Wandering eyes...👀

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You and Austin have been together for about 3 years now. You met on set of a film you were shooting in Australia and you guys got along instantly. The chemistry between you two was undeniable and the pair of you found it so easy to get to know one another, it was as if you two had been friends for years. Everyone around you noticed how quickly you guys became best friends and everyone had a feeling that would become more, and they were right. 7 months into your friendship, Austin confessed his love for you and he'd had a crush on you for a couple months, and you felt the same so you decided to make things official. The relationship was really fast moving and like a world-wind romance, you had your first kiss 3 weeks in, you slept together for the first time 2 months in and you moved in together 7 months in. It was a very quick moving relationship and your friends all feel like you rushed things and this would cause the relationship to fail, however you and Austin never really saw their points as you were both blind sighted by love and the honeymoon phase of the relationship, however this would soon start to unravel.

Once your relationship hit the 2 year mark, things started to get harder. You were having arguments more often, the silent treatment was being used as a weapon by both of you, Austin would sleep on the couch multiple days a week because you just couldn't get along, screaming matches would take place, Austin started taking longer acting jobs to avoid being around you and the toxic environment, you quit acting and got a normal 9-5 job at a Starbucks so the chances of running into him during the day were limited, you started spending more and more time away from each other and the sex stopped within 5 days of this all starting, so it's been an entire year since you guys last got intimate with each other. The relationship was really starting to crumble, as your friends and family had predicted, but would you guys be able to fix it, or was it screwed and over for good?


It's a Saturday morning, you're sat on the couch of the apartment that you and Austin share, he's in the kitchen getting a drink. You two haven't spoken this morning, you haven't looked at each other, you haven't even acknowledged each others existence. You're watching TV and are completely lost in the show when you hear Austin clear his throat.

Austin: "I'm going out for coffee, you wanna join?"

You guys regularly go out for coffee together, but it's not a date by any means, the romance between you two is minimal, you just get coffee and sit at a table together rarely talking, but you both do it anyways so you can still seem like a couple to your friends and family. 

Y/N: "Let me put my shoes on"

You say, not looking at him as you find a pair of converse and quickly put them on. Once done, you walk out of the door and Austin closes it behind you. You both get in the car and he drives you both to Starbucks, the silence in the car is deafening. Neither of you looking at the other or even attempting to talk. 

Once you arrive, you both walk in and separately order your coffees, only paying for your own and then walking over to a table. You both sip on your coffees and scroll on your phone, people walking in and out of the building, not really bothering you. Well, that id until someone walks in. A short blonde woman, dresses in all red walks in, order a coffee and walks past you guys to a table. This wouldn't normally bother you, but you notice Austin staring at her, looking her up and down, and sneaking glances at her every now and then as you guys continue to drink and scroll your phones. After putting up with it for 20 minutes, you down your coffee, chuck the cup away and just leave the building, storming out and walking home, an obviously annoyed expression on your face the entire time. Once you arrive home, you slam the door, chuck your shoes to the side and slump down on the couch, turning the TV back on.

Austin doesn't get home for another 4 hours, which is strange as he only went out to grab coffee, and that normally doesn't take him 4 hours, so immediately you knew something was up. When he walked through the door, he was looking at his phone with a massive smile on his face, the same smile that you hadn't seen for a year. This rose your suspicions even more and your stomach churned just thinking about what's causing that smile. He close the door behind him, took his shoes off and walked inside, the smile instantly disappearing when he saw you. He just rolled his eyes, walked into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Yes both of you are arguing and not getting along, but this hurt you for some reason. He was smiling like never before and then it vanished when he saw you, does he even love you anymore? 

You remained on the couch for 2 hours before Austin left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen, still smiling at his phone. This annoyed you so you decided to have an early night. You went and brushed your teeth, got changed and then got into bed, going to sleep so you don't have to put up with Austin. That night he slept on the couch again, but didn't go to sleep until 1:00 am as he was still on his phone.

What is he doing? Why is it making him smile? How long will this go on for? You just want the answers to put your mind at ease. One question plagues more mind more than any others though...

Is your relationship well and truly over or is there a way that you can save it?

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