Wandering eyes...part 2 👀

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Yours and Austins relationship has only been getting more and more distant and it seems as if Austin is the one causing the distance between you two. The whole situation of him always smiling at his phone has continued and doesn't show any sign of stopping. Due to this behavior, any love you had left for him has been slowly but surely disappearing and you've mentally checked out of the relationship, but you have yet to physically leave.

Multiple nights a week, Austin will leave the house, be gone until early hours of the morning and then when he would get back he looked so happy and as if he was on cloud 9. All of this was pissing you off so much but you felt like there wasn't much you could do, he barely wanted to be around you anymore let alone have a serious conversation with you. You let this carry on and on and on for 9 months, just not having the courage to bring all of this up to him. You desperately wanted to as it was keeping you awake night after night, but you left it to fester and get worse, until you finally reached your breaking point...


You're sitting on the couch watching TV, Austin had gone out hours ago and you had a feeling that you knew what he was doing. As you sat there, you knew you had to bring all of this up to him tonight. You had gone through enough, you had put up with enough of this shit and you just wanted to know what was going on so you could get out of this relationship. You thought through everything you would say to him, making sure you had it all perfect ready for when he got home, and making sure you wouldn't have to stand there for 10 minutes trying to find the words. 

Finally, at 3:00 am, he walked through the apartment door. This was it, this was the time you would confront him. He walked into the kitchen, chucking his jacket on the counter and getting a drink from the fridge. As he did this, you turned the TV off and sat there for a few seconds, before you decided to speak up.

Y/N: "Fun night?"

He remained silent, freezing in place as he didn't expect you to say anything.

Austin: "Yeah"

Y/N: "Good....at least you enjoy spending time with her"

That was it. That was the sentence that made him panic and freeze entirely. You stood up from the couch, walking over to the kitchen counter, arms crossed and face serious. He put his drink down and turned to look at you, seeing how pissed off you looked.

Austin: "Y/N I-.."

Y/N: "What's her name? What's the name of the girl you've been sneaking around behind my back with?"

He stays silent for a moment, just looking at you with pure guilt on his face.

Austin: "Stacy.."

Y/N: "And is it that blonde woman we saw at Starbucks 9 months ago? The one you couldn't seem to keep your eyes off?"

The guilt on his face deepens, he realises you've known what's been going on for ages, and that realisation kills something inside of him.

Austin: "Yes..."

Y/N: "Knew it.....in fact that day I had a feeling something would happen with you and her"

Austin: "Really?"

Y/N: "The way you looked at her, the way your eyes sparkled when looking at her, the smile on your face....you used to look at me that way..."

Austins guilt gets even worse, this just makes the situation that even more real and even more painful. He's now realised how much this has affected you and how long you have been thinking all of this over and how long this has been a problem for you.

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