chapter nine

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Drowning. That's what I was dreaming about as I sat up on my bed covered in sweat. It wasn't like I was drowning because I couldn't swim. I was being pulled down. The light of the surface getting farther and farther away as the cold hands wrapped around my ankles pulling me down deeper into the abyss. I couldn't hear anything but silence then screams. My mothers screams when the cops showed up at our door one hot Sunday morning in July and told her my dad had died at work. The loudest screams that woke me from my sleep more often than I was willing to admit. I hated these dreams.

I rolled over to find my phone in the dark. 2:45 AM showed on the screen just above a message from Cole that made me smile.

Goodnight BG :) he texted sometime after I had fallen asleep.

Goodnight loser :) I responded knowing he wouldn't get it until in the morning.

Why are you up so late? His reply made me jump as the phone dinged.

No reason. Why are you up? I replied knowing he would see through my lies.

Don't lie to me BG. And the usual parent fight tonight dads meds are acting up again. He replied quickly.

His dad had recently been diagnosed with skin cancer and had the spots removed but the new temporary meds were interfering with his heart medication causing him to have random outburst. With any luck he would only have to take the meds another week to make sure all the spots had healed before he could start smoking again. Most people were still against marijuana but I knew for a fact it had helpful uses beyond getting high.

I'm really fine. I'll just be exhausted tomorrow like you lol I typed back

Maybe we should just skip and hang out? Cole suggested. I hardly ever skipped school but I didn't have much to be going for anyways with graduation in less than two months.

Me skip school? Haha you're funny Cole Matthews :)

It could be fun lol

What would we even do?

I have no idea. Can I call?

Of course :) I replied. Over the years I had grown accustomed to our late night phone conversations especially on nights like tonight.

"Hey loser," I said answering on the first buzz.

"Hey BG," Cole's husky voice replied on the other end of the line.

"Do you really want to skip tomorrow?" I asked, not sure if I could do it.

"Yes but I also want to go so I can see Zane's face when I kiss you at lunch," he taunted me.

"Colton!" I gasped, "you wouldn't!"

"Will you ever quit doubting my less than nice motives BG?" He laughed.

"Probably not," I teased , "but who knows. I may make a proper gentleman out of you."

"Oh please," he snorted, "i will never be proper. I'm not even wearing a tux to prom!"

"I almost forgot about prom! I have to go buy a dress," I couldn't believe I had forgot to plan a day to go shopping.

"Did you plan to go with someone already?" Coke asked somberly.

"Yeah loser," I giggled, "you. "

"Oh," he said his time lightening back up, "what are we wearing?"

We spent the next thirty minutes talking about what we did and didn't want to wear and if we wanted to go as a group or not. Then we discussed who's car to take and pictures with our parents. Somewhere after all of that I dozed off to sleep while still on the phone with Cole. Woke up the sound of my alarm and a text from Cole.

Sweet dreams BG :) see you at school. One simple text had set the mood for my entire day as I jumped up to start getting ready.

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