Cheater final part 🤭

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It's been a while since you and Austin got back together, and your relationship has done nothing but flourish. Your relationship is stronger than ever and you two are head over heels in love with one another.

You've been living at Austin's place since you decided to restart your relationship, and you've enjoyed living with him again. You two cook together, bake together, sort the garden together, do the laundry together, watch TV together, do the dishes together, you're enjoying living your life together. You have the picture perfect life, and you feel closer than ever after what happened.

It's a Saturday evening, around 8:30 pm, and Austin is in his office, going over a script for his new film that he's due to star in, and you're bored, so you get an idea.

You go up to the bedroom you share with Austin and you put on a set of white lingerie you bought recently that he hasn't seen yet, this is the set:

You look in the mirror, making yourself look pretty, you put on some lipstick and non-waterproof mascara 😉, make sure your hair looks good and put on a pair of white stilettos, before making your way down the hallway, to Austin's office

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You look in the mirror, making yourself look pretty, you put on some lipstick and non-waterproof mascara 😉, make sure your hair looks good and put on a pair of white stilettos, before making your way down the hallway, to Austin's office.

You knock on the door and ask to come in, to which Austin lets you in. You open the door and stand in the doorway, but Austin never takes his eyes off of the script in his hands.

Austin: Is everything okay my love?

Y/N: Yeah, just wanted to see you that's all

You remark, making your way over to Austin's desk, slowly.

Austin: I'm sorry we haven't spent much time together today, I just really need to nail this script and make sure I know it

Y/N: I know could nail...

And with that, you place your finger on his script and lower it to the desk, causing him to look up at you, his eyes expanding in shock as he realises what you're wearing.

Austin: Holy damn baby, when did you get that?

He groans, leaning into the back of his chair, his eyes glued onto your body as you strut around his desk, standing infront of him

Y/N: I got it not too long ago, just thought you'd like it

You reply, biting your lips and running your hands up your body, teasing him

Austin: Holy fuck...

You smirk at his comment and straddle his lap, sneaking your arms over his shoulders

Y/N: What's the matter baby?

Austin: God you honestly couldn't be anymore irresistible

You chuckle at his comment before latching your lips onto his neck, kissing and sucking away, leaving purple marks all over his skin, marking him as yours, as moans and groans flow out of his mouth as smooth as a river flows. The office is filled with the noises that you are drawing from Austin, and each moan just makes the wet patch on your panties even worse. It gets to the point where you can no longer hold yourself still, so you gently grind against his thigh, leaving your wetness on his trouser leg, his hands tightly gripping your thighs and your waist, only turning you both on even more. Moans falling out of both of your lips, the office filled with lude noises, it would be a shock if the neighbours didn't hear

Austin: Fuck baby I need you

Y/N: Then take me baby.....I'm all yours

And with that, he picks up up, turns you around, bends you over his desk and RIPS the panties straight off of you, tossing them as hard as possible across the room. Without a single word, he takes off his belt and pulls his trousers and underwear off, tossing them to the side. However, before he does anything, he takes his belt and smack it across your ass multiple times, leaving red marks all over it and causing even louder moans than before to come from you.

Finally, after all of this torture, he slips his dick into you and grips onto your hips. He starts off slow, so you can get used to his size, slipping it in inch by inch, not causing you too much pain and just allowing you to adjust to him, and finally, when he knows you're okay with it, he speeds up. His grip on your hips is tight the entire time, and occasionally he'll plant a massive slap on your ass cheek, leaving his hand mark. As time goes on, and the more you moan, he starts SLAMMING into you, as hard as he can, causing you to scream out into the otherwise silent room. The only noises that can be heard, are your moans, his groans and the sound of bodies slapping.

Austin: You're such a good girl, taking me, all of me...

You moan at his words, you love it when he praises you, it just makes you feel a certain way.

Austin: That's it baby, take it like the good little slut you are...

His words are driving you crazy, and those combined with how hard he is slamming into you, you can't take it anymore. With one final thrust, one final scream leaving your mouth, you reach your peak and you orgasm all over Austin. Your body feels limp, your vision goes, your legs and body start shaking and you let out one final moan as Austin cums inside of you, before pulling out and sitting back down on his chair, pulling you into his lap.

Austin kisses your cheek, strokes your hair and holds you tight, praising you for how well you did and how good you made him feel. Once you've recovered a little, he picks you up and carries you into the bathroom, placing you in the side of the bathtub. He runs a bath of hot water and bubbles, helping you in before getting in with you. He washes your hair and your body for you, and you guys chill in there for about 30 minutes before you get out, get dried and change into pyjamas, and getting into bed, cuddling up to one another, holding each other tight and enjoying each others warmth.

Austin: I love you darling

Y/N: I love you too baby

And with that, you both drift off to sleep, exhausted from what you've just done.

Authors Note: Heyyyy guys sorry for not updating for ages, I've been quite busy. I had a weekend away with my boyfriend and I was just enjoying time with him, and I've been thinking of ideas on what to write for part 3. But this is the final part to the 'Cheater' series. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope it was what you were expecting xxx

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