chapter sixty

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Cole's POV

As I pulled Brooke's car up to the front of the school everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at who would be getting out. I laughed as I left the car idling and went to open the door for the beautiful woman riding shotgun. Is that Cole Matthews? Who is he with? Some underclass girls were attempting but failing to whisper behind me as I held my hand out to help Brooke out of the car.

"I can go park the car for you," a guy I somewhat recognized from the football team said looking up at me.

"Triston, can you even drive a stick?" Brooke laughed as the guy turned a bright shade of red and shook his head, "I didn't think so. Can any of you drive a stick?"

"I'll take the car," I said laughing at the confused faces around us before kissing Brooke and earning some gasps from the girls who were staring, "I'll meet you inside."

"Okay loser," she smiled, turning to walk inside as everyone's eyes followed her like the fabric of her black dress flowing behind her.

I sat back in the car and picked up my phone that had fallen on the floor from the dash. No doubt it was from the vibration of the 5 missed calls from Ashtyn. I had already made the mistake of answering her before going into Ally's but she was relentless.

"What do you want Ashtyn," I snapped, finally picking up her call, "I told you to leave me alone."

"Cole don't hang up," she said quickly, "I have to talk to you."

"I thought I made it clear I don't want to hear from you," I spat at her, "you know it's prom so don't play dumb. Quit calling me and trying to ruin my night."

"I can't until you listen to me!" She pleaded with me, "please Colton just let me talk."

"You have ten seconds then I'm blocking your number," I said annoyed at the fact she knew I was busy and could've called at any other point.

"Cole I-" she trailed off like she was thinking about what to say.

"Ten, nine," I began to count her seconds down so I didn't have to keep Brooke waiting, "eight, seven."

"I'm pregnant!" She yelled through the phone as my heart stopped, "I am pregnant and you're the father."

"There's no fucking way," I snorted, quickly running through every moment I had spent with Ashtyn in my head trying to think of any point where I may have had sex with her

yet coming up with nothing, "congrats I guess but it can't be mine. We never had sex."

"You don't remember!" she shouted, sounding offended that I didn't remember this time she was about to make up.

"No I don't because it never happened," I said annoyed that she thought she could pull this shit. She hadn't bothered me since the night at the movies where she drenched Brooke in vodka but I guess she had just been plotting, "listen Ashtyn, I never had sex with you. I don't know when you think we may have but it didn't happen."

"Yes it did," she snapped boarding on hysteria, "of course you wouldn't remember tho. You were so drunk from catching that stupid slut girlfriend of yours with your best friend. I should have known you would end up with her. I mean you weren't even a couple but you were so jealous of them. Getting you drunk was so easy after you found out tho, almost as easy as getting you to have sex with me. You may have been passed most of the way out drunk but I was able to ride you enough to get what I wanted."

"You are insane Ashtyn," I said in shock and disbelief as I thought back to that night in January trying to remember every fuzzy detail.


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