She's ❤️‍🔥

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At this point in time, Austin is still filming for the Elvis movie, set to come out in the summer of 2022. Everything on set is going amazingly, the actors are doing great and are just thriving in their roles, the director is impressed with how everything is going, everything behind the scenes is running smoothly, everything is as it should be.

You recently got a job on the set as an assistant for the director, Baz Lurhman. He asks you to do certain things for him, small jobs here and there, and you get paid to do them. You've been on set a few times, but never when Austin was, however today that would be different. Baz needed you with him all day today, and today was a day focusing on some of Austin's main scenes.

It's about 12:30 in the afternoon, Baz had called for you as he needed to talk to you. You come up to him, wanting to know what he needed you for, and that's when he saw you.

Austin was talking away to Tom Hanks while waiting for the scene to begin, when you caught his eye, and he just couldn't look away(he's looking at you the way he is in the photo above). Your hair is silky and long, your face looks like it was carved by angels, your hands a dainty and elegant but not too small, your outfit is professional yet you still manage to look hot, your heels make your already beautiful legs look even better and Austin can't help but admire you.

Tom: "Austin, are you okay there? You seem to be distracted by something"

Austin: "She's"

Is all he can reply with, he is too captivated by your beauty to be able to form any other words or type of sentence. Tom giggles after noticing that he's staring at you. They both just stand there, that's until Baz walks away to grab something. Tom uses that as an opportunity to talk to you. He walks up to you and introduces himself.

Tom: "Heya, I'm Tom"

Y/N: "Omg hi, I'm Y/N, it's so nice to meet you"

Tom: "It's lovely to meet you too. I just came to let you know that my co-star Austin seems to have taken a liking to you and has quite the staring problem"

Tom says to you, smirking to himself. You're confused by what he's saying so you turn around, and you see that Austin is indeed staring at you. You can't believe it, you thought Tom was joking but he's being serious. You blush instantly and quickly turn back around to Tom, butterflies erupting in your stomach.

Tom: "You should talk to him, see where things go"

He suggests, winking at you before walking off. You stand there in disbelief, not knowing what to do, when all of a sudden you're pulled away from your thoughts by the feeling of two hands on your waist.

Austin: "Sorry about the staring, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I've just never seen a woman so majestic"

He whispers in your ear, your blush deepening.

Y/N: "It's fine, you didn't make me uncomfortable"

You reply, nervous giggling.

Austin: "Good, wouldn't wanna make my future girlfriend uncomfortable before I have a chance to take her out"

He whispers in a seductive tone, squeezing your waist slightly before walking back into set ready to film. You cannot believe what just happened, you're absolutely stunned.

You get on with the rest of the day perfectly normal, doing the usual jobs for Baz and standing next to him when not doing anything, earning the occasional wink, smirk or blow kiss from Austin.

Later on, Baz had asked you to put up a poster for a scene being filmed the next day. You were on the ladder, doing as asked, when all of a sudden the ladder began to wobble. You thought you could control it, but in the end you fell, but luckily someone had been walking by. Just as you closed your eyes, prepared to hit the floor, you landed into someone's arms, it was Austin. His right arm was just under your arms and your legs were draped over his left arm. You opened your eyes and saw the situation you were in, before looking up at Austin. He was staring deeply into your eyes, smirking at you, his arms tightening slightly, hinting that he didn't want to put you down.

Austin: "And what's a pretty girl like you doing not being careful while on a ladder?"

Y/N: "I was fine, but I couldn't stop it when it started wobbling so I kinda just fell and-"

Austin: "Calm down baby you're okay"

And you instantly stop talking. You don't know whether it's his voice, the pet name, or the feeling of his arms tightening again that shuts you up, but either way you're now quiet and blushing like mad again.

Austin: "Since I've got you in my arms, why don't I escort you to your trailer, someone else can finish this job"

Before you have a chance to respond, he starts walking towards the trailer park. Due to there being so many and all the actors ones being at the front, it takes him 15 minutes to get to yours, but he doesn't put you down just yet. Once you get there, he kicks the door open and walks inside, making his way to your bed, gently placing you down on it before crouching down next to you.

Austin: "Try not to get into anymore accidents while I'm gone, I don't want another man touching ya, got it?"

All you're able to do is nod in response. He smirks at you, kisses your cheek and then leaves. You just lay there, in utter disbelief as to what his behaviour has been like today. The more you think about it, the more flattered you get, and you seem to get turned on by it too. How seductive he was when he first came up to you, the flirting when he saved you from falling, the possessiveness, all of it just gets you going and you can't help but feel drawn to him. You hope this isn't the last you'll see him, and you hope that his behaviour will continue, as it makes you feel all sorts of things, including things you're not sure that you should be feeling towards someone you work with.

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