Mistress...part 3 🤭

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It has been roughly 3 years since the whole cheating situation with Austin. Your friendship has done nothing but flourish throughout these 3 years, and you're so happy you guys were able to be friends again. You regularly hang out, he comes out with your friend group on outings occasionally and your family invites him to family events that they hold, it's nice to have him around and be able to spend proper time with him, and not just sneak around. After you guys had talked things out and decided to be friends, Kai reached out to you through instagram and asked to meet up for coffee and a talk, to which you agreed. You met up with her at a Starbucks and sat and talked while drinking coffee for a few hours, and in that time you two became pretty close, got each others numbers and agreed to meet up more often. You guys ended up meeting so often that she officially joined your friend group and you're all friends now, and her and Austin have no bad blood between them and are good friends, in fact Austin was the one who got her and her and her new boyfriend together. Everything is going well and the situation seems to have been forgotten about by most and forgiven by all, which is great.


You are chilling n your apartment, you recently moved into it as you saw it on the market and you've had your eye on it for months, so the second it was up for sale you got it before anyone else had the chance to look at it. It took a couple of months to fully move in but you have all your furniture and you're fully settled in now, loving the new space. You are currently lay in bed, finishing up some work on your laptop when your phone goes off; a text from Austin that reads: "Hey, I was wondering if we could go for dinner tonight, there's something we need to talk about and it's pretty serious, let me know if you're free".

The tone of the text sounded serious and had you slightly worried, so you text him back to let him know that you were free tonight and asked what time and what restaurant to meet him at. He replied saying to just be ready by 8:30 and that he would pick you up, and to not worry about anything but looking pretty. You guys finished arranging the plans and sorting everything out and then you went back to finishing your work. 

Coincidentally, you finished your work at 7:45, the time you wanted to start getting ready, so the second you finished you turned your laptop off and started getting yourself ready. You did your makeup first as it takes the longest and you wanted to get it out of the way, and since you had your nails done the other day you decided to base your outfit and your makeup look off of the colour of your nails. Once your makeup was done, you went to your closet and picked out something to wear, a pair of shoes and some accessories, this is how it turned out:

 Once your makeup was done, you went to your closet and picked out something to wear, a pair of shoes and some accessories, this is how it turned out:

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Once you finally finish getting dressed, you hear a knock on your door. As you're not expecting a package or someone else, you instantly know it's Austin, so you head over to the door and quickly as you can and open it. He is stood there, hands in his pockets, he looks a little nervous, but it eases off and a smile spreads across his face when he sees you, his eyes also lighting up as he scans your outfit from head to toe.

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