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It's no secret that Austin and Kai Gerber are a couple, they have been for a while. They're cute, they seem like a good match and they seem happy. But are they really? You and Austin have been secretly hooking up together for the past year, and unfortunately you have become attached to him. It started off as a one night stand after the two of you hooked up after meeting at a bar while both drunk, but Austin and you both seemed to enjoy it so you kept it going, hooking up at least 3 times a month for an entire year. During this time, you had fallen in love with him, and it wasn't entirely your fault. He would send you flowers, chocolates, love letters etc when he wasn't with you, and this would make any woman fall for a man. All of this behaviour led you to believe you guys could be something more, but are your suspicions true, or are you entirely fuelled by delusion?


It's a Saturday night, the night you and Austin normally hook up. Sure enough, at 11:30pm, he showed up at your door, condoms in his pocket ready to do the usual. You let him in and shut the door behind him, heading into the living room with him. You guys had a 30 minute make out session before making your way upstairs to your bedroom. You guys went multiple times, totalling at 3 hours. After all that, you both collapsed onto the bed, putting your underwear back on.

Austin pulled you into him and cuddles you, playing with your hair, a small smile playing on your lips. The room was silent for a moment before he spoke.

Austin: "I love you"

These words caught you off guard, this was the last thing you expected him to say, but you felt the same so you didn't complain.

Y/N: "I love you too"

Austin: "I want to see you more often, spend more time with you. I want to take you on dates and do fun things together"

Him saying this made you unbelievably happy. He was telling you that he wanted to be in a relationship with you...or was he?

Y/N: "You finally want to make things official between us?"

Austin froze, his brows furrowing before looking down at you.

Austin: "No..."

This broke you heart. He had just said all of that, admitted that he loved you and yet he still didn't want to make the relationship official. At this point you were tired, you had enough of being used and being treated like this. You were going to put an end to it, whether he liked it or not. You moved away from him, standing up from the bed and looking at him.

Y/N: "This has been going on for a year, 3 night a month you come over and we fuck, and then when you go back to your girlfriend, you send me flowers, chocolates and love letters, and then tonight you tell me you love me and that you want to spend time with me during the day and you want to do cute couple things, but you refuse to make the relationship official? Why? Why won't you make things with me official?"

Austin: "Because I'm still with Kai, I can't get in a relationship with you and make things between us official when I'm still with her!"

There it was. The small nugget of information that you were looking for. He's still with her. He's saying all of this stuff to you while still being with her, you couldn't believe him.

Y/N: "This isn't fair on me Austin, you can't keep doing this!"

Austin: "You knew what you were getting into when we hooked up and agreed to carry on! It's not exactly a secret that I'm dating Kai, everyone knows I am!! You should've thought about it before deciding to keep seeing me!"

Y/N: "I can't help the fact that I fell in love with you okay?"

Austin: "Yeah, and I love you too Y/N"

Y/N:" Then leave her!! Leave her and be with me!"

Austin: "I can't do that! It would look extremely suspicious if I broke up with her and then was immediately seen in public with you! Everyone would immediately know that I was hooking up with you while I was with her, and I can't have the public know that!"

At this point tears were swelling in your eyes and you were getting emotional, you no longer cared about what you were saying, you just wanted him to hurry up and make a decision.

Y/N: "Then stop seeing me! Stop coming over to fuck me, stop sending me flowers, stop sending me gifts, don't tell me you love me, don't tell me you want to see me more often!"

Austin: "No, I won't do that!"

He was really starting to piss you off now, you said the only thing you could think of in the moment.

Y/N: "You can't be with the both of us, I refuse to be your fucking mistress Austin!!"

That was it. He froze in place. Mistress, that's what you were, and that's all you were to him. He stood there looking at you, before finally speaking up, but it wouldn't be what you wanted to hear.

Austin: "I'm not leaving her Y/N, I love her"

The tears were spilling down your cheeks as you looked at him in disbelief.

Y/N: "If you loved her as much as you say you do you wouldn't continue seeing me"

Silence hangs between the two of you as you just stare at each other, before he finally speaks up.

Austin: "You're right......I think we should leave this here"

He turns around, licking his clothes up off the floor and getting dressed, putting his shoes on before heading towards the door.

Austin: "Next time, don't fuck a man in a relationship, he'll never pick you over his girlfriend"

And with that, he walks down the stairs and leaves. You hear the front door open and then slam shut, and that's when everything comes out. You drop to the floor, crying your eyes out. This isn't how you expected tonight to end, but here you are. You sit on the floor crying for 15 minutes before finally pulling yourself up. You pick up the 7 empty condom wrapper off the floor and put them in the bin before getting into bed. The worst part of it all, his smell lingered on your sheets.

You cuddled up to the pillow he was laying on l, breathing in his smell and crying your eyes out. You'd well and truly fucked it up, and you knew you were never going to get him back. This was all your fault, you hooked up with a man in a relationship and expected him to pick you, how silly of you.

You were just his mistress...........

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