So Much Like Your Father.

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Arriving home from the crazy fun from the beach, smiling from ear to ear. I pulled Hangman's sunnies up from my face to the top of my head as I walked inside, I was greeted by my mother who was coming back inside from the back garden.

"Hey ma." I smiled.

"You look like you've had a fun day, miss smiley. Is this to do with a certain, hunky naval pilot?" She teased as she squeezed my cheeks, playfully shoving her. I shook my head at her.

"Stop." I laughed. "Where's dad?" I questioned as she pointed upstairs to dads office.

"He's up there, with Mav." She explained, as I narrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion.

"Why is Mav here?" All my mother could do was shrug, she gave me a gesture to go upstairs.

"Whilst you are up there, make sure your dads ok with the honey tea." Nodding as I headed up the beautifully polished wooden stair case, I took in a deep breath as I knocked gently on my fathers office door. I slowly creaked it open, popping my head in as Mav and Dad looked at me with a smile.

"What's going on in here?" I asked as I walked over to the pair. "Better not be debating who is the better pilot." They both giggled as I walked over, placing a kiss on top of my fathers head. I swung an arm over his shoulder. "Cause I will win at that game, every time." I stated in a cocky manner, my father playfully slapped me. Making Mav and myself laugh.

"My god, you are so much like your father." Maverick commented as he looked between my father and I with full respect and love in his eyes.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smiled gently at the captain, I placed my attention back on my father. Squeezing his shoulder to get him to look up at me. "Mum wanted me to check and make sure you didn't need anything." He smiled at me purely, taking my hand in his. Placing a gentle kiss.

"I am ok." He said softly.

"Alright, I will leave you guys to it. See you tomorrow, Cap." I announced as I started to head out the room.

"See you tomorrow." He replied, gently closing the door behind me. I left it opened a gap, my curiosity getting the better of me as I peaked one eye through. I watched Maverick help my dad to his feet, watching the amount of effort it took for my best friend to speak.

"The navy, needs Maverick. The kid, needs Maverick. My kid, needs Maverick. That's why I fought for you, that is why you're still here." Watching them both bring each other into a tight hug, an embrace. I closed the door properly and quietly, standing up straight as I let out a heavy sigh. My heart felt heavy, my father has impacted so many lives. I only wish to be able to do the same as him.

Walking back to the base with the sun setting along the base of the water, placing my hands into my leather jacket pockets. I jumped in my skin, feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around my body I squealed as I then realised who it was.

"Jake!" I laughed as he placed me down, his hands on my waist as my hands sat on his arms. "What are you doing?" I asked him as my back leant against the side walk railing.

"Spotted you from up at the house, you seemed like you were in your own little world. You ok?" He questioned, his eyes soft and sincere. His skin glowed with the afternoon sun.

"Yeah, just went to see dad." I begun, his eyes dropped and went from sincere and soft to stern and concerned. "He's ok." I reassured as I held his face. "He was talking to Maverick, then I just came to realise. That he has impacted so many lives, my dad has changed so many lives for the better. I just wish I can do that much good like him one day, be able to change peoples lives." I stood there stunned for a moment on how opened I became with him, he looked at me and smiled, holding my face with his large, soft hands.

"As corny as it sounds, you have changed my life, you make me want to be a better person. If that isn't something, I don't know what is." Looking at him in awe, my heart fluttered from his comment. In a quick flinch of instinct, I grabbed ahold of his face. Pulling him into me as I crushed my lips against his, the cool ocean breeze brushing past us. Jakes hands wrapped around me tightly, as if I was the thing to keep him warm.

Our lips slowly left eachothers, our body's pressed against one another as he rested his forehead against mine

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Our lips slowly left eachothers, our body's pressed against one another as he rested his forehead against mine. His icy blue eyes staring into my soul, we both took a second to catch our breath. Jake kept an arm wrapped around me, as he placed his other to rest on the side walk railing. He spoke softly as he said.

"You have no idea, how long I waited for that to happen." Letting out a small giggle, pecking his lips. My soul felt like it was floating, feeling every ounce of me feel safe again. Jake and I continued the walk back to the house with our hands entangled with each others, it was somewhat... peaceful.

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