Do Some Of That Pilot Shit.

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"Come on ghost, don't think... just do."

Those were the last words I held in my head, before I shut everything off. Ducking the aircraft down to the side, I spun around. Releasing ammo against the enemy, taking one enemy aircraft down.

"Tell me when you see smoke in the air." I ordered, trying to shake off an aircraft.

"Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air!" Rooster exclaimed, seeing a perfect pocket to take out another aircraft.

"Hang on!" I told him to do, swinging left and tumbling down. The missile that was after us, impacted with the other enemy aircraft. Hearing Rooster cheer behind me.

"Yeah Ghost! Splash one, splash one!" Tucking around, I fell under the last remaining enemy aircraft. Flying up behind the aircraft, I released open fire. Taking the aircraft down, my eyes widened at another pair coming straight for us. Heading up in a straight parallel, I yelled to rooster to release the flares. Taking one out, I yelled.

"Splitting the throttles! Coming around!" I turned the large aircraft around, catching eye of the remaining aircraft, I spun down and landed behind the aircraft. I aimed on the aircraft. "Give me tone! Come on, give me tone!" I screamed.

"You've got him ghost! You've got him!" Rooster reassured.

"Taking the shot!" I called out, pressing down on the firing button. My eyes widened as I watched the aircraft spin, missing the missile. It flew past us in a fidget spinner motion. "What the-."

"Holy shit- what the fuck was that?" Rooster added.

"Hold on!" I told rooster, bringing the aircraft in a full circle again. "We gotta get low, the terrain will confuse his targeting system." I explained, dropping down to a river that was in between two forest entries.

"Here he comes!" Rooster alerted, weaving through the tree tops. Dodging his bullets that he fired.

"Talk to me rooster, where is he?" I asked, focusing on not crashing into a tree.

"He is still on us!" Rooster alerted, feeling ammo Knick one of the wings. I winced as if the bullet hit me. "We took a hit, we took a hit!" Rooster notified.

"Damn it!" I yelled.

"Come on ghost! Do some of that pilot shit!"

"Hold on!" I told him, changing gears. I shot up to the sky, falling back down. Rooster yelled, holy shit! As I landed inverted above the enemy, taking him out with flares. Rooster cheered as I released my last missile, landing on the in coming aircraft.

"Yes, ghost!" Rooster cheered as I sighed heavily.

"Home route!"

Little update today! Sorry for a short chapter! See you in the next chapter xx

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