What we've been waiting for....part 2🩷

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After you and Austin found out you were pregnant, the both of you were incredibly happy. After all of the pain and suffering you guys had gone through, this is just what you have been wanting and needing. However, you both decided it would be best to keep it a secret until the birth in case you lost another baby. It was so difficult keeping it a secret, and it was so difficult trying to explain to people why you couldn't see them once your bump started to show, but you managed to get through it and it worked. You obviously called and texted family, but once the baby bump started getting too big to use the excuse of "I just gained a bit of weight recently", you decided that in person visits couldn't happen anymore. Both of your families were sceptical at first, but any suspicions died down and you and Austin seemed to explain perfectly fine and they didn't bother worrying any further.

Throughout the entire pregnancy, Austin was amazing. Due to the previous still birth and miscarriages, Austin didn't want you to do too much as he didn't want you to stress yourself out. He wanted to make sure that both you and the baby were as safe and happy as possible, he didn't want to lose another baby, but more importantly he didn't want to lose you. He cooked for you, he did all the cleaning and chores that needed to be done, he picked up a side job at a grocery store to earn extra money as you had to take time off of work, he did absolutely everything and just told you to relax and watch TV, and that everything else he would handle. You felt guilty about it, and you tried to get him to let you at least make dinner, but he wasn't risking anything and in the end you gave up and just listened to him. 

Your pregnancy went really well and both you and baby were healthy at every point. Baby had regular movements in the later stages of pregnancy, especially when it came to Austin talking to your belly. You guys decided to wait until birth to find out the gender of your baby, again because you didn't want to know just in case anything happened. You were both just so anxious that this baby wouldn't make it so you wanted to save everything until birth, however you had obviously been discussing names so you had one ready when the baby was born. This pregnancy seemed to fly by and it seemed as if you had only been pregnant for a week when you reached the 38 week mark. Everything was going amazing and you were both so excited and so ready to meet your baby.


You're chilling on the couch, watching TV and eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream while Austin is in the kitchen cleaning dishes. You have been having stomach cramps all day, but you just assumed you weren't feeling too great and didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until the couch felt a little wet that you knew something was up. You had just gone to the bathroom, so you knew you hadn't accidentally peed yourself, so when you looked at the seat and saw it was soaked, and the stomach pains started getting worse, you knew exactly what it was.


You shout, the pain evident in your voice. He runs in from the kitchen, panicked as he crouches down next to you.

Austin: "Is everything okay love?"

Y/N: "The baby's coming!"

That was all he needed to hear, he instantly ran to grab the hospital bag and the baby bag, getting them in the car as quickly as possible before coming back to get you, helping you up and walking you to the car. He gets you in, closing the door and running to his side of the car, setting off almost immediately. Once you're sat down, you get on the phone to your midwife and let her know that you're in labour and on the way to the hospital, she tells you that she's getting a room ready and she'll be waiting at the main entrance with a wheelchair to get you to the room quickly and safely. Austin drives as quickly as he legally can and it doesn't take long to get to the hospital. Once you park up and get out of the car, Austin grabs the bags and helps you walk towards the door, where the midwife is waiting with the promised wheelchair. Once you reach her, she helps you sit down and then takes you and Austin to the room she prepared for you.

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