Cheater part 2 👀

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2 years. That is the length of time it has been since you and Austin broke up. In that time, you have taken time to care for yourself and love yourself, you have gotten over the hurt, you have gone on multiple days out with your friends, you've been spending more time with your mum and have just been enjoying life. That's not all that's happened. You met someone. 5 months after the break up, you met a man named Derek. He was a lovely man, you two were great friends and got along great. You both had feelings for each other, granted his were stronger than yours, but you liked him nonetheless. You guys made it official and started going out on dates. The relationship was going great, until it wasn't.

It's 8:30pm on a Saturday evening, you've been stood outside the restaurant for 2 hours, Derek had asked you out on a date but hadn't shown up. It had started to rain about 7:55 and now you're soaked, dress is drenched, hair is ruined and your makeup is running down your face. You decided it was useless to wait so you decided to walk back to your place. You've been walking for about 15 minutes when a familiar voice calls your name from behind you, in a sort of desperate way. You turn around to see who it is and you freeze in shock.

Y/N: "Austin?"

You look at the man in front of you, the man you broke up with two years ago. He's wearing a white t-shirt, black dress pants and sort of formal shoes. He's absolutely drenched from head to toe, hair to the side to keep it from dripping in his eyes, he's out of breath and has a desperate expression on his face, like his life depends on talking to you.

Y/N: "What are you doing here?"

You ask, concerned yet also confused

Austin: "I need to talk to you, please"

Y/N: "I've got nothing else to do, why not"

His face lights up slightly but then returns to what it was before

Austin: "Look, I know it's been ages since we broke up, and I know I was a dick to you, and I know it was entirely my fault that we broke up. But I miss you like crazy. I'm not going to use the bullshit excuse that it was a mistake, because something like that isn't a mistake, but I can tell you now I regret it deeply, it haunts me every day of my existence, I can't even sleep at night without picturing the horrified expression that was on your face. You were, and still are the love of my life, and the fact that I hurt you is the biggest regret of my life and if I could take it all back I would, in a heartbeat. I'd give anything to have you wrapped in my arms on the couch again, I'd give anything to wake up in the middle of the night and look down to find you snuggled on my chest again, I'd give anything to hold your hand in a long car ride because it eases your car sickness again. I just need you back in my life"

All of this is such a shock to you, it's the last thing you expected him to say, but you're not complaining. In fact, the butterflies you used to get around him seem to have returned.

Austin: "I made a terrible decision, and in doing that I lost the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I lost the woman I wanted to marry and I lost the woman I wanted to frow old and have a family with. And I will never forgive myself for that, and I don't expect you to either"

Y/N: "Austin"

Austin: "You meant so much to me, and I loved you so much, and you loved me just as much, and I fucked everything up by doing what I did"

Y/N: "Austin"

Austin: "I know it might take you a while to forgive me for what I did, but please consider it"

Y/N: "Austin?"

Austin: "I love you so much Y/N and I can tell you now I am not going to give you up that easily, I will do everything it takes to get you ba-"

And with that you smashed your lips against his and aggressively kissed him, since he wasn't going to shut up when you said his name. As your lips collided, butterflies exploded in your stomach, your face burned bright red and a smile spread across your face, not like anything you had experienced with Derek. In this moment you realised, you had never stopped loving Austin. This man truly had your heart, it belonged to him, always had and always will. Nothing was going to separate the two of you and nothing was going to pull you two apart, you two were soulmates and we're meant to be together. You knew in this moment, that you wanted Austin. You needed to end things with Derek and get back with your man. You pull away from Austin, hold his face in your hands and look directly into his eyes.

Y/N: "I love you Austin, I always have. No matter what has happened or how much time has passed, my heart has always been yours, you have always had claim over my heart, and that's never going to change. I got over what happened months ago, and I forgave to months ago too. I love you so much, and I want you back"

Austin smiles from ear to ear, wrapping his arms around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around, causing you to erupt into giggles. He placed you back down on the ground and kissed you again. He pulls away after a while and grabs your hand in his.

Austin: "Let's get back to my place and dry off, I'll let you borrow one of my t-shirts to sleep in"

Y/N: "Okay"

You reply smiling at him. You two run off towards his place together, giggling along the way. Once you get there you det yourself dried, you change into one of his shirts and you climb into his bed together, cuddling up to one another, Austin laying on your chest and you okay with his hair.

Y/N: "You have no idea how much I missed this"

Austin: "You're not the only one who missed this, I can finally feel at home again"

And with that, you turn the light off, kiss him goodnight and you both fall asleep. You decide to text Derek in the morning to meet up, so you can break up with him and explain the situation to him in person instead of being a bitch and doing it over text.

Now you're finally happy again, you're with the love of your life and you feel as if your relationship will be stronger than ever. This is what you've always wanted, without even realising it.

Part 3(the final part) coming soon 🤭

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