One-Night-Stand leads to more...👀

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You have recently broken up with your long-term boyfriend. You were with him for 10 years, you're currently 22 and you guys first got together in high school when you were 12. You two had no idea that the relationship would last that long, and you were both expecting to break up by 15. However, you guys had so much chemistry and got along so well that the relationship lasted for years. Your relationship was going strong and you guys seemed to be the perfect couple, that was until the final 2 years of the relationship. Due to having been together for so long, and the relationship starting when you guys were so young, the older you two became the more you guys grew apart. Obviously you two weren't the same people that you were when you were 12, so as you got older you guys just grew apart and outgrew one another. The relationship started to fizzle out and the spark was no longer there, which both of you had noticed. The break up wasn't on bad terms, the two of you sat down and both came to the conclusion that this relationship wasn't going to work anymore as you were completely different people now and you just weren't as happy together as you used to be. Since you had bought the apartment that you two shared, when you broke up he moved out. You allowed him to stay with you for as long as he needed and until he had his own place, which he was very grateful for. He took you out to dinner for one last time as a thank you for helping him out, and this gave you guys the perfect chance to talk one final time before he moved out. He found an apartment, but it was in a different state, so this would be the last time you guys could speak to one another properly, so you guys took full advantage of that. While discussing the break up, you guys decided that you would remain friends and still talk since you had known each other for so long, and you didn't want to lose a friend of 10 years over a relationship break up. 

When he finally moved out, you weren't really sad over the breakup. It was a mutual decision because neither of you had romantic feelings for one another anymore, so you weren't sad over it. However, you did take time for yourself anyways just because you wanted to. You took yourself on shopping sprees, you took yourself to the spa, you decided to get a dog who you absolutely love, you named him Zeus. This is him:

Your life has been going great and you feel absolutely amazing

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Your life has been going great and you feel absolutely amazing. You've been really enjoying the single life and you've been enjoying going back to regularly spending time with your friends. You guys do so much together, and it gives you a chance to take Zeus out so he can join in on the fun. Life has been great and it's been nothing but kind to you recently.


Earlier this morning, your group chat with your friends was blowing up with messages, and when you checked to see what it was, they were planning on going clubbing tonight. They asked you if you wanted to join, and of course because you have nothing going on anymore you agreed. You spent the entire day in bed, reading and watching TV, laying in bed with Zeus so you could save all of your energy for tonight. Zeus loved laying in bed and you need the energy for later, so you knew that this would be the best way to spend your time during the day where you have nothing going on. 

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