Eject, Eject!

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Home route baby! Sighing heavily as I readjusted myself in my seat, I smiled as I looked up at the clouds. Imaging my father smiling down at me. Roosters voice popped up behind me, in a very excited tone.

"I got the radio on!"

"Outstanding, get us in touch with the boat." I smiled.

"Copy that!" He replied, as various lights and alarms went off.

"Oh my god." There was another one on us.

"Where the hell is this guy?!" Rooster exclaimed in questioned, as I caught eye of him.

"He's on our nose." I explained, my heart beating rapidly in my chest, like I was about to go 3 rounds with Mike Tyson. I pressed down on the trigger to release ammo, hearing a clicking turn over. I gulped heavily. "Shit, out of ammo." As my mouth finished the sentence, my eyes widened as I watched the incoming enemy release a missile, about to turn the aircraft into a spiral, I yelled. "Smoke in the air! Rooster, flares!"

Watching the missile disappear into a puff of smoke. Rooster commented. "That was close!" The enemy and I tilted our aircraft's to the side, preventing from colliding with one another. My heart sunk as rooster announced. "We're out of flares Ghost! Shit! He's already on us." Creating a chase for the enemy, I winced as I felt their ammo hit our aircraft, repeatedly. "Ghost, this isn't good!"

Flipping down and up, bending around multiple times to try and shake this guy. My mind lead to one thought, as the sun started to slowly come down to the ocean. "We took another hit!" Rooster exclaimed.

"No no no!" I yelled in response, my eyes widened at the sudden alerts and alarms that appeared on my dash.

"We can't take much more of this!" Rooster exclaimed once again.

"We can't outrun this guy, we gotta eject." I stated, Rooster shouted.


"We need altitude." I begun, as I looked over my shoulder at him. "Pull the ejection handles the second I tell you."

"Freya, wait!" Roosters voice shook.

"Rooster, there's no other way!" I ordered, pulling up,I aimed for the heavens. "Eject! Eject! Eject!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, hearing nothing. I looked back at him. "Rooster! Pull the handle and eject!"

"It's not working!" He cried out, feeling the air being taken out of my lungs. I looked back straight at the front of the aircraft, my heart beats rate slowed down massively. Hearing rooster yell. "Ghost!"

"See you soon, dad." I whispered to myself, closing my eyes. I jumped in my skin at the sound of an aircraft exploding, looking back and so did rooster. My eyes widened at the sight of the aircraft poof into smoke and flame, watching as one of our aircraft's emerged from it. My heart skipped a beat, as I heard him. You son of a bitch. Rooster and I both let out massive puffs of breath, like we were out of breath.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your saviour speaking." God damn, Jake Seresin. "Please fasten your seatbelts and return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions." I smiled at the sound of rooster laughing in relief, as I levelled us in the air. I looked to my side as I watched Jake pull up beside us. "And prepare for landing."

"Good timing, shit head." I commented, as he blew me a kiss.

"Hey hangman! You look good." Rooster added.

"I am good rooster, I am very good. I'll see you guys back on deck." Hangman said as he turned off to head back to the boat, sighing in relief. I looked up at the clouds, shaking my head. Muttering to myself as I took in the warm sun.

"Still not my time, isn't it dad?"

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