You and Only you 🩷

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A/N: This was a request from @JayDog_20, if there's anything in particular that you want me to writr about then please feel free to message me or leave a comment under one of my chapters. Hope you enjoy!! :)

You're a plus size woman, and you have been since you were 18 years old. To begin with you didn't care about your body, or that you were different from other people. You were extremely confident and you loved yourself no matter what. It wasn't until you entered the dating field and had encounters with men on dates that the body image issues started to come in. Men had been incredibly horrid to you about your weight and had even told you things like 'I'd date you if you lost the weight'. It didn't take long for it to have a negative effect on your confidence and the once happy and confident girl you were vanished and became an insecure and unhappy girl who couldn't stand to look in the mirror. All of the clothes that you loved and were so happy to wear were now being donated to thrift stores or sold to others online as they no longer fitted you. You had to go out and purchase a whole new closet, and because you were now insecure about your body, all of the new clothes consisted of sweatpants, hoodies and anything that would hide you size. This carried on for years, until you met Austin. You and Austin met on a dating app when you were 25. He quickly fell in love with you on the first date and from then on you guys went of several dates, the chemistry between the two of you was undeniable. He got you flowers, he took you to fancy restaurants, you went bowling together, you went to carnivals and fairgrounds, you two just always had a great time together no matter what you did. It took about 2 months and numerous dates until you guys became an official couple. You hadn't been this happy in years. Austin brought back the happy, confident, self loving girl you used to be. He made you feel seen, he made you feel loved and most of all he made you feel beautiful. With Austin you had the confidence to wear shorter skirts and dresses, you had the confidence to wear tight fitted clothes, you had the confidence to wear bikinis to the beach. He restored all of your confidence and also repaired your failing relationship with food. He had truly saved you and you couldn't be more grateful for that. He was your knight in shining armor, something that you didn't know you needed.

Fast forward two years. Austin and you are still together and are still as happy as you were when you first met, if not happier. You guys still regularly go out on dates, he still buys you flowers when the old ones die and your still confident. However, your body issues do still bother you on some occasions and you do still have days where you don't feel as beautiful. Today is one of those days. You and Austin had planned to go bowling together today and then go to the arcade afterwards. You had been looking forward to this date for ages and you couldn't wait to go. However, once you had gotten dressed, you decided to look in the mirror to see how you looked. At first you thought you looked great, but then the intrusive thoughts started coming through and you were now on the verge of tears and wanted to change. Your internal voice was screaming at you that you were too big, Austin was going to throw up when he saw you, he'd call you a fat bitch and then dump you, and the worst of all, that he was having an affair with a skinnier woman because he'd had enough of dating a fat woman. That thought was the final straw and you just broke down crying. You stood in front of the mirror, crying while picking out all of your imperfections and finding things about yourself that you want to change. As you do that, Austin walks into the room, his smile dropping immediately once he sees you crying. 

Austin: "Hey hey beautiful what's wrong?" He asks concerned as he walks up to you, placing his hands on your cheeks and looking into your eyes.

Y/N: "Just having some bad thoughts that's all, it doesn't matter..."

Austin: "Baby please tell me what's on your mind, I hate seeing my girl cryin'" You stand there for a little bit before you finally decide to tell him what's on your mind.

Y/N: "My body image issues just resurfacing, and thoughts coming to mind about you cheating on me because you want to be with someone skinnier..." You admit this quietly, your eyes focused on the floor as you do so, unable to look him in the eyes while saying such things.

Austin: "Honey look at me" He keeps his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look him in the eyes as he gives you an empathetic look.

Austin: "You are the kindest, funniest, most caring and most beautiful woman I have ever met. Since our first date I have been head-over-heels in love with you and you have meant everything to me. The more I've known you the more I have fallen in love with you. You are everything I have ever wanted in a woman and you are everything I have ever dreamed of. Losing you would be the equivalent to hell on earth, it is not something I want to have to experience. You are my entire world and life would be meaningless without you. You are my light in the dark, my other half, my soulmate, and if you think your weight changes that then you're wrong. I don't care about your weight, I don't care how heavy you are or how slim you are, it's not going to change how I feel about you. You are an absolutely stunning woman and I have never seen a woman more gorgeous in my life. I wouldn't dare leave you for another woman or see another woman behind your back, because you're all I could ever need in life, you're the one for me, you're the one I want to be with, not some other skinny bitch. I want you and only you my darling, please never forget that"

His words bring happy tears to your eyes, nobody has ever said such beautiful things to you. The fact that he reassured you for how you feel instead of brushing your feelings off as stupid and ridiculous, meant everything to you. You couldn't be any luckier to have a man like him and you couldn't be anymore thankful for him.

Austin: "Wipe those tears away, I hate seeing my pretty girl cry" He gently wipes away your tears with his thumbs, drying your eyes with his sleeve.

Y/N: "Thank you Austin"

Austin: "No need to thank me darling, it's my job as your man to reassure you whenever you need it, and you needed it more than anything just now"

You two both smile at each other and share a sweet, tender kiss before you leave to go bowling. The rest of the night was absolutely amazing and had it not been for Austin and his kind words of reassurance, you would've chosen to stay home instead. Those words meant everything to you and you could never express with words just how thankful you were to him for saying them!

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