taking my hand, "And Ashtyn, lose my number."

We left them standing there as Cole, with his hand still holding mine, led us into the cafeteria

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