My girl...👀

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You are an actor, and you've been in the industry for about 10 years now. You started when you were 15, as it was a passion of yours for years, and when auditions for a movie were being held in your town, you took the opportunity. It took all of a couple seconds for you to be given the part, the director not only found you perfect for the role looks wise, but he recognised that you had amazing acting talent and that you would do amazing things in the world of film. The movie was an absolute hit when it came out, you were brilliant in the role and directors and casting directors were all scrambling trying to get you to be in their films. Over the next 10 years, you were the most desired actress for MULTIPLE different roles and films, everyone wanted to have you working on their projects, you had such godly acting talent and everyone with an ounce of a brain could see that, so it was no surprise that you were being cast in so many different roles. Millions of people all around the world love you and your roles, so many people are fans of your work and admire you as an actress, and kids look up to you as inspiration and want to grow up to be just like you. There is someone in particular who REALLY loves your films and is a massive fan of yours- Austin Butler. He has watched every single movie and show you have been in, he has watched every interview you have done, he has watched every red carpet you've attended, admiring you from afar if he attended the same event. You could say he's developed a crush on you over the past couple years. He would give anything to be in your presence and to know you as a person.


Tonight, a party was being held. Major celebrities and actors would be attending. There would be expensive food and alcohol being served, famous singers such as Beyonce and Adele would be performing and it would be just a nice fun evening to celebrate all of the songs, albums, shows and movies released recently. You couldn't wait to go, it was a huge honour to be invited and you had been looking forward to it for a while, and you actually got your outfit for it about 4 weeks before hand to make sure you had it secured in time. It is finally the day and you couldn't be anymore excited. You had been prepping for this for a while now, you wanted to make sure your nails were done before so you got used to doing things with long nails before the event, you made sure your outfit and shoes were in your wardrobe long before as you didn't want to leave it to last minute and you purchased the best of the best makeup so you had the best look possible on the night. It comes time for you to get ready, and you can barely contain your smile. This is the outfit  you picked out for the evening:

After two hours, you have finally finished getting ready

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After two hours, you have finally finished getting ready. You really wanted to take your time as you wanted to ensure that you looked your absolute best for the evening, not wanting your makeup to separate or rub off after a few hours and wanting to make sure your hair wouldn't get messed before you even arrived. You stand in the mirror, admiring yourself and loving every inch of your outfit, you really picked it well. This is probably the most beautiful dress you have purchased in a while and you will definitely be keeping this for parties or for special occasions. While you're looking, you hear a car horn from outside, your personal driver is here to pick you up. You grab your bag and put up over your shoulder, going around your house making sure all of the sockets are turned off and all of your lights are off. You lock all of your windows, closing the blinds, lock the back door and then leave, locking the front door behind you. The driver is holding the door open for you as you walk over. You thank him and get inside the car, him closing the door behind you. As you belt yourself up and place your bag on your lap, the driver gets back in his chair and sets off, driving you to the party.

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