Award Ceremony

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Context: You and Austin have been a couple for the past 4 years, and you have been there with him for a lot of big moments in his acting career, little did you two know that you're about to be with him through another one.

Present Day: It's a beautiful Saturday morning, and you and Austin are lying in bed, asleep and cuddling, just enjoying each others warm embrace. The sun is shining through the curtains, casting a stunning golden glow over you and Austin as you both smile to yourselves as you sleep. The longer you sleep, the tighter you hold each other and the closer you get, nothing could ever beat this feeling. Until it is all of a sudden ruined by Austin's alarm going off; you never wanted to get up at 10:30 in the morning on a Saturday, but today was the Oscars, so you two had to get up slightly earlier if you wanted to be ready in time. Austin lets go of you with his left arm and reaches over to his alarm, turning it off. You stretch your arms out and rub your eyes in an attempt to wake yourself up, before turning back and seeing Austin just smiling at you with his gorgeous smile. 

Y/N: "What?" You say, giggling at him

Austin: "What, why are you saying what?" He says, still smiling at you

Y/N: "Why are you smiling at me?"

Austin: "Because you look absolutely stunning that's why, am I not allowed to admire my own girlfriend?" He states, flashing a cheeky smirk at you as he does so

Y/N: "I've jut woke up, my hair is a mess, I haven't brushed my teeth, I'm in my pyjamas and I look like I've been hit by a car"

Austin: "You're still gorgeous in my eyes baby" He says as he leans over and kisses you, before standing up and walking over to the window, parting the curtains and letting the sunlight burst through the glass. He comes back over to you, pulls the blanket away from you and picks you up bridal style, as he knows you'll procrastinate and stay in bed for ages before you finally get up. You both laugh as he carries you downstairs and places you on the couch, turning the TV onto your favorite Netflix show for you to watch as he prepares breakfast for the both of you. 

He heads into the kitchen and starts cooking, the smell of his divine food travelling into the living room and into your nostrils; waffles, delicious!! Austin comes into the room and walks up to you, prompting you to pause your show, as he places his arms under your legs and lifts you up, as you wrap your legs around his waist with his hands gently placed on your ass, as he carries you into the dining room and places you down next to your chair, as the pair of you sit down and enjoy your waffles together. After devouring the waffles and chatting about random things, Austin washes up the plates and picks you up bridal style again. He carries you into the living room, sits on the couch with you on his lap and resumes the show. You two sit there and watch it together, cuddling up to one another as you do so. After finishing the show, you two realize what time it is.

Austin: "We should probably start getting ready for the Oscars now, the car will be here in about 3 hours"

Y/N: "Yeah, it's going to take me ages to get ready so now is probably the right time to do so"

Austin: "That's why I suggested to get ready now, because I know how long you'll take" He says, laughing and picking you up again and turning the TV off. He makes his way up the stairs and places you in your guys' room, as he makes his way over to the closet and grabs his suit and shoes. 

Austin: "I'll go get dressed in the bathroom as I know you'll need the bedroom in order to do your makeup and nails" He says, walking up to you and planting a kiss on your cheek

Y/N: "Thank you baby"

Austin: "No problem my love, let me know when you're done and I'll come get you to take you downstairs, wouldn't want you to fall downstairs in your dress and heels"

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