What we've been waiting for....🤭

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You and Austin have been together for 10 years. You met in 2012 on the set of a movie and became incredibly close friends, but over time the two of you started to develop feelings for one another, feelings that neither of you knew were reciprocated. Both of you kept your feelings hidden out of fear of rejection and ruining the friendship:2 years you both kept your feelings hidden, until you couldn't anymore. You guys went out for a walk together on Easter Sunday in 2014, you were walking through a field just laughing and having fun when all of a sudden Austin just turned to you and confessed that he had feelings for you. His confession was like something straight out of pride and prejudice, it was everything you had been wanting to hear for 2 years. You let him speak and then when he finished you confessed your feelings to him, and then he asked you out on a date.

From then on, everything just kept getting better and better. You went on about 7 dates, before Austin asked if he could be your boyfriend. You heard that right, he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend, he asked if he could be your boyfriend. Of course you said yes and that was the beginning of your dream life. You and Austin's relationship blossomed and the chemistry between you two was undeniable, you were the perfect couple, teenage couples saw you guys in public and said to their partner that they aspired to have a relationship like yours. You two were such a good match and the relationship was like something out of a romance novel. You both went on date nights weekly, you both spoiled each other with gifts every now and then, you both went above and beyond for each others birthdays and Christmas, you spent a lot of time with one another, you both got close with each other's families, it was honestly amazing.

In 2018, 4 years into your relationship, Austin took you on holiday to Italy; you went to fancy restaurants, explored the beautiful towns, met amazing people, tried gorgeous new foods and just had a great time. And then, on the final day of the holiday, Austin took you for a walk towards the beach, and written in the sand was "Will you Marry me?", surrounded by candles and just a beautiful scene. It was so heartwarming and made you so happy, you jumped into his arms and said yes quicker than Austin could blink. You enjoyed the rest of your holiday as fiances and then returned home telling all of your friends and family the ring and talking about the proposal. Everyone was so happy for you and they all couldn't wait for the wedding and for your life to begin together. 

The wedding planning started soon after, and you guys just enjoyed the time together planning the most special day of your lives. You didn't want a big fancy wedding, you decided to have a small ceremony and reception and spend most of the budget on travelling to different countries for the honeymoon. It was fun to plan and it was great to see your special day be slowly building up until it finally happened, and when it did happen, it was a day neither of you would forget. The ceremony was beautiful, the vows you guys wrote for one another bought tears to everyone's eyes, even the officiant was in tears. Your first kiss as a married couple felt like an explosion of fireworks and running back down that aisle together marked the start of your life as a married couple. The reception was great, everyone was having fun dancing and chatting, the first dance was a gorgeous sight to witness- you had a choreographed dance to Can't help falling in love by Kasey Musgraves. The rest of the night was an absolute blast and everyone who attended had so much fun. The honeymoon was just as amazing, you traveled to Spain, France, Germany, Norway, Greece and Australia. You guys had so much fun by you were so tired and jet lagged when you returned home. The beginning to your married life had been an adrenaline filled yet fun one, and you couldn't wait for the rest of it.

The year 2022, 2 and a half years after your wedding, you and Austin sat down and had a talk about children. You both really wanted to have a child, so you guys decided to start trying, however little did you know just how difficult this journey would be for you two. 6 months after you started trying, you had absolutely no success, it was frustrating for the two of you and the amount of times you two would hold each other and comfort one another as you cried because of the little success you guys were having. However, you weren't giving up. You guys kept on trying, no success at all, until December of 2022, you finally fell pregnant. You and Austin were over the moon and couldn't believe you were finally pregnant. However, the happiness wouldn't last long as 2 months in you suffered a miscarriage while visiting Austins parents. This was absolutely devastating for everyone, you and Austin finally conceived and then just like that it was taken from you. It was awful. You both spent a few months grieving until deciding to try again, and the  you had more success. In the July of 2023 you fell pregnant again. You and Austin were so happy with this news, you were ecstatic. The pregnancy was going so well, you guys found out it was twin girls and you were both so excited. However, like the last one this would be ruined for you. Your water broke at 7 months and you had to have an emergency C-Section. The twins were in incubators for ages and in an awful condition and you almost lost your life during the birth. After just 3 hours of you coming back to a stable condition, you and Austin were informed that the twins had been still born, and you had lost 2 more babies. This news devastated the both of you, you thought you had finally managed to have a family, and it was ripped away from you brutally at the last minute. You were kept in the hospital for 2 months to make sure nothing happened to you, and then you were discharged. This loss hit you both even harder, you had literally just almost had the chance to see your babies and have the family you both wanted, but you lost both of them within 3 hours of entering that hospital. After that, you both just wanted to comfort one another and be there for each other and not try for a baby for ages as you both needed time to recover, and you guys did just that. However, little did you both know a lovely surprise was on the way, when you both needed it the most.


It's November 2024, you and Austin have finally healed from the loss of the twins and you have been living your life as normal since May. Obviously you still cared for them, you cared for all 3 of the babies you had lost, you had all of the ultrasounds on a shelf in your guys bedroom with the positive tests next to them and the names they were going to have written on the ultrasound pictures. Life was just getting back to normal, but unfortunately recently you had fallen ill and you had to take time off of work because your stomach hurt more than anything, you felt sick constantly, you were vomiting every 10 minutes and you found it hard to keep food down. This was no state to be in  at work so your manager told you to take as much time off as you needed and to only return when you were fit to do so. You had been resting at home and Austin had been taking such great care of you, giving you breakfast in bed, bathing you and washing your hair, doing your hair for you, doing face masks for you, painting your finger and toe nails to make you feel beautiful and giving you stomach massages. You thanked him for everything and you appreciated him for taking such amazing care of you. 

Austin is in the kitchen, making some soup for you and you're in the bathroom. Ever since you fell ill you have been confused as to why as you haven't come into contact with anyone who is sick and you don't really leave the house unless it's to visit family, and then you got an idea. You had 1 spare pregnancy test in the drawer, and as painful as it was you decided to take it. You placed it in your urine, put it on the bathroom counter and then waited. You paced the bathroom and then after the recommended time, you checked the test. You couldn't believe your eyes, the happiness you felt was unreal and tears welled in your eyes: you were pregnant. You held the test in your hand and RAN downstairs to Austin, extremely excited to tell him. You ran into the kitchen and went up to him, grabbing his arm and turning him to face you.

Austin: "Woah, what's got you so energetic all of a sudden?"

He asks, chuckling at the sudden burst of energy and excitement you had.

Y/N: "You won't believe me when I tell you"

Austin: "What is it?"

You hand him the pregnancy test, hand over your face to hide your smile as you wait for his reaction. He stares at the test for a little before looking at you, tears in his eyes.

Austin: "R-really? Is this real?"

Y/N: "Yes!"

Austins smile grows and he wraps his arms tightly around you, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around.


He places you back down, placing both of his hands on your cheeks and looking into your eyes, still smiling like a child.

Austin: "You have no idea how happy I am!"

Y/N: "We're finally going to have our baby!"

You both smile at each other and share a passionate kiss, you both couldn't wait to finally have the baby you've been wanting for the past 2 years. This is the most excited you've been in a year. However, due to previous experiences you guys decided to not tell anyone until you had birthed a happy, healthy baby, out of fear you would loose a 4th baby. And with that, your 3rd pregnancy began and you both couldn't wait to have the baby you have been needing and wanting for 2 years.

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