My girl...part 2 🤭

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A/N: This was requested by @SomethingAboutElvis a little while ago, so here it is 

It has been 4 days since the party, and you and Austin have been texting none stop everyday. You guys planned the date when you went to the coffee shop, however you planned it for a couple days after so you guys had a chance to chat and get to know each other a little more before going on the date. You have really enjoyed talking to him and you'd be lying if you said you didn't fancy him. 

He had admitted to you that he has been a fan of you and your acting for ages and has watched everything you've been in, which you found adorable and thanked him for the support. You both laughed it off and it's a little inside joke between you guys now that he's been obsessed with you for ages and he's your stalker(obviously he isn't actually). 


Today is the day of the date, and you couldn't be anymore excited. You have been looking forward to this ever since you planned it, and your butterflies are through the roof. You went shopping with your sister yesterday to make sure you had the perfect outfit for the date, and she gave you expert advise, which has led to you having a beautiful dress to wear. 

During the day, you spend the time relaxing and just hanging out with your cats, named Star and Luna(Star is a rag-doll cat and Luna is a British short hair). It gets to 5:30pm and that's when you decide to start getting ready. 

You head upstairs into your room, both of your adoring cats following you as you do so, and start getting ready. You put on a beautiful formal dress, a pair of matching heels and do your makeup and hair afterwards, your cats sitting on your vanity admiring you as you finalize your look. Once done, you get up and go over to your mirror, making sure everything works well together and you look good. Once you're confident the outfit is good, you go around the house making sure all the windows are shut and locked, all the switches are off and no lights are left on before you leave. Just as you finish checking, you hear a knock on the door, knowing exactly who it is, you go over and open it, wide smile on your face as you're greeted with Austin stood on the doorstep, a big bouquet of white and pink roses, wide smile appearing on his face as he looks at you.

Austin: " look stunning!"

He states in awe, admiring how gorgeous you look. He knows you look beautiful all the time, but he can't get over just how angelic you look when you put effort into how you look and when you get all dolled up. He loves it.

Y/N: "Thank you, you look amazing too!"

His smile widens, and he winks at you to thank you, before handing you the roses.

Austin: "I saw them and thought of you, so I just had to get them"

Y/N: "They're gorgeous, thank you so much!"

You lean forward and kiss him on the cheek, before walking into the kitchen and putting them in a vase, before heading back over to Austin and locking your front door.

Austin: "You ready?"

Y/N: "Ready"

You guys walk over to his car, Austin holding your door open for you and closing it again as you get in. You belt up and Austin gets into the drivers side, also belting up, before you set off and head to the restaurant. It takes about 20 minutes to get there, but the drive was spent chatting, dancing and singing along to your playlist, so it made time go by faster. The vibes for this evening were already amazing and you were both already having so much fun, so you both knew this date was going to go amazingly.

Eventually you arrived, and Austin opened you door and helped you out, giving you his arm to hold onto as you walked inside. He gave the hostess his name for the reservation and she walked you guys over to the table, handing you menus and asking what drinks you wanted as you sat down. Austin ordered a whiskey and you ordered a red wine. The hostess walked off and Austin turned to look at you, a cheeky grin on his face.

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