Jealousy 😠

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Authors Note: This scenario was a request from @asher_iz_hot and as promised I am delivering on a fans request. I hope you enjoy!!

You and Austin are a couple, however you haven't been together for very long. Your relationship was only made official 7 months ago, but you are both enjoying being together and you both love each other very much. You have both been in relationships in the past, however they are very different. Austin obviously had a long-term relationship with Vanessa Hudgens, and they were a cute couple, but things just didn't work between them. And then there's the relationship you had with your ex, Jacob Elordi. You had dated him for about 2 years, and you were happy and you thought everything was good. However pictures came out of him at a Halloween party with his arm around another girl and matching his costume with hers. This upset you, as you were ill on Halloween and couldn't go. You obviously spoke to him about this and it turns out that him and this girl had been having an affair for 5 and a half months. This hurt you deeply, you trusted him and you loved him, and he betrayed you. But what made it worse was the reason why. He had told you that you weren't a good girlfriend as you wouldn't do everything he wanted you to, and that he had gotten bored in your relationship and wanted something exciting, but didn't want to end things with you in case you changed. This absolutely tore your heart out and you were devastated. After that, you were scared to love again, you avoided relationships at all costs. That was until Austin showed up. When you met him, you couldn't help but fall for him. His beautiful hair, his angelic face, his breathe-taking eyes, his gorgeous smile, everything about him just captivated you and you fell head over heels for him, and to your surprise he felt the same way. He made it his life goal to make you his, he took you on as many dates as he could, he spoiled you in every way he could, every chance possible he got you your favourite flowers and took you to your favourite places, he treated you like a goddess and he worships the ground you walk on. When you're together he looks at you as if nobody else exists, he clings onto you as if his life depends on it. He treats you how you've always wanted to be treated in a relationship, and he healed your heart after Jacob completely shattered it. You both love each other so much and you're both incredibly happy in your relationship. Though you have been together for 7 months, nothing serious has really happened during your time as a couple, though today that was about to change.

It's summer. You and Austin have been spending loads of time together and really loving time as a couple, and today was no different. Today Austin had told you to just get ready and get dressed as he wants to take you to the beach today, as he's paid a large amount of money to rent out the beach for just the two of you. This made you incredibly happy as you loved the beach so much, so of course you agreed to the plans. It's now 11:30 in the morning and you are sat on the couch of your living room, waiting for Austin to come and get you. This is what you're wearing:

As it's really warm today and you're going to the beach you didn't bother putting any makeup on, but you did make sure to wash and brush your hair and out it into a high ponytail

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As it's really warm today and you're going to the beach you didn't bother putting any makeup on, but you did make sure to wash and brush your hair and out it into a high ponytail. 10 minutes later and you hear a knock on your door, and when you open it you're greeted with Austin smiling down at you with a bouquet of your favourite flowers.

Y/N: "OMG Austin, you didn't have to"

Austin: "I wanted to, plus your other ones died so I thought I'd get you some new ones"

Y/N: "How did you know that?"

Austin: "Whenever I get you flowers, I always take one flower of of the bouquet and keep it, so I know when the flowers die and I know when to get you replacement ones" Tears of happiness well in your eyes as he says this and you can't help but smile and wrap your arms around him, muttering thank you into his ear as he takes the bouquet into the kitchen, putting them into the vase and throwing the dead ones in the bin. He walks back over to you and takes your hand in his as you lock the front door, before walking you over to his car, opening the door for you and closing it once you're seated. He gets in the car and drives you to the beach. He decides to stop along the way at your favourite bakery to grab some food to take with you to the beach. You both get out of the car and walk inside, hand in hand. Once you get in there, you order what you want and the counter and wait for the workers to grab everything, when suddenly you hear your name from the door.

??: "Y/N!! Long time no see!" You turn around to see who it is, your face dropping as you freeze in place once you see who it is. Your ex, Jacob Elordi.

Y/N: "What do you want Jacob" You say, not really wanting to talk to him but you don't want to appear rude to the bakery staff.

Jacob: "I saw you walk in here as I was sat down the road and just thought I'd come and say hi, is there a problem with me speaking to my ex?" That's it. That's the sentence that triggers Austin to pay attention to the conversation, glaring at Jacob, jealousy flowing through his body. 

Y/N: "There is when you were absolutely horrible in our relationship" You return in an unbothered way, hating the fact that he thinks it's okay to talk to you after what he did.

Jacob: "That was ages ago Y/N, can't you just let it go Jesus" Again, Austin is upset by that sentence, but for your sake he tries his best to not say anything, as he likes to believe that you have the situation under control.

Y/N: "I'm not just going to forget the fact that i was treated poorly in a relationship, it's not something that's easy to forget" As you say that, Jacob smirks, walking up to you and placing his hand on your waist, pulling you into him.

Jacob: "This is one thing I always hated about you, how god damn stubborn you are. If I want you back I can have you back, whether you like it or not" That's Austins final straw, he can't contain the jealousy anymore. Seeing Jacob touch you in that way, hearing him speak to you like that and hearing him say that he will take you back pisses him off, and he wants to put a stop to it.

Austin: "OI dude, leave her alone would ya?" He says to Jacob, gritting his teeth. Jacob just smirks at Austin.

Jacob: "And why would I want to do that" He retorts in his usual egotistical, cocky manner

Austin: "Because she's with me and has been for the past 7 months now, and I am treating her the way that you failed to and she's much happier without you, so if you could go away and leave us alone that would be great" Jacob smirks at Austin before grabbing you by the hips, pulling you into him and holding you still so you can't move. This pushes Austin over the edge and he doesn't care about being nice anymore, he's reached his limit on the amount of bullshit that he can take.

Austin: "If you do not leave us alone and remove your hands from her, I will remove your hands from your body and shove them where the sun don't shine!" He threatens through gritted teeth, his face right up close to Jacobs, causing Jacob to swiftly let you go and leave the bakery, getting in his car and driving off, never to be seen by you two again. You just look up at Austin with love filled eyes, appreciating the way he stood up for you and defended you. He turns around and his face softens when he sees the way you're looking at him, smiling and placing his hands on your hips he asks

Austin: "What?"

Y/N: "You're so attractive when you're jealous, and I love it when you stand up for me" He smirks at your remarks and kisses you passionately. Just as you pull away the bakery worker gives you your order. You guys get back in Austins car and head to the beach. You spend the entire day there just laughing and chatting, splashing water at each other, throwing and pulling each other into the sea and chasing each other down the long beach, making core memories in your relationship that you're sure one day you will tell to your future children and grandchildren. 

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