By Appointing You.

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Do I regret what I did? No, not in the slightest. Being called to the Admirals office, meeting Maverick in there. He looked at me impressed, yet worried. Standing beside each other as Beau stood looking out the window, Bates stood in between us.

"You have put me in a difficult position, Ghost." Admiral Beau begun, as I stood there with my arms behind my back. "On the one hand, you have demonstrated that this mission can be flown, perhaps the only way it can be survived. On the other hand, you did it by stealing a multi million dollar military aircraft and flying it in such a manner that it may never be air worthy again. Your father is no longer here to protect you, Iceman is no longer to protect you either Maverick. I have everything I need to have you both court marshalled and dishonourably discharged. So what do I do? Risk the lives of my pilots and perhaps the succession of this mission. Or-... risk my career, by appointing you, ghost, as team leader." I sucked in a deep breath of excitement.

"Sir-." I went to take a step forward, both Maverick and Bates stopped me.

"I think the admiral is asking a rhetorical question, Ghost." Bated filled me in as I took a step back.

"But, may I ask for a request. Please, sir." I begged Admiral Beau.

"What is your request?" He questioned.

"I wish for Captain Mitchell, to be back on board on the mission. Sir, he knows the plan better then anyone." I looked at Admiral Beau dead in the eyes. Watching him cave in, he sighed.

"Fine, you both may be dismissed."

"Thank you, sir." Maverick and I both said to both of the Admirals, walking off as we started to head towards where everyone and I stay. Maverick brought me to a stop.

"Hey, Frey. Thank you, for all of this. Risking your career for mine, I appreciate it." Maverick thanked me, giving him a smile.

"It's what my father would've done." I replied, making a teary smile appear on his face. He sighed heavily, placing his hands on his hips.

"Your father would be so proud of you, get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." Patting my shoulder as he headed back the way we came, I sighed heavily as I made my way to the living space in the share house. Walking through the doors, all eyes landed on me as Rooster and Hangman got to their feet.

"So?!" Fanboy asked loudly.

"You're looking at your team captain!" I cheered, the room exploded in cheers and screams. Rooster and Hangman running over to me, scooping me up into hugs. My lips crushing against Jakes as he placed me back down, everyone brought me in for a hug. Congratulating me and happy that we had our OG team back together, they were proud of me that I got Maverick his job back. This was our last night together, before we go into life changing territory.

I hope I am making you proud, Dad.

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