She's part 2 😉

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It's been three days since the encounters with Austin, and they have been on your mind 24/7. Every time you recount them or think about them, you catch yourself blushing or subconsciously crossing your legs. It's safe to say he has driven you crazy, and has you wrapped around his finger.

You haven't actually seen Austin since that day, which is disappointing, you were really hoping to see him again, to see whether what happened was just him being friendly with the team around him or whether there were actually feelings behind his actions. Every morning you'd wake up hoping to see him on set and every night you'd go to bed thinking about him and the things he did and said. It doesn't matter what you're doing, where you are or who you're with, he is always on your mind, and you always hope to run into him again, and today was your lucky day.

You're the only one on set, everyone else is either out having a break for the day or they're in their trailer sorting certain things out. Nobody is due to be on set today so you took the opportunity for some time to think and clear your head. As you're sat minding your own business, you feel a presence behind you, and a sudden wave of cologne smacks you in the face. You don't even have time to turn around and see who it is, when a familiar voice whispers into your ear.

Austin: "I've missed you darling"

The man you've been constantly thinking about these last few days, the man who has turned you on like no other, the man who has driven you crazy, the man that has you wrapped around his finger. Your face flushes at the sound of his voice alone, what he said made it even worse. 'I've missed you', you can't believe it, maybe there was feelings behind what he did the other day, but you're still skeptical.

Austin: "I've been trying to find you for days, where have you been hiding pretty girl?"

He asks, running his index finger down your cheek and along your jaw, shivers rattling all the way down your body.

Y/N: "I've been doing odd jobs for Baz, haven't really been around all that much"

You reply, trying to hide both the nervousness and the obvious horniness present in your voice. Austin stands up and walks in front of you, crouching down to your level and staring you directly in the eye, the eye contact is so intense you last all of 0.5 seconds before your eyes dart down to look at your lap.

Austin: "Eyes on me baby"

Without even thinking about it, you instantly look back up at him, your face bright red from his demand, and by the smirk on his face he can tell.

Austin: "Since I have you to myself, I can finally have a proper talk with ya"

Y/N: "And w-why would you want to talk to me?"

Austin chuckles at your comment, dumbfounded by the fact that you can't see why he wants to talk to you.

Austin: "Because I'm drawn to you doll, I can't help but feel attracted to you, it's as if you have a rope tied to me and you pull on it every time you're around to get my attention. There's just something about you that captivates me, and I'm not complaining"

Your face starts to heat up, you can't believe it!! There WAS feelings behind his antics the other day, this just makes everything even worse. Now you feel even more turned on when he speaks and when you think about what happened, because now you know he meant it, he wasn't messing with you.

Austin: "What's going through that pretty little head o' yours darlin'?"

Y/N: "Oh nothing, just zoned out that's all"

Austin: "Don't lie to me baby, I know you're thinking about somethin'"

It's silent for a minute, before Austin smirks and speaks up again.

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