"They definitely fucked 👀"

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The start of 2024. You and Austin had just stared in a film together, and today you're going to the premier.

You've just finished getting ready and you're getting into the car. Austin was ready a while before you so he should already be there. The entire drive there you are calming your nerves down, as it's been a while since you've been in front of so many photographers.

After about 30 minutes you arrive, stepping out of the car and heading over to the red carpet. When everyone noticed you, they just start cheering and clapping, to which you smile and blow kisses in response. Austin is already on the carpet, and upon noticing your arrival, he ushers you over to him. You make your way to him, smiling at him brightly, talking to one another amongst the cheering and the bright flashes of cameras.

Austin: "I was wandering when you'd get here"

Y/N: "Awe, did you miss me?"

You ask teasingly

Austin: "You bet your sexy ass I did"

He responds, whispering into your ear, smirking. You both giggle and then turn to the cameras, posing. He stand tall, arm around your waist, you leaning up against him, smiling for the paparazzi. While posing, you two like to play with one another a little bit and have some banter on the carpet.

You're just stood posing as usual, looking absolutely stunning as always, when Austin slaps your ass, eyes remaining forward as he poses. This catches you off guard and you turn to look at him, laughing.

Y/N: "Cheeky, save it for elsewhere!"

Austin: "Yes ma'am"

You both giggle and Austin gives you a quick kiss to the cheek. He pulls you in front of him, placing both of his hands on your hips as he stands behind you. Paparazzi goes absolutely MENTAL over all this banter and the change in stance.

Paparazzi #1: "I'm sorry, but the chemistry between these two is unreal"

They exclaim to another member of the paparazzi.

Paparazzi #2: "Yeah, they definitely fucked!"

They both nod and smirk at each other, agreeing that you and Austin must've hooked up at some point during the filming of this movie.

You two continue posing and flirting with each other, before walking off and making your way inside.

The truth is, you two had in fact hooked up, hundreds of times, while filming this movie. By now you two had lost count of how many times you two had had sex, but you weren't going to stop any time soon. And you guys flirting on the red carpet was your subtle way of letting the public know that something was going on with you, but as you guys haven't made things official yet this is the only way you can go about it.

However, shortly after this, things will change for the better between you two..........

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