Argument 😔

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You and Austin have been together for a while and surprisingly you haven't had many serious arguments. You've had small falling outs and small disagreements, just like every other couple does, but they've never gotten out of hand and they've never been too bad. However, this was about to change.

You and Austin had been out for dinner for your weekly date night, and while you were out the waitress was flirting with him, kept touching him inappropriately, gave him a handkerchief with her number on it and winked at him when you guys payed the bill and got up to leave. You obviously didn't say anything while you were there because the last thing anyone wants to do is cause a scene. While in the car, you removed his hand from your thigh and looked out the window silently the entire ride home to give him the hint that you were upset. Once you got home, you opened the door, slammed it with as much force as you could, and stormed off into the house, Austin chasing after you absolutely baffled as to what's wrong. You get into the living room and place your bag down and approaches you. 

Austin: "What's up? You've been really moody since we left the restaurant"

Y/N: "You can't be fucking serious!"

Austin: "What?"

Y/N: "Are you seriously trying to tell me that you have NO idea why I might be upset right now?" 

Austin: "No, I don't please tell me"

Y/N: "That fucking waitress was all over you! She was flirting with you and touching you, she gave you her number and fucking winked at you! And what did you do about it? FUCKING NOTHING!! You just let her flirt with you, you just let her touch you, you accepted when she winked at you and you took the handkerchief she put her number on and put it in your fucking pocket!! Not once did you tell her that you had a girlfriend, not once did you tell her that me and you were trying to enjoy our date night, not once did you tell her to stop, and the fact that you took the handkerchief with her number on it really topped it off" You scream at him, tears starting to well in your eyes as he just watches you and listens

Y/N: "Do you have any idea how lonely I felt? Do you have any idea how crap that made me feel? Watching a woman flirt with and touch my boyfriend and he was okay with it. I won't lie to you, it made me feel unloved and ignored. That was supposed to be our date night, and I felt like I was third wheeling you and her" You say in a soft tone, the tears in your eyes falling down your face, your voice cracking every few seconds due to you crying and your throat tightening from trying to hold back the tears

Austin: "Baby I..."

Y/N: "Save your fucking apology, I don't want to hear it! You shouldn't even have to apologise and this conversation shouldn't have had to happen, because if you were a good boyfriend you would've stopped her" You say before turning your back on him and walking upstairs. 

You get into your room, grab some pyjamas out of the drawer and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind you before collapsing to the floor crying. You sit there for about 10 minutes before washing the makeup off of your face, changing into your pyjamas and brushing your teeth ready for bed. While you're doing all of this, Austin makes his way upstairs and sits on the end of your bed, elbows on his knees and head in his hands. Guilt takes over his entire body as he realizes just how much he's fucked up. He loves you  so much, he thinks the world of you and he literally worships the ground you walk on, however he's made you question that and he's made you feel like he doesn't love you all because he felt too rude and too uncomfortable to stop what the waitress was doing. Tears fall silently down his face as he replays everything you said in his head, feeling nothing but guilt and shame for not being the better boyfriend that you deserve. Suddenly he hears the bathroom door open and when he looks up he sees you stood in the doorway looking at him. He waste no time in getting up, walking over to you and taking your right hand in his left and placing his right hand on your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes the entire time he speaks.

Austin: "I am incredibly sorry for what happened tonight, I wanted to stop her and I wanted to tell her, I really did, however she was making me incredibly uncomfortable and being really pushy with it and I felt like I couldn't say anything. I love you so so so much, you are the light of my life. Without you I wouldn't be who I am now. You mean so much to me, there aren't enough words in any language that exists to express just how much you mean to me. When we met and when you came into my life, I started to forget what life was like without you, and the last thing I want is to lose you. I know that because of what happened it might take you a while to forgive me, but I promise you now, swear on my life, that i will do everything I can to show you just how much I love you and just how sorry and regretful I am for what happened tonight"

You are stunned by what he's saying and you can't help but melt not only at his touch, but at his words too. When he's finished talking you place your forehead against his and close your eyes.

Y/N: "You don't need to do anything else, all of that was enough for me to forgive you. All of that alone shows me just how much you love me and just how sorry and regretful you are"

Austin: "Are you sure?"

Y/N: "I'm sure" You smile at him before placing a kiss to his lips. It lasts about 2 minutes before you both pull away. Austin smiles at you before picking you up, causing you to laugh, before he chucks you onto the bed and spoons you, holding you as close and as tight as possible, his head in the crook of your neck leaving little kisses along your neck and jaw.

Austin: "I love you so much Y/N, more than you could ever imagine"

Y/N: "I love you too Austin, so so so much"

And with that, you two slowly drift off to sleep in each others arms, holding one another close and just enjoying the company and the closeness as you sleep peacefully. The both of you breathing in one anothers scent, smiling to yourselves as you're both happy that you managed to get over your first ever serious argument. After this moment, you both knew that your relationship would be even stronger and that nobody can ever get between you, there's no ending your relationship. 

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