Is There A Problem, Captain?

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Define Legacy; the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person's life. The home of TOPGUN, hold many names that hold a high end Legacy. Tom Kanzansky, holding title of Commander. His daughter holding the title of one of the greatest pilots in this generation.

Walking through the doors of TOPGUN, Maverick headed to the where the Admirals waited for him.

"Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, your reputation proceeds you." Cyclone begun.

"Thank you, sir." Maverick replied, standing at the other end of the long room table. Where Admiral Bates and Beau sat.

"Wasn't a compliment." Cyclone, Admiral Beau, added. "I'm admiral Beau Simpson, I am the air boss. This is Admiral Bates."

"I wasn't expecting an invitation back." Maverick said as Bates gave him a smile.

"They are called orders, Maverick." Bates said as Maverick pressed his lips together for a smile. "You two have something in common, Cyclone here was the first in his class back in '88." All Admiral Beau did was sip on his coffee.

"Actually sir, I finished second. I just wanna manage expectations." Maverick cheekily smiled, as an awkward silence filled the room. Admiral Bates cleared his throat, bringing up the mission that Maverick was sent to TOPGUN for. Watching a diagram arrive on the screen, everyone observed the layout of the plan. How the target is being protected by 5th generation fighters, asking for Mavericks read. Maverick plotted through different ideas for the plan, how it will become a dogfight all the way home. Bates spoke to Maverick in full trust, knowing how Maverick has real world experience in this sort of mission.

The scene becomes fully operational in three weeks, Maverick spoke on how he was rusty with the F-18 , unsure on who he could trust to fly the other aircraft's for the mission.

"I think you misunderstand, captain." Bates politely interrupted him.

"Sir?" Maverick looked at them confused.

"We don't want you to fly it, we want you to teach it." Beau explained, Maverick still looked confused and concerned.

"Teach sir?"

Pressing a button, twelve faces popped up on the screen behind Maverick. "We recalled 12 TOPGUN graduates from their squad rants. We want you to narrow that pool down to 7." Maverick turned to face the screen of faces, his heart skipped a beat as he read Roosters call sign, he then looked surprised. Spotting a last name he was familiar with, Kanzansky. Call sign, Ghost. The daughter of Iceman, the daughter he didn't know his old pilot buddy had. He admired her features, he smiled to himself. Whispering.

"You look just like your father."

"They will fly the mission." Admiral Beau added. "Is there a problem, captain?"

"You know there is, sir." Maverick turned back to face the two admirals. "Wasn't aware that iceman had an offspring." Maverick let out a small huff.

"Yeah." Beau replied with a sigh, opening the file to rooster. "Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster. I understand that you use to fly with his old man." Maverick looked to the file photo on the screen, his heart ached. "What was his call sign?"

"Goose, sir." Maverick dropped his head.

"Tragic what happened, captain Mitchell was cleared for any wrong doings, Gooses death was an accident." Bates spoke up.

"Is that how you see it captain? Is that how Gooses son sees it?" Beau questioned, making Maverick give him a subtle glare.

"With all due respect sir, I am not a teacher. I want to know a bit about Kanzansky, sir." Beau leant forward, pressing the small screen in front of him. Bringing up Ghosts file.

"Freya Kanzansky, aka Ghost. The daughter of the legend that is Iceman, surprised you don't know about her." Beau sat back in his chair.

"How did she get her callsign?" Maverick questioned, admiral the high marks on her file. From the record alone, Maverick knew that Iceman's daughter was a lot like him in the aircraft.

"She's smooth, clean. She disappears and reappears, no trace on how she gets to her position. Makes it really handy to get the upper hand on enemy aircraft's, taken down two with that skill of hers. Scares the other pilots. She is her fathers daughter." Beau folded his arms.

"As I said, I am not a teacher." Maverick brought the conversation back.

"You were a TOPGUN instructor before." Beau added.

"That was almost 30 years ago, I lasted 2 months. It's not where I belong." Maverick stated.

"Well, let me be perfectly blunt." Beau begun. "You are not my first choice, in-fact. You weren't even on the list, you are here at the request of Admiral Kanzansky. Now, Iceman happens to be a man, that I deeply admire. He seems to think that you have something left to offer the Navy. What that is, I cannot even imagine. You don't have to take this job." Admiral sat forward in his seat. "But let me be clear, this will be your last post, captain. You fly for TOPGUN, or you don't fly in the navy ever again."

Maverick left the room with agreeing to the job, looking down at his phone. He brought up Iceman's number, messaging him.

Didn't know you had a daughter, she seems like trouble. Just like her father.

Maverick smiled to himself as Iceman soon replied.

Just proves that we are related.

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