Enemy Territory.

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It was time, mission a go. Moving my aircraft along as I set myself really, I radioed myself in. "Dagger one up and ready." Looking over my shoulder, I locked eyes with Jake who sat in his aircraft. Ready if need, giving me a wink. He radioed himself in.

"Dagger spare, standing by."

"Dagger four, up and ready." Payback called in.

"Dagger three, up and ready." Phoenix.

"Dagger two, up and ready." Rooster finished.

"Support asserts airborne. Strike package ready, standing by for launch decision." Control radioed through, wiggling my shoulders in my seat. Making myself comfortable in my seat. Been given the signal to fly, I saluted the people on board before I got launched. Steadying myself in the air, looking over my shoulder as I watched everyone else follow close behind.

"Command chief, dagger one, standby checking." I said, waiting for a response.

"Command chief 11 set, picture clean... recommend dagger continue." They replied.

"Copy... daggers defending below radar." I ordered, all of us lowering our aircraft's below radar. We all aligned behind each other in a line. "Here we go, enemy territory up ahead." I spoke to myself before speaking to command again. "Command chief... dagger one, picture."

"Command chief... picture clean. Decision is yours."

"Copy." I understood, looking to my left. Seeing Rooster give me a nod, I nodded in response. "Dagger, attack." I ordered. Flinching slightly, hearing the missiles fly above us. I sighed heavily, thinking to myself. There is no turning back now. "Daggers, assume attack formation." I ordered the ground, watching Rooster fall back to slip in behind me. "Daggers set, proceeding to target." I notified command base. "2 minutes and 30 seconds, in 3...2...1."

"2 mark." Rooster said behind me.

"3 mark." Phoenix said behind him.

"4 mark." Coyote announced behind him.

"Going in." I stated, starting the planned out course that we have been training for. Coming around the bend, floating above the water. I took in a deep breath; observing the trees and how it complimented the snow covered fields. "Eyes open buttercups, first SAM up ahead!" I warned the team, side eyeing the SAM.

"Looks like we're clear on the radar, Ghost." Phoenix commented.

"Let's not take it for granted, babes." I replied, dipping the aircraft side to side.

"More SAMs, 3 o'clock high!" Fanboy warned us.

"Guys! We've got 2 minutes to target." Bob alerted us all, us all floating to the formation of myself, being paired with Phoenix and Bob. Rooster and the boys together.

"Copy!" Payback spoke up. "We're 2 seconds behind rooster, we gotta move!" He encouraged him.

"Dagger, command chief. We're picking up 2 bandits." Control notified us.

"Command chief, what's their heading?" Phoenix questioned.

"Bullseye 09050, tack south west." They gave us their location.

"Ghost, they're heading away from us. They don't know we're here." Rooster reassured me.

"The second those tomahawks hit the airbase, those bandits are going to realise and move to defend the target.We have to get there before they do. Increase speed." I instructed, increasing speed. I whispered to myself. "Talk to me, dad."

"We got you Ghost, don't wait for me." Phoenix stated. Taking in a deep breath, I eased myself again. In the matter of a war scene, I felt a sensation of safety.

"Bandits are switching course to defend target." Command notified, looking down at my nav. I noticed the boys falling behind, drastically.

"Hey, roost. Where are you?" I asked him.

"Come on, rooster. Bandits inbound, we gotta make up time now. Let's turn and burn." Payback encouraged him.

Looking at the upcoming bridge hole that was coming up, I turned my aircraft on an angle. Warning Phoenix and Bob. "Heads up, girly."

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