Moving on....

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You and Austin met and started dating in 2017. One of his friends had introduced the two of you to one another and you hit it off immediately, and swiftly began dating. Your relationship was amazing, a world wind romance, you guys were the picture perfect couple and people saw you guys in the street and aspired to have a relationship like yours. You regularly went on dates, you spent a lot of time together, you met each others families and joined one another on family vacations, you spent every important holiday together, you moved in together and he even proposed to you in 2022. Everything was perfect, until it wasn't.

Eventually, everything stopped. You guys had outgrown each other, you no longer fit together the way you once did, and you noticed that when your interests and the things you enjoyed doing started to change as you grew up. The things you wanted to do together constantly clashed and you could very rarely agree on what to do. Hobbies you both enjoyed doing together you no longer enjoyed as a couple and you started getting into petty arguments over things that didn't really matter. After about 5 months of this going on, you both realised there was no saving it at this point, the relationship was done. The pair of you sat down and had a chat and decided to break up, as it was the best thing to do. Once that was done, you guys split everything between the two of you, you taking the things you purchased and Austin doing the same, but you let Austin keep the apartment as you were moving back in with your parents until you could afford your own place. And with that, the relationship was over. You guys went about life normally, taking some time to grieve the relationship and heal, but you found that easier than Austin did. You healed quickly with the help of close friends and family and managed to get yourself back out there, whereas Austin missed you deeply and was struggling without you. Little did he know, he would have to force himself to move on....


It's been about 4 months since the break up with Austin, and at the 3 month mark you put yourself back out there and started using dating apps. You rarely had any luck, the guys didn't really have any serious interest or they ghosted after a while, that was until you met Jeremiah. You matched on tinder and he messaged you, and things started off slow and steady, but after a while things were going amazing and you moved onto having one another's number. You both got on incredibly well, you had the same sense of humour, your interests were almost identical and your hobbies were very similar too. Talking to him was amazing, and you enjoyed it. After a terrible day, he would always put a smile on your face, and you did the same to him. The day you guys facetimed for the first time was brilliant, you guys spoke for hours and the conversation just flowed so well. You were both slowly but surely falling for one another and you both knew that. This is what he looks like:

It has been 3 weeks since you guys first started talking, and he's asked you out on a date

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It has been 3 weeks since you guys first started talking, and he's asked you out on a date. Of course you said yes, and you are incredibly excited for it. The entire day you couldn't contain your smile and every time you had a notification from him it reminded you of the date. When the time came, you put on your best outfit and making sure you look divine. Once ready, you get in your car and drive to the restaurant. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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