Proud Boyfriend Moment 😊

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The Proud Boyfriend Moment. Every boyfriend experiences it, some only once, some multiple times, but no matter what every boyfriend will always have a proud boyfriend moment at some point or another. A moment where they witness their partner do something incredibly and they sit back and watch in absolute awe, proud of their partner in that moment. Austin has yet to experience a moment like that in your relationship, as you have only been together for 5 months. 

You're an up and coming singer, you're not very big yet as you haven't long started your career, but you're getting there and you're making progress. You started just before you and Austin met and got together, and he's been one of your listeners since then, loving every song you release and sharing them to others and getting them to listen to your songs, however he does this without your knowledge. He really wants to see your music career take off and he wants to see your success flourish and grow. To no surprise of his own, it worked. Your songs blew up and your monthly listeners have gone through the roof, your albums and singles are selling out like mad and you have millions of fans all over the world. This has led you to be able to have your very first huge scale concert, with a venue that will fit thousands to watch you perform and do what you're best at. You and Austin have spent ages planning this concert with your team and have got everything sorted from stage lights, back-up dancers, the songs you'll perform, the venue you'll perform at, the outfits your back-up dancers will wear, the outfit you'll wear etc. You cannot wait for this, this is the biggest moment in your music career and you are so excited to be doing this. You couldn't be any more grateful for Austins help and support in helping you achieve your dreams, you love him so much and you always thank him for being a big reason as to why you are where you are. 


The big day has come. The day of your very first huge scale concert. You are incredibly excited but also nervous at the same time. You've performed in pubs and social clubs, you've performed in the street, you've performed at small shows, but never have you done something like this. And as amazing as this is for your career and as excited as you are, you can't help but feel a little nervous about performing and anxious that people won't enjoy it. Austin has been calming you and reassuring you all day long, telling you that if people didn't like your music and didn't enjoy you singing then they wouldn't have bought tickets to come and see you. This really helped and really calmed you down, and you felt like you would be ok to perform tonight. The day goes by, everyone setting everything up ready for the show and everyone who will be on stage with you getting ready as the audience starts to come in an everyone takes their seats. You are dressed and ready and are stood with Austin chatting just before he walks off to his place in the arena where he will be watching you with his friends. This is the outfit that you will be wearing:

 This is the outfit that you will be wearing:

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After a while Austin wishes you luck, kisses you goodbye and walks off to his place in the arena with his friends, ready to watch the show

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After a while Austin wishes you luck, kisses you goodbye and walks off to his place in the arena with his friends, ready to watch the show. The back-up dancers have taken their place on the stage as you are introduced as a platform in the stage raises you up, the audience going wild, cheering and screaming as they see you. You smile and look around at your adoring fans, loving all of the positive reactions as you start singing your first song, causing the audience to erupt in a large ocean of screams and jumping as you sing and have a fun time on stage. 

The shows goes on and you're all having a good time, it lasts a total of 3 hours and the audience loved every single bit. At the end of the show you stand in the middle of the stage having just finished the last song, your back-up dancers lined up either side of you, all of you smiling as the audience screams and cheers for you, having loved the show. Austin is stood with his friends admiring you. In any relationship he's been in, he's never experienced an overwhelming feeling of pride, he's never really had the proud boyfriend moment that so many men seem to talk about and say that they experience. But, him having watched you grow from a small underground artist that performs in pubs, to a global superstar that is loved by millions worldwide and having seen how amazing you were on that stage and watching you just love and do what you do best, he's finally had that moment. He is overtaken by a massive feeling of pride and happiness, watching you and experiencing this moment. He stand there next to his friends, looking at you with pure love and adoration, smiling(the way he is in the picture at the start). This is it. This is his proud boyfriend moment. He's finally experienced it, and he loves the feeling of it. He loves having this feeling towards you and your achievements, and he wishes to experience it more often. 

Authors Note: Heyy guys, I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who reads my stories loves them. At the time of writing this, this book is at #7 in the Austin Butler # and I am honestly so happy and so proud of myself. I have always had a passion for wring and the fact that i get to do it and have so many people read my book, it means a lot to me. When I checked yesterday it was at #50, but now it's at #7,and honestly I just want to thank you all so much for loving these stories and for reading them, it means the absolute world to me. Let me know if there are any specific situations/scenarios that you want me to write about and I shall do it. And again, thank you so much!!

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