Fuck the party 🤭

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Throughout the course of your 2 year relationship with Austin, you have done many things together and you have attended many events together. Every time an occasion pops up, Austin is always eager to take you with him and he wants to spend every second he possibly can with you, which you find adorable and of course you always say yes, as it's an excuse to be with him. However on this occasion, it would be slightly different. Tonight some friends of Austins were throwing a party and had asked the both of you if you wanted to go, and you both accepted the invite as you love attending parties together and having fun on a night out. You were getting ready in the bathroom, doing your hair, makeup and nails after having gotten dressed and put your shoes on. You were stood in the bathroom mirror admiring yourself, loving the outfit that you had picked out. This is the outfit that you have picked out for the evening:

You're wearing red stilettos to match and you have matched your makeup and your nails to your outfit

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You're wearing red stilettos to match and you have matched your makeup and your nails to your outfit. You love the way you look and you feel great, you're ready to go to this party and have an amazing night with your beloved boyfriend. Suddenly, you hear a knock on the bathroom door, Austin wanting to know if you're ready.

Austin: "Baby, are you ready? We've got to get going"

Y/N: "Yeah I'm ready" You call out to him, making your way over to the bathroom door. You unlock the door and open in, looking up at Austin smiling as his eyes wander down your body, taking in the outfit you're wearing and just admiring the view in front of him. 

Y/N: "You okay baby?" 

Austin: "I am perfectly fine my love" He says, eyes still on your body as he places his hands on your hips, pulling you close to him and holding you tightly before leaning his  head down and kissing your neck, hand entangled in your hair tugging at it lightly, causing you to let out a low whimper. 

Y/N: "Austin.....we have to get going.....the party....."

Austin: "Fuck the party" He returns in a low, husky voice, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist and walking over to the bathroom counter, closing the door behind the both of you. He places you on the counter and stand between your legs, his lips still attached to your neck, kissing and sucking away, marking your skin with purple and red marks. You lean your head back, allowing him more access to your neck, whimpering as you enjoy the feeling of his kisses. His hands roam up and down your body, occasionally squeezing at your waist, your hips and your thighs, holding you tightly, making sure to bruise your skin where his hands have been. Eventually, he pulls away from your neck, standing back to admire the marks he has left, pulling you down from off the counter with a smirk plastered on his face. He turns you around to face the mirror, standing right up against your back, pressing his boner right into you and smirking when you roll your eyes back. 

Austin: "You feel that baby....that's what you do to me....you and you only" You smile at his comment and let out a moan as Austin grabs the bottom of your skirt and pulls it up over your ass. As he does this, he notices that you're not wearing any underwear underneath, and lets out a low growl in response.

Austin: "No underwear eh? Naughty girl" And with that his hand collides with your bare ass, a stinging feeling suddenly hitting you as you moan and wince from the pain, a hand mark now very present on your ass. Austin has now marked your body in all different ways, allowing anyone who sees you to know that you belong to him. 

Austin slowly glides his hands up for back and pushes your upper body forward so you are bent over the bathroom counter, your hands gripping to the sides. He unbuttons and unzips his trousers, pulling them down slightly before also pulling down his boxers. He grips his dick in his hand, stroking it a few times, before pushing it into your pussy from behind, causing you to let out a loud, lewd moan. His thrusts start off slow and gentle, allowing you to adjust to the feeling and get used to his size, but as you get more comfortable and as your moans get louder and more frequent, he picks up the pace, thrusting into you harder and faster, before he is eventually slamming into you at an ungodly speed. As he pounds into you, your body hits against the counter, in a way adding to the pleasure more, as Austin keeps on pounding into you. His hands have a tight grip on your hips, bruising them further, groans of his own escaping his lips, loving the way you feel.

Austin: "God you feel so good around me baby.....I love it so much.....such a good girl for me.....my little slut" His praises turn you on even more and cause you to let out a string of moans, loving the words that are leaving his mouth. He keeps repeating these phrases, knowing that they are helping you get closer and closer to your orgasm, wanting to make you feel as good as possible and wanting to make you finish. As he utters praises to you, his pounding continues, getting harder and faster, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. 

Y/N: "Austin.......I'm going to cum....."

Austin: "Cum for me baby....be a good girl and cum all over my dick" And with that you do just as he says, your orgasm quickly approaches and you cum all over Austin, feeling a sense of relief and a sense of pleasure wash over you. Austin continues to thrust into you until he himself finishes, releasing his hot load into you. He pulls out and watches as a mixture of your cum and his drips out of you, smirking as he pushes his finger inside of you to plug you up and stop the rest from dripping out.

Austin: "God I love looking you in the eye knowing that you are filled with my cum" You smile at his comment as he leans over your body, stroking your hair with his free hand and kissing you on the cheek.

Austin: "You did such a good job for me baby, lets get you into something comfy and then get into bed shall we?" You nod in response to his question. He picks you up bridal style, carrying you into the bedroom and laying you down. He walks over to the dresser and finds your favourite fluffy pyjamas for you. He changes you into them before getting into something comfy himself, and then gets into the bed and pulls you close to him, placing your head on his chest while he strokes your hair and admires you.

Austin: "I love you so much baby"

Y/N: "I love you too Austin" He smiles at you before placing a passionate yet tender kiss on your lips, turning off the bedside lamps and holding you close and you both drift off to sleep, absolutely exhausted from the night of fun that you two have had.

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